Associate Professor
Machine Design, and Engineering Materials
4/721-Friends colony Dodhpur , Aligarh-UP-202001
Dr Farrukh Hafeez PhD (2012) from Jamia Millia Islamia and is first class throughout the carrier. Being in teaching profession for the last 25years, has an experience of serving some of the prestigious institutions of India and abroad. The 25 years experience includes teaching graduate and post graduate courses (M.Tech) of mechanical engineering in universities of India such as; Aligarh Muslim University (a central Government University), Institute of Technology and Management Gurgaon, IIT Delhi, Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi , International University of Shaqra in Saudia . Presently he is serving as an Associate Professor in Aligarh Muslim University and has contributed several quality research papers in national and International journals and conferences. His areas of interest includes machine design, strength of materials, material science, engineering mechanics,
- Publication
1. Farrukh.Hafeez and Asif Husain, “Standardization of diminutive specimen testing techniques for predicting the mechanical properties of metals”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2148, 030012 (2019); Published Online: 03 September 2019. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5123934.
2. F.Hafeez, and A.Husain, “3D-Modelling of Miniature Shear Punch Test for the Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Metals”, International Journal of recent Advances in Engg. &Technology(IJRAET),Vol.4, sp.Issue-1, pp 1-7, Feburary- 2016 [ISSN: 2347- 2812]
3. F. Hafeez and A. Husain, “Design and Development of a Notched Ring Shaped Miniature Specimen and Its Test Setup to Study the Mechanical Behavior of Metals” , International Journal for research in emerging science and technology, volume-2, issue-5, May-2015 [ISSN: 2349-7610]
4. F. Hafeez and A. Husain, “Diminutive Specimen Test Techniques for Predicting Mechanical Behavior of Metals-A Review” International Journal for research in emerging science and technology, volume-2, issue-5, May-2015 [ISSN: 2349-7610]
5. F. Hafeez, A. Husain, and M.N. Deshmukh “Experimental and Simulated Technique for the Determination of Metal Properties using Diminutive specimen techniques” Published in Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, NCAME-Feb 21-22, 2014,[ISBN: 978-93-81274 -76-7]
6. F. Hafeez, A. Husain and M.N. Deshmukh, “Determination of Metal Properties Using Finite Element Analysis of Diminutive Specimen” Presented in National conference on Emerging trends in science, technology and Management, organized by GITM Gurgaon , 18-19 January 2013.
7. F. Hafeez, M.N. Deshmukh, A. Husain, and D.K. Sehgal, “Miniature Test Technique for Acquiring true Stress-Strain curves for a large range of strains using tensile test and Inverse Finite Element Method” International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, Trans Tech publication, Switzerland, Vols.
110-116, pp 4204-4211, 2012 [ ISSN: 1660-9336]
8. Farrukh Hafeez, Asif Husain, D. K. Sehgal and M. N. Deshmukh, “Inverse Determination of Materials Properties using Diminutive Specimen Technique”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing Engineering & Technology, Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engg. and Tech., Hyderabad, January 10-11, 2011, pp.174-181.
9. F. Hafeez, Asif Husain, D. K. Sehgal and M.N. Deshmukh, “Small Specimen test Technique to Monitor the Performance of in-service Components: Experiment and Modeling”, Proceeding of National conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering , BSA college of Engineering and Technology, Mathura, RAME- March 25th 26th, pp. 15-19, 2011 [ISBN: 978-81-906515-3-0]
10. F. Hafeez, Asif Husain, D. K. Sehgal and M.N. Deshmukh “Miniature Test Technique for acquiring true Stress-Strain curves for a large range of Strains using a tensile test and Inverse Finite Element method”, IEEE International Conference on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, CMAE 2011, Delhi, India,March 21-23, pp. 575-579, 2011 [ISBN: 978-1-4244-9505-4]
11. F. Hafeez, Asif Husain, D. K. Sehgal and M.N. Deshmukh “Inverse ModelingTechnique for the Prediction of Constitutive Behavior of Steels”, Proceeding ofInternational Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural and GeotechnicalEngineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, pp.1-8.Oct. 25-27, 2009.
12.Asif Husain, Farrukh Hafeez, D. K. Sehgal and M.N. Deshmukh, “An inverse Technique for the Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Materials using ANNBased Finite Element Method” International Journal of Advances in NumericalMethods, Tech Science Press, vol. 22, No. 1, pp.74-90, 2008.[ ISBN-13: 978-0- 9824205-0-8 and ISBN-10: 0-9824205-0-1].
13. Asif Husain, Farrukh Hafeez ,M.N. Deshmukh, D. K. Sehgal, “Prediction ofMechanical Properties Using Miniature Specimen Techniques” Proceeding of the National Conference, Organized by Institute of Technology & Management,Sector-23A, HUDA, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, Jan 5-6, 2007.
14.F. Hafeez, “Analysis of Air Foil Bearing on Elastic foundation For Polygon Foil”Published in National Conference Proceedings organized by JNTU College ofEngineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 5th – 6th May-2006.
15.F. Hafeez, and Y. Nath, “ Finite Difference Formulation of IncompressibleReynolds Equation”, Indian Journal of Recent. Advances. in Science andTechnology. (Ind Jr.), vol.16, no.1, pp 10-16, 2004 [ISSN: 0971-0027].
16.F. Hafeez, N. Alam, and K. Zaheeruddin, “ Analytical Solution Of An Angle-Ply Composite Plate With Two opposite Edges Simply Supported And two Free”,Indian Journal of Recent Advances in Science and technology , vol. 15, no.1, pp 1-8 ,2003 [ISSN: 0971-0027].Lab Manuals/Books Published
- 1.Engineering Practical Book (Vol-II), Basic Mechanics and Science of Materials, Educreation Publishers, 2017, ISBN- 978-1-61813-687-9.
- Engineering Practical Book (Vol-II), Thermal , Educreation Publishers, 2016, ISBN-978-1-61813-315-1.
- Fluid Mechanics Practical Record Book, ABC Publishers, ITM, Gurgaon-2005, ISBN -978-93-5268-570-3.
- Fluid Machine Practical Record Book, ABC Publishers, ITM Gurgaon-2006,
- Internal combustion Engine Practical Record Book, ABC Publishers, ITM,Gurgaon-2005
- Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory Manual, ABC Publishers, ITM,Gurgaon-2005
- Miniature tensile test Specimen holder and Notched ring shaped miniature specimen- Docket NO: 2919, CBR No: 1872 , AP.No: 201711001620, 16th Jan 2017. (Published 2018)
- ï?· SHEAR Center Locator- Docket NO: 12908, CBR No: 8126, AP.No: 201711007025, 28th Feb 2017.( Published 2018)