MDS Oral Medicine and Radiology
Assistant Professor
epidemiological study of precancerous lesions and conditions and their management
flat no. 0-11, Vikram colony, aligarh-202001
I have done my post-graduation in Oral Medicine & Radiology in the year 2013 from MGPGI, Puducherry. With more than five years of teaching experience after completing my postgraduation, I have a keen interest in clinical research . I am constantly engaged in understanding the etiopathogenesis of the various oral lesions. recently I have done a short study in the department to understand the relationship between oral lichen planus and Vitamin D deficiency and published the study in a reputed national journal.
ABSTRACT : A major cause of health hazards in India is due to tobacco use. Major consumption of tobacco in smoking as well as in smokeless form. The major content of tobacco is a chemical called nicotine which causes
a tingly or good feeling but that feeling only lasts for a little while. Basically, this compound is addictive. Research
on the effects of tobacco on oral mucosa has proved that consumption of tobacco in any form is carcinogenic and poses health risks to everyone who is exposed to it. The present study was conducted with the objective of building a database on the prevalence of tobacco use amongst Ponta sahib people and the incidence of precancerous lesions, conditions, and oral cancer amongst these people, for planning tobacco control intervention.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Cancer is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality today. It is estimated that around 43% of cancer deaths are due to tobacco use, unhealthy diets, alcohol consumption, inactive lifestyles, and infection. Oro-pharyngeal cancer is a significant component of the global burden of cancer. Tobacco and alcohol are regarded as the major risk factors for oral cancer. The evidence that smokeless tobacco causes oral cancer was confirmed recently by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. But apart from smokeless tobacco and alcohol bidi smoking especially in people from low socio-economical status showed an increased risk of oral cancer. Several epidemiological studies suggest that bidi smoking increases the risk of oral cancer. No systematic review, however, has been reported to examine how consistent the evidence is across the studies.
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate various etiological factors associated with oral cancer and to evaluate the increased risk of oral cancer in bidi smokers.
Material and Methods: 79 patients suffering from oral cancer who reported to the Department of Oral Pathology/Oral Medicine and Radiology of Z.A Dental College, AMU, Aligarh for dental evaluation prior to radiation therapy were included in our study. Results: The result of the study showed a significantly increased risk of oral cancer in bidi smokers. Conclusion: It is important that this information be incorporated into smoking prevention and cessation efforts, particularly among the urban poor and rural mass in South Asian countries where bidi smoking is widely prevalent.
KEYWORDS: Oral Cancer, Bidi Smoking Tendu leaves, Gutka Chewing, Nicotine.
- Ultrasonography an effective screening tool for Major salivary gland pathology: A pilot study There are three pairs of major salivary glands, namely Parotid, Submandibular, and Sublingual. The parotid gland is located in the retro-mandibular fossa, Submandibular under the body of the mandible, & the Sublingual in the sublingual space lying lateral to the genioglossus muscle. Apart from obstructive and inflammatory diseases, they are also prone to neoplastic changes. After clinical evaluation of the gland, ultrasonography is an important screening tool for salivary gland pathology. The aim of this study was to establish the usefulness of ultrasonography in the screening of major salivary glands for various pathological conditions. 40 patients visited the Department of Oral Pathology/Oral Medicine and Radiology with chief complaints associated with major salivary glands were included in our study. The patient was first subjected to plain radiography followed by ultrasonography. Ultrasound was not only found superior to plain radiography in the screening of obstructive disease, it also provided valuable information about other pathological conditions associated with major salivary glands. As ultrasonography is a simple nonionizing, noninvasive diagnostic procedure it should be used as the first-line of imaging modality in the assessment of salivary gland diseases.Keywords: Ultrasonography, sialolith, sialadenitis, tumor, Sjogren syndrome
- Comparative Analysis of Mandibular Cortical Index in Orthopantomogram and Bone Mineral Density in Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry in Postmenopausal Females –A Radiological Study in North Indian Population The purpose of the current study is that Osteoporosis is a systemic disorder characterized by low bone mass leading to fractures reported commonly in females after menopause. The investigations for osteoporosis's most commonly used DEXA are very costly and not easily available. Few studies have proposed the use of orthopantomogram as a diagnostic marker for osteoporosis as it is simple, quick, easy, inexpensive, non-invasive, and widely used. Thus the present study has undertaken to assess the relation between mandibular cortical index (MCI) of panoramic radiograph and bone mineral density of body measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). The study comprised fifty post-menopausal females. All the females were subjected to panoramic radiographs and DEXA. The visual analysis was done based on the radiographic appearance of the lower border of the mandible on the left side by two observers who were blinded by DEXA results. Intra/Inter-observer variability was ruled out by visual analysis on two occasions which were followed by a comparison of different grades of MCI and BMD statistically. There was a significant difference in the three groups of the mandibular cortical index of panoramic radiograph as interpreted by the two observers (p-value < 0.05). The intra-observer reproducibility of this index had a moderate agreement (Kappa value of 0.34& 0.31) and the interobserver agreement of this index followed fair reproducibility (kappa value of 0.37&0.32). This study concluded that there is a significant correlation between mandibular cortical index (MCI) and bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar vertebrae as determined by the dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry(DEXA). So, visual examination of the panoramic radiographs can be used as a screening procedure for diagnosis and referral of patients for further evaluation of osteoporosis.Keywords: Osteoporosis, mandibular cortical index, dual energy x-ray absortiometry(DEXA)
- SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN MANDIBULAR CANINE INDEX (MCI) FOR WESTERN UTTAR PARDESH (ALIGARH) POPULATION Identification of living persons and dead bodies is an important aspect of forensic medicine. Establishing the sex of an individual is one of the important aspects of establishing the identity of an individual. Sexual dimorphism exists in the dimensions of teeth and inter-arch widths specially inter-canine width. Among all teeth, mandibular canines show maximum sexual dimorphism and can be used to determine the sex of an individual. Aims and Objective: To evaluate the sexual dimorphism in the mandibular canine index for a North Indian population and validate its use in forensic science in determining the sex of an unknown individual. Material and Method: 150 individual (75 males and 75 females) as per inclusion criteria were included in our study. Alginate impressions were made for the mandibular arch. Study cast was made with dental stone and inter canine width and mesiodistal width were recorded using a manual vernier caliper. Results: Data obtained were subjected to paired t-test. The level of accuracy in gender determination was found to be 79% for the right mandibular canine index and 75% for the left mandibular canine index. Conclusion: Mandibular canine index is a quick, easy and reliable indicator of the sex of an unknown individual. If the population-specific formula is available it can be used as an adjunct for other methods of sex determination.KEYWORDS: sexual dimorphism, mandibular canine index, mesio-distal width of canine; inter canine distance.
- EFFIACY OF BETAMETHASONE, PLACENTAL EXTRACT AND HYALURONIDASE IN THE TREATMENT OF OSMF: A COMPARATIVE STUDY Oral submucous fibrosis, an insidious chronic precancerous condition of the oral cavity, chiefly occurs in the Indian subcontinent. It is characterized by excessive collagen formation and thus stiffness and inelasticity of oral mucosa. It manifests as the stiffness of oral mucosa, trismus, burning sensation thus affecting the general well-being of patient. Intralesional injection of drugs like betamethasone, placental extract, and hyaluronidase helps to improve the condition and thus the health of the patient. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of betamethasone, placental extract, and hyaluronidase therapy in the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen patients with clinicopathological diagnosed oral submucous fibrosis were included in the study. All patients underwent hematological and clinical examination to rule out any systemic disease. Patients with TMJ disorder or restricted mouth opening due to pericoronitis and other causes were excluded. Patients were divided randomly into three groups and betamethasone, placental extract & hyaluronidase intralesional injection was given to the separate groups of the patient for a period of 8 weeks. Mouth opening and burning sensation were recorded clinically & subjectively. RESULTS: Observed data were compared statistically using Student’s Paired t test analysis for the efficacy of the drugs used and the results were tabulated. Improvement in mouth opening was observed the maximum with intralesional injection of hyaluronidase with 9.38mm in average (t= 27.61; p= 0.0000) and improvement in burning sensation was observed maximum with intralesional injection of betamethasone (t= 12.35; p= 0.0002). CONCLUSION: Oral submucous fibrosis is a chronic precancerous condition. Though there is no definitive treatment for the condition, intralesional injection of betamethasone, placentrex and hyaluronidase may provide relief from restricted mouth opening and burning sensation thereby improving the quality of life of the affected individual.Key words: Betamethasone; hyaluronidase; oral submucous fibrosis; placental extract
- vitamin D in the treatment of oral lichen planus: A pilot clinical study Lichen planus is an autoimmune disease with an unknown etiology. Vitamin D not only affects the health of the bone but also has an impact on immunity. To understand the possible role of vitamin D in the pathophysiology of oral lichen planus (OLP), a clinical study was conducted on patients suffering from OLP who reported to the dental outpatient department of our dental college in Aligarh. The aim of the study was to evaluate the possible correlation between the OLP with vitamin D deficiency and the effect of vitamin D supplementation on the treatment of the OLP lesion.Marked improvement and long-term remission in the symptoms in vitamin D–deficient patients after the restoration of normal vitamin D level suggests its role in the pathogenesis of OLP like other autoimmune diseases. Therefore, further study and research work need to be carried out to understand the pathway through which vitamin D is related to the pathogenesis of OLP