Experimental Nuclear Physics
Present Address: 4/97A,Badar Bagh,Aligarh(U.P)-202002 Permannent Address: Village- Mitheypur, P.O.- Lawar, District-Meerut (U.P.) 250222
Dr. Isar Ahmad Rizvi was born on January 01, 1961 at Meerut (U.P). After passing High School in 1975 from U.P. Board, he joined Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India for higher studies (Pre-university Class 1976, B.Sc. 1979, M Sc. 1982, Diploma in Statistics 1984 and M.Phil. 1985). He obtained Ph.D degree in 1988 in Experimental Nuclear Physics. Based on his research work, he presented a research paper at the 77th Session of the Indian Science Congress Association in 1990 and was honoured the "Young Scientist Award". He was appointed lecturer in 1991(Reader in 2001, Associate Professor in 2006 and Professor in 2013) in the Department of Physics, A.M.U., Aligarh, India. Since then he is involved in teaching physics to both the under-graduate and post-graduate students besides guiding M.Phil/Ph.D scholars. He has also served as an Assistant Professor (under United Nation Development Program) in the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He has been the member of various committees and holds the several administrative posts. He received training at The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (an Institute sponsored by UNESCO and IAEA), Trieste, Italy. He has collaboration with UGC-DAE Consortium for DAE Facilities, Kolkata Centre, Indian University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi, India and Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Poland. He has successfully completed two major research projects and also delivered several talks as well as presented many research papers in National and International Conferences/Workshops etc. Theories of pre-equilibrium decay have been verified by Dr. Rizvi and his research group for proton and alpha induced reactions up to 15 MeV/nucleon. Also, Rizvi and his co-workers have measured excitation functions and recoil range distributions for heavy ion (Carbon, Oxygen and Neon) beams at energies 5-8 MeV/nucleon for the verification of Complete and Incomplete fusion reaction dynamics. He has also been involved in the nuclear structure study of intermediate mass nuclei around doubly magic Sn-isotopes using Coulomb excitation measurements. Their results have been widely cited and published in the International Journals e.g., The European Physical Journal Plus, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, Physical Review C, The European Physical Journal A, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, International Journal of Modern Physics E, The International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Canadian Journal of Physics, Acta Physica Polonica B,Indian Journal of Physics,Chinese Journal of Physics,Physics of particle and Nuclei,Physics of Atomic Nuclei,Journal of Modern Physics, International Journal of Pure and applied Physics etc. Also nuclear data produced by his research group have been compiled in the EXFOR format of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.