MD, DCH, DNB, DCH (Glasgow), MNAMS, Fellow in HIV Medicine, Advance Course in Medical Education(ACME), FIAP & FNNF.
Neontology & Malnutrition
Street No. 4, Greater Azad EnclaveDoharra Mafi, PO Kwarsi, Aligarh 202002 (U.P) INDIA
I have passed MBBS in 1982 with Gold Medal in Obst & Gynae, DCH in 1985, MD (Paed.) in 1987 from Aligarh Muslim University, DNB in 1994 from National Board, New Delhi, DCH in 1997 from Royal College of Phys & Surgeon, Glasgow and Fellow in HIV Medicine in 2007 from Regional Training Centre Maulana Azad Medical College Delhi, Advance Course in Medical Education MCI Nodal Center for Faculty Development, NHL Municipal Medical College Ahmadabad and joined Department of Pediatrics in 28th Feb. 1987 as a Senior Resident, 19th Sept. 1988 as a Lecturer, 19th Sept. 1992 as a Senior Lecturer, 27th July 1998 as a Reader, 27th July 2006 as a Professor. My areas of interest are Neonatology, intensive care, Nutrition and HIV Medicine Pediatrics & Adult . I have published 96 papers in reputed National and International Journals viz. Indian Pediatrics, Indian journal of Pediatrics, Journal of tropical Pediatrics, Pediatric infectious Diseases, The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, Journal of Clinical Neonatal, Ann Pediatr Cardiol, International Journal of Health Sciences & Research, Pediatrics and Neonatal Biology, Int J Antimicrob Agents, Neonat Pediatr Med, International Journal of current Advanced Research, Int J Reproduct Contracept Obstet Gynecol,Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases and Current Pediatric Research. I am also reviewer of Indian Pediatrics, Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Pediatrics Infectious Diseases, African Journal of Food Science, Journal of Medicinal Plant and Research & International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. I have also supervised/ Co-Supervisor/Evaluator thesis for M.D and delivered lectures on important pediatrics topics at state and national pediatrics conference/ seminars. I am coordinator of Comprehensive Child Survival Programme & Malnutrition Treatment Unit (MTU) and ongoing global polio eradication programme of UNICEF. I was also Chairman of Department of Pediatrics form 24th April 2009 to 16th Dec. 2012 and16th Dec.2015 24th Nov 2016 during this period a collaboration of Department of Pediatrics has been established with Indian Council of Medical Research, UNICEF, WHO, MCHIP US-AID and Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University, Washington. I was assistant proctor, warden, deputy director and director of Medical Attendant Scheme of AMU