BDS, MDS Pediatric and preventive dentistry
Assistant Professor
Evidence Based dentistry, Pediatric dentistry, Dental trauma, Pediatric endodontics, Epidemiology
I am Dr. Mohammad Atif, a pediatric dentist by profession and dedicated clinician-scientist, specializing in clinical epidemiology, dental traumatology, laser dentistry, finite element analysis, and pediatric endodontics.
I have done my Post Graduation from prestigious AIIMS, New Delhi and commenced my professional journey there as a Senior Resident, attending to the needs of wide spectrum of patients. As a clinician, achieving my patients' well-being and pleasure has always been my top priority. The opportunity to teach budding students of the speciality have made me evolve as a teacher.
I have worked as Senior Research fellow in a ICMR funded project which brought me closer to research in the field of Sports dentistry and Dental traumatology. The venture not only helped me develop a research acumen but also made me produce impactful publications in the field of dentistry.
I have received awards in various conferences at national and international level. Apart from my clinical and research roles, I’m actively engaged in academic activities, delivering guest lectures on systematic reviews and meta-analyses and introducing the roles of Finite element analysis in dental research in national conferences. As a promoter of evidence based dentistry, it is my goal to generate evidence in this ever evolving field of science and patient care.
- Nehal Ahmad, Mahendra Kumar Jindal, Saima Yunus Khan, Imam Azam, Mohammed Atif (2024). Surgical Removal of Recurred Pyogenic Granuloma Using Diode Laser in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report. Saudi J Oral Dent Res, 9(4): 63-68.
- Tewari N, Cehreli Z, Haldar P, Atif M, Alani A, Rahul M. The risk of bonded fragment loss in crown-fractured anterior teeth managed by fragment reattachment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Evid Based Dent. 2024 Apr 12. doi: 10.1038/s41432-024-0100
- Tewari N, Lauridsen E, Atif M, Srivastav S, Tsilingaridis G, Haldar P, Andersson L. Risk of pulp necrosis and related complications in the permanent anterior teeth with lateral luxation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2024 Apr 5. d
- Bansal K, Shamoo A, Atif M, Batra P, Chaudhry R. Isolation and detection of bacterial species on mitis salivarius bacitracin agar from the plaque samples of caries active children. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2024 Jan 1;42(1):15-21. doi: 10.4103/jisppd.
- Atif M, Tewari N, Mathur VP, Bansal K, Rahul M. Effect of 940 nm diode laser irradiation and dentin bonding agent on permeability of furcation area in primary molars. Indian J Dent Res. 2023 Jul-Sep;34(3):284-288. doi: 10.4103/ijdr.ijdr_731_21.
- Atif M, Tewari N, Reshikesh M, Chanda A, Mathur VP, Morankar R. Methods and applications of finite element analysis in dental trauma research: A scoping review. Dent Traumatol. 2024 Jan 26. doi: 10.1111/edt.12933.
- Atif M, Sharma S, Tewari N, Rahul M, Mathur VP, Bansal K. Effect of wire diameter and extent of wire composite splint on the mobility of luxated and anchor primary teeth: A typodont study. Dent Traumatol. 2024 Jan 25. doi: 10.1111/edt.12936.
- Atif M, Tewari N, Mathur VP, Bansal K, Rahul M. Effect of 940 nm diode laser irradiation and dentin bonding agent on permeability of furcation area in primary molars. Indian J Dent Res. 2023 Jul-Sep;34(3):284-288. doi: 10.4103/ijdr.ijdr_731_21.
- Asaithambi R, Atif M, Tewari N, Sharma S, Mathur VP, Morankar R, Bansal K. Quality analysis of the clinical practice guidelines for management of impacted maxillary central incisors: a systematic review. Evid Based Dent. 2024 Jan 10. doi: 10.1038/s41432-0
- Ravi M, Tewari N, Atif M, Srivastav S, Shrivastava N, Rahul M. Comparative assessment of scientific reach and utilization of the International Association of Dental Traumatology 2020 guidelines: An altmetric and citation analysis. Dent Traumatol. Publishe
- Atif M, Tewari N, Saji S, Srivastav S, Rahul M. Effectiveness of various methods of educating children and adolescents for the maintenance of oral health: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Paediatr Dent. Published online October 1
- Jhunjhunwala G, Tewari N, Atif M, Morankar R, Mathur VP, Bansal K. Comparative evaluation of three materials used for fragment reattachment in uncomplicated crown fracture-An in vitro study using bovine teeth. Dent Traumatol. Published online September 20
- Rahul M, Atif M, Ganguly S, et al. Response to comment on long-term effects of chemotherapy and radiation received during early childhood on the developing dentition of pediatric cancer patients [published online ahead of print, 2023 Jun 9]. Spec Care Den
- Amritha R, Rahul M, Tewari N, Atif M, Mathur V. Critical analysis of the article titled, "Dental trauma splints for the mixed dentition- A finite element analysis of splint material, splint extension, missing teeth and PDL representation". Dent Traumatol.
- Mathur VP, Duggal I, Atif M, Tewari N, Rahul M, Duggal R, Chawla A. Development and validation of risk of bias tool for the use of finite element analysis in dentistry (ROBFEAD). Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 2022 Dec 7:1-12. doi: 10.1080/10255842.
- Rahul M, Tewari N, Mathur V, Atif M, Bansal K, Agrawal S, Mir R. In-vitro Evaluation for Effects of Intracanal Medicaments on Viability, Proliferation, and Differentiation of Stem Cells From Apical Papilla - A Systematic Review. Eur Endod J. 2022 Oct;7(3)
- Tewari N, Atif M, Rahul M, Kaur A. New vistas in oral biology and regenerative medicine using immortalized odontogenic cell lines: a systematic review. Polymorphism 2021; 6: 33-48.
- Tewari N, Atif M, Mathur. 3D printing in dental traumatology. J Jpn Assoc Dent Traumatol 15?1?11-14, 2019
- Tewari N, Johnson RM, Mathur VP, Rahul M, Goel S, Ritwik P, Bansal K, Atif M. Global status of knowledge for prevention and emergency management of traumatic dental injuries in sports persons and coaches: A systematic review. Dent Traumatol. 2021 Apr;37(2
- Atif M, Tewari N, Mathur VP, Bansal K, Gangadharrao MR. Effect of inciso-cervical position of wire-composite splint on the mobility of an avulsed permanent tooth: A cadaveric model study. Indian J Dent Res. 2020 Sep-Oct;31(5):758-762.
- Rahul M, Atif M, Tewari N, Mathur V. Cancer-related radiation therapy in early childhood leading to root abnormality in multiple permanent teeth. BMJ Case Rep. 2021 Aug 19;14(8):e244770. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-244770. PMID: 34413047; PMCID: PMC8378346.
- Mathur VP, Gowthaman K, Shrivstava N, Atif M, Tewari N, Rahul M, Bansal K. An Insight into Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Nonvital Pulp Therapy for Primary Teeth. Pediatr Dent. 2021 Sep 15;43(5):338-339.
- Mathur VP, Atif M, Duggal I, Tewari N, Duggal R, Chawla A. Reporting guidelines for in-silico studies using finite element analysis in medicine (RIFEM). Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2022 Apr;216:106675
- Malhotra S, Mani K, Lodha R, Bakhshi S, Mathur VP, Gupta P, et al. SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection Rate and Estimated Effectiveness of the Inactivated Whole Virion Vaccine BBV152 Against Reinfection Among Health Care Workers in New Delhi, India. JAMA Netw Open. 20
- Rahul M, Atif M, Ganguly S, Pushpam D, Tewari N, Mathur V, Bakhshi S. Long-term effects of chemotherapy and radiation received during early childhood on the developing dentition of pediatric cancer patients. Spec Care Dentist. 2023 Jan;43(1):87-93.
- Atif M, Mathur VP, Tewari N, Bansal K, Rahul M, Bakhshi S. Long-Term Effect of Anticancer Therapy on Dentition in Childhood Cancer Survivors: An Observational, Cross-Sectional Study. Indian J Pediatr. 2022 Apr;89(4):327-332.