Prof. Jaowad Ali
M.P.Ed., Ph.D. in Physical Education
Sports Psychology, Research Methods, Scientific Training & Hockey
H.No. 4/80-P, Al-Suhaib, Kabir Colony, Anoopshahar Road, Aligarh-202002(U.P.)
Prof. Jaowad Ali is professor and former chairman, Department of Physical Health and Sports Education, AMU, Aligarh. He has obtained B.A. and L.L.B degree from University of Lucknow followed by graduation and post graduation in physical education from Marathwada University, Aurangabad. He obtained diploma in Coaching (Hockey) from N.I.S. Patiala in 1979. In physical education he is the first man who was conferred Ph.D degree by AMU, Aligarh in 1997. He has been an outstanding hockey player, represented U.P. and Delhi states in National championships. He visited Germany in 1986 as coach with Indian universities hockey team under Indo-G.D.R. cultural and sports exchange programme, Govt. of India. Prof. Ali is a pragmatic professional in the discipline of physical education and sport sciences. He is a dedicated, sincerely, committed and disciplined teacher gifted with numerous human qualities. Prof. Ali has been the chairman of the department for 12 years and immensely contributed in developing it as one of the best physical education departments in the country. Besides, being expert in sports psychology, sports training and hockey, he is an outstanding researcher too and contributed enormously to the domain of physical education and sport sciences. Being the first Co-ordinator of UGC-SAP(DRS-I) programme, he has created a conducive research environment among faculty members and research scholars of the department. His publications include 07 books and 28 research papers in reputed National as well as International journals.
He has regularly been invited as resources person to deliver lectures at orientation and refresher courses at UGC academic staff colleges of the country. At the moment Prof. Ali is Joint Secretary of Sports Psychology Association of India.