Prof. Md Fakhrul Hoda
MBBS, M.S. M.Ch.
Dr. M.F. Huda is an Associate Professor in Dept. of Neurosurgery, J.N. Medical College, AMU, Aligarh. After obtaining M.S. (Surgery) from AMU in 1994, joined the Dept. of Surgery as Clinical Registrar in 1995. In 1998 he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Neurosurgery Unit. He obtained M.Ch. (Neurosurgey) degree from Institute of Medical Sciences, B.H.U., Varanasi. He has 15 years experience of Neurosurgery and he has special interest in Micro-neurosurgery. He is participating in Glioma vaccine research in the department.
He has published more than two dozen papers in journals of national and international repute. He participated in more than 40 national and international conferences and workshops and presented 20 papers in conferences. He guided eleven Post-graduate students as Supervisor/Co-supervisor. He is keenly interested in starting M.Ch. programme in the department as early as possible.
- Publication
- Tabish Khan, R.M. Sharma, M.F. Huda, Obaid A Siddiquie. Endoscopic Management of third ventricle colloid cyst, analysis of the technical nuances and the neuroendoscopic anatomy: A preliminary experience. IP Indina Journal of Neurosciences. 2019
- Mohd Azam Haseen, Adil Ali Mohmud, M.F.Huda and Mohd Haneef Beg. Temporal artery rupture following firework rocket injury. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery Vol. 48, Iss2, Page 225 – 226, May – Aug 2015.
- S. Moied ahmed, M.F. Huda, Shahna Ali, Obaid a Siddiqui, Arjit samarta, Percutaneous Tracheostomy has come to stay- a debate (Original Article), Souvenir, XXI Annual Conference of Neurosurgery society (U.P & U.K), 14th Feb 2015.
- Urfi, Amir, M.F. Huda, Khalil. S, Kirmani.S. Pattern of head injuries among victims of road traffic accidents in a tertiary care teaching hospital Indian Journal of Community Health Vol. 25. No. 02 April 2013 – June 2013. (Original Article)
- Nasib Iqbal Kamali, M.F. Huda, Vinod Kumar Srivastava. Ocular Cysticerosis causing isolated ptosis: A are preseantation. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health; Vol. 06 Iss – 3, Page. 303 – 305, year: 2013.
- Manoj Kumar, Munawwar Husain, Saadia Saed, M.F. Huda and Jawed A Usmani. Head Injuries Sustained by Children Due to Fall From Height: A Comprehensive Study; J Indian Acad Forensic Med, Vol 35, No. 4 Oct – Dec 2013. (Original Article)
- Shahbaz H. Faridi, V.K. Srivastava, M.F. Huda and Mohd. Khalid. Accidental Penetrating brain injury through anterior Fontanelle: A rare Phenomenon. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine; Vol. 19, Iss-02, page 109-110, Feb 2012.
- Kamali N.I., Huda M.F., Srivastava V.K. Falciparum Malaria troubling neurosurgeons. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine; Vol. 38, Issue-1, page61-62, Jan 2012.
- Nishat Afroz, Nazoora Khan, Jasmeen Hassan and M. F. Huda. Role of Imprint Cytology in the Intraoperative Diagnosis of Pituitary Adenomas. Diagnostic Cystopathology. Vol 39. No. 2 Page 138-140, 2011.
- Nasib Iqbal Kamali, Mohammad Fakhrul Huda and Vinod Kumar Srivastava. Intraventricular Hydatid Cyst causing Entrapped Temporal Horn Syndrome: case report and review of Literature. Tropical Parasitology; Vol.1, No. 2, page 113-115, July 2011.
- Mohammad Fakhrul Huda, Nasib Iqbal Kamali, V. K. Srivastava & Mohammad Kaif. Spontaneous acute subdural hematoma in malaria: a case report. J Vector Borne Dis, Vol. 48, Page 247-248, December 2011.
- Abdul Hai, Atia Z. Rab, Imran Ghani, Mohammad F. Huda and Abdul Quadir. Perforation into gut by Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts: A report of two cases and review of Literature. Journal of Indian Association of Paeditric Surgeons, Vol. 16, Iss. 1, page 1-5, Jan-Mar 2011.
- Mohd. Kaleem Khan, Shaukat Arif Hanif, Manawwar Husain, M. Fakhrul Huda and Imran Sabri. Pattern of Non Fatal Head Injury in adult cases reported at J.N.M.C. Hospital, A.M.U., Aligarh. J Indian Acad Forensic Med; Vol. 33, No.1, page 21-23, Jan-Mar 2011. (Original Article)
- S.H. Arif, Khaliqur Rehman, Mohammad Khalid, Jaseen Hassan, S.M. Danish, Qaseem, Md. Fakhrul Huda. Epithelioid Cell Cluster in Cerebrospinal Fluid : An unusual finding in Tubercular meningitis. Diagnostic Cytopathology; Vol. 37, No. 8, 2009.
- Prasad R., Huda M.F., Verma P.S., Kaif M., Singh K., Sharma V. Giant Cervical Intraspinal Schwannoma : A Case Report. The Internet Journal of Spine Surgery, Vol. 3, No. 01, 2007.
- M.F. Huda, Yogesh Tiwari, Vivek Sharma, Ajay Chadhary, Ashok Kumar Sinha, S. Mohanty. Gram Negative Bacillary Brain Abscess. Clinical features and therapeutic outcome. The Internet Journal of Neurosurgery, Vol. 4, No. 02: 2007. (Original Article)
- Huda M.F., Prasad R., V. Sharma, Kulwant Singh Bhaikhel, Maurya P., Verma P.S. Simultaneous Mirror Image occrence of Glioblastoma multiform in two young siblings. J. of Nepal Medical Association, 45(164):3702, Oct- Dec 2006.
- S. Manazir Ali, M.F. Huda, Ravi Sood. Migraine in children and its management – A review article. Indian Medical Gazette, Vol. CXL, No. 09,414-419, Sept. 2006. (Original Article)
- Ajay Chaudhary, Satyjit Pradhan, M.F. Huda, S. Mohanty, V. Sharma, Kulwant Singh, Mohan Kumar. Posterior fossa radiation induced meningioma following high dose cranial radiation: Case report and review of literature. Journal Neuro-Oncology, Vol. 77, NO. 01, 73-77, March 2006.
- R. Prasad, M.F. Huda, M.M. Dhakal, K. Singh, A. Srivastava, V.S. Sharma.Epidemiological characteristics of lumbar disc prolapse in a tertiary care hospital. The Internet Journal of Neuro Surgery, Vol. 03, No.01, 2006. (Original Article)
- M.F. Huda, R. Prasad, V.P. Singh, P. Maurya, K. Singh, V. Sharma. Spinal Intramedullary Tubercular Abscess. A case report. Indian J Tuberc, Vol. 52:211-214: 2005.
- A.Misrha, M.F. Huda, V.P. Singh, S. Mohanty, A. Sodhi. Prognostic Significance of serum free radical level in head injury. Indian Journal of Neurotrauma. Vol. 2, No.2, 107-109, 2005. (Original Article)
- V.K Srivastava., M.F.Huda. Head injury – An overview. Souvenir, XXXI Annual Conference of ASI (U.P. Chapter), Nov. 11-13, 2005.
- R. Prasad, M.F. Huda, V.P. Singh, P.S. Verma. R. Jain, Q. Zeeshan, K.Singh, V. Sharma. Iatrogenic pneumocephalus in growing skull fracture–Acase report. Surgery, Vol. 15, No. 20, 39-40: Nov. 2005.
- M.F. Huda, Yogesh Tiwari, Vivek Sharma, Ajay Chaudhary, Ashok Kumar Sinha, V.P. Singh, S. Mohanty. Double Extradural Haematoma. Neurology India, Vol. 52, 450-452, 2004. (Original Article)
- M.F. Huda, Yogesh Tiwari, Anuj Kumar Tripathi, Ajay Chaudhary, Ashok Kumar Sinha, S. Mohanty, Vivek Sharma, K.S. Bhaikhel. Chronic Subdural Hematoma : Clinical Characteristic and Efficacy of Various Treatment of Modalities in 1464 cases. Neurosciences Today, Vol. 8, No. 2, 72-76, Apr- June 2004. (Original Article)
- M.F. Huda, S. Mohanty, A.N. Gangopadhyay, Vivek Sharma, A.K. Sinha, Y. Tiwari, A. Chaudhary, V.P. Singh. Congenital Dermoid Cyst over the Anterior Fontanelle. Surgery, Vol. 14(18), 2004. (Original Article)
- Singh V.P., Huda M.F., Sinha A.K., Tiwari Yogesh, Chaudhary Ajay, Mohanty S, Sharma V, Singh Kulwant, Tripathy Anjuj. Otogenic Brain Abscess. Indian Journal of Otology, Vol. 10, 27-33, 2004. (Original Article)
- S. Mohanty, V. Sharma, MF Huda, Yogesh Tiwari, A.K. Sinha, A. Chaudhary, V.P. Singh, Anuj Tripathi. Meningioma Associated with contralateral chronic subdural haematoma : A Case Report. Neurosciences Today; 8: (1): 41-42, 2004.
- A.K. Sinha, S. Mohanty, V. Sharma, A. Chaudhary, MF Huda, V.P. Singh, Yogesh Tiwari. A study of 268 Consecutive Cases of Intracranial Suppuration. Neurosciences Today, No. 3, Jul-Sept. 2003. (Original Article)
- MF Huda, Yogesh Tiwari, Vivek Sharma, Anuj Kumar Tripathi, Ajay Chaudhary, Ashok Kumar Sinha, S. Mohanty. Subpial Lipoma. Ind J Radiol Imag, 13:4, 423-426, 2003.
- A.K.Sinha, S.Mohanty, V.Sharma, Y.Tiwari, M. F. Huda. Clinico- radiological study of 915 cases of EDH. Neurosciences Today, Vol. VII, No.2, 98-100, 2003. (Original Article)
- S. Alam, M.F. Huda, Salim Anis, S.M. Ashraf. Tubeless Cholecystectomy.
Gastroenterology Today. Vol. VI, No.2, 86-88, Apr-June, 2002. (Original
- M.L.B. Bhatt, S.A. Siddiqui, R. Khan, V.K. Srivastava, MF HudaMultimodel Treatment of Brain Tumour – A retrospective study. Journal of Neurosciences, Vol. 1, No.1, 69, 2002.