Dr. Masarrat Haseeb
M.Phil., Ph.D. (Agricuture Entomology)
Bioecology, biological control, Integrated Pest Management of insect. pests of agricultural importance
C-779, G.T.B. Nagar Kareli Scheme, Allahabad (U.P.)
Dr. (Mrs.) Masarrat Haseeb joined A.M.U. in October 2003 and is presently Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. She has 15+ years of teaching and 42+ years of research experience. Dr. (Mrs.) Haseeb served as scientist in Agricultural Research Services (ARS-ICAR) from Dec., 1984-Sept., 2003 at Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture(C.I.S.H), Lucknow.
She is engaged in PG teaching of various courses of Plant Protection with special reference to Agricultural Entomology and also associated with the teaching of PG (Diploma) in Horticulture and PG (Diploma) in Pest Management and M.Phil./Ph. D. Coursework. She worked on 6 R&D projects of the institute (ICAR) and 3 externally funded projects (APEDA, INDO-UK & UPDASP) as Project Leader/Co-Investigator/Technical Advisor, dealing with the insect pest problems of national and international importance in major horticultural crops and their management. As a Scientist, she has worked and contributed both in basic and applied researches and was also associated with the various extension activities. She also worked in one of the research schemes on Forest Entomology for about 7 and a ½ years at Forest Research Institute and Colleges, Dehradun and conducted studies on "Survey and surveillance of insect pests of forestry and plantation crops" and developed technologies for their management. A number of Agro-Technologies developed for management of insect pests of horticultural crops particularly for mango, guava, amla, etc. She has 188 publications including research papers in journals of national and international repute, abstracts, popular articles, extension bulletins, and one book. She has participated in about 55 national and international Symposia/ Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops and important research group meetings, e.t.c., and presented research papers and delivered lead lectures. As a subject specialist, she has also delivered a number of extension talks for the benefit of the farmers and invited lectures in various training programmes/ Symposia/Seminars. She is member and Fellow of of a number of scientific societies and has been conferred with a number of honours and awards including prestigious "Dr. (Mrs.) Jagadeswari Rao Women Scientist Award" for the year, 2001 of AZRA, "Scientist of the year-2010 award" and?Dr. M. R. Siddiqui Award-2013 of BIOVED, Allahabad, Newton-Bhabha Fund Award, 2016, Aligarh Ratna-2017, These awards have been given to Dr. (Mrs.) Haseeb for her outstanding contributions in the field of Forest Entomology, Agricultural Entomology, and Plant Protection Sciences. She has linkages with various prestigious institutes and universities for research collaboration and also associated with their examination and evaluation for various degree courses. Her focus area of research is studies on Bioecology, Biological Control and Integrated Pest Management and related aspects of insect pests of agricultural crops. She has guided 17 M. Sc. students, 1 M. Phil, and 1 Ph. D.student for their dissertations/thesis and 3 Ph. D. students are under supervision. Visited Cambridge University to attend professional workshop and Colombo, Sri Lanka to attend and present research paper in International Conference.
- Publication
(A)Â Â Â Research Papers:
- Singh, P., Masarrat Fasih and Prasad, G. 1982. Insect pest of exotic pines in India. Indian Forester. 108 (1): 93-107.
- Singh, P., Rawat, D.S., Mishra, R.M., Masarrat Fasih, Prasad G. and Tyagi, B.D.S. 1983. Epidemic defoliation of poplar defoliators and its control in Tarai Central Forest Division, Uttar Pradesh. Indian Forester 109 (9): 675-693.
- Masarrat Fasih and Srivastava, R.P. 1988. Natural occurrence of Beauueria bassiana, an entomogenous fungus on bark borer, lndarbela spp. Indian J. Plant Pathol. 6 (1): 11-16.
- Abbas, S.R., Verghese, A. and Masarrat Fasih. 1988. Inflorescence midge, Erosomyia indica. Acta HorticulEand Murad H. 1998. Pathogenicity of entomogenous fungus, Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. to insect predators. International Pest Control 40(2): 50-51.
- Abbas, S.R., Srivastava, R.P., Sharma, S. and Masarrat Haseeb 1998. Monitoring and management of mango inflorescence midge Eoasomyia indica Grover (Diptera: Cecidomiidae). Biological Memoirs 24 (1): 11-13.
- Abbas, S.R., Srivastava, R.P., Sharma, S. and Masarrat Haseeb 2000. Notes on oriental fruitfly of mango, a serious problem of mature mango in India. Biological Memoirs 26 (2): 74-78.
- Masarrat Haseeb 2001. Bioagents of major insect pests of mango. New Agriculturists 12 (1&2): 107-120.
- Masarrat Haseeb, Murad, H. and Srikant Sharma 2001. Dose mortality relationship between the entomogenous fungus, Beauveria bassiana and larvae of Spilosoma obliqua Walker (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Bioved 12(1,2): 85-89.
- Masarrat Haseeb and Srivastava, R.P. 2003. Field evaluation of entomogenous fungus, Beauveria bassiana (Bals) Vuill. against mango mealy bug, Drosicha mangiferae (Green). Ecophysiol and Occup. Hlth. 3:253-258. Â
- Masarrat Haseeb, 2007. Current status of insect pest problems in guava. Acta Horticulture, 735:489-492.
- Masarrat Haseeb, 2007. Studies on incidence and crop losses by guava fruit borer, Dudorix isocrates F. (Lep.: Lycaenidae). Acta Horticulture, 735:489-492.
- Masarrat Haseeb, 2007. Studies on the influence of host plants on the susceptibility of H elicoverpa armigera, Spodoptera litura and Spilarctia (Spilosoma) obliqua to Beauveria  bassiana. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sc.15 (1): 30-33
- Sharma Deepak Kumar, Haseeb Masarrat and Qamar Muntaha (2012). Comparative potential of different botanicals and synthetic insecticides and their economics against Leucinodes orbonalis in egg plant. Journal of Plant Protection Research 51(4): 451-455.
- N. S. Rode, M. Haseeb and D. K. Sharma (2012). Life table studies on Ariadne merione C. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) on castor. Pestology 36 (7): 37-41.
- Deepak Kumar Sharma, Haseeb Masarrat, Akhtar Haseeb and Vipin Kumar (2012). Studies on the potentials of Parthenium hysterophorus composts for the management of insect-pest (Agrotis ipsilon) and pathogens (Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. Ciceri & Meloidogyne incognita) complex of chickpea cv. Desi T-3. Current Nematology, 23 (1,2):61-64.
- Uzma Manzoor, Haseeb Masarrat and Subhash Chander (2016).Thermal constant and development threshold of shoot and fruit borer, Earias vitella (F.) in okra. National Academy of Science Letters (Marchâ??April 2016). 39 (2):81â??84. (IF-0.345) (6.29 NAAS).
- Uzma Manzoor and Haseeb Masarrat (2016). Seasonal incidence of insect pests in okra vis-a-vis weather parameters. Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences, 2 (4): 87-96.
(A-I) Research Papers Published in Hindi
- Masarrat Haseeb and Sharma, S. 2004. Amrood ka phal bhedak keet (Dudorix isocrates) evam uska prabandhan. Udyan Rashm 5 (1): 7-10.
- Sharma, S. and Masarrat Haseeb 2004. Aam ke Bagon men paragon sahayak keeton ka snrakshan evam prabandhan Udyan Rashmi. 5 (1): 20-24.
- Book
- Uzma Manzoor and Masarrat Haseeb 2014. Pest complex of Pea and their management. LAMBERT Publications, Germany.
- Book Chapter
- Masarrat Haseeb and Reetu Srivastava 2014. Potential of entomopathogenic fungi in bio- management of insect pests. In: Biological Control for Preventing Food Deterioration: Strategies for Pre and Postharvest Management. Ed. Neeta Sharma. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.