Dr. Shraddha Rathi
ICMR Fellowship, MDS, BDS
Assistant Professor
Dental Implantology, Geriatric Dentistry, Nano-dentistry
After having passed MDS in March, 2010, she joined an Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics and Dental Materials, Dr Z A Dental College,AMU, Aligarh, the post at which she is working since July,2010. The duties include teaching undergraduate and post-graduate students (MDS) & Dip Dental Mechanics, both clinical as well as classroom teachings; attending OPD, emergency calls, referrals from colleagues and allied specialties and helping post-graduate students with their thesis work.
Recently, she is working as Principal Investigator on a Clinical Research, project fully funded by DHR-ICMR, New-Delhi. Under this project, she is rehabilitating partially edentulous patients with dental implants in various clinically challenging situations. This project is sanctioned for three years, out of which two successful years have being completed.
Currently, she has completed and submitted an interdisciplinary extramural clinical research, again fully funded by ICMR., Delhi. Under this project around 130 completely edentulous patients were successfully rehabilitated with complete dentures and supplementation of Vitamin D, all free of cost.
Dr Shraddha Rathi has published more than 16 papers in international and national journals. and, has been awarded with ' Best Paper Award', 'Pentagon Award' and " Young Scientist Award'.
- Oxidation heat treatment affecting metal- ceramic bonding Indian Journal of Dental Research 2011; 22(6)
- Dental Esthetic and Its Impact on Psycho-Social Well-Being and Dental Self Confidence: A campus Based Survey of North Indian University Students. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 2013; 13(4): 455-60
- An Interdisciplinary management of severely resorbed maxillary anterior ridge complicated by traumatic bite using a ridge splitting technique: A case report Journal of Indian Society of Periodontics 2015; 19(1)
- Pre-prosthetic Orthodontics in an adult patient with multiple anterior edentulous spaces and loss of vertical dimension-A case report.
Journal of Clinical Orthodonitcs 2018; LII(5):297-302
- Detrimental Effect of Inhalers on Stomatognathic System-A Review Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2017; 16(12) :96-98
- Resilient liners in Prosthetic dentistry: An Update International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2018; 4(3):34-38
- Nanoscale modifications of dental implants: An emerging trend International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2018;4(2): 149-153
- Chapter 14: Material Selection for Single Tooth Crown Restorations.
Application of Nano-composite Materials in Dentistry 2019 ( Elsevier)
- Osseo Densification-A Novel Approach For Bone Preservation International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2019; 8(8)
- Implant prosthetic rehabilitation of a complex case of mandibular partial edentulism with severe anterior crowding and deficient bone width in the edentulous region: A multi-disciplinary case report International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2020; 6(3): 761-765
- Effect of nutrition in edentulous geriatric patients Journal of Oral Research and Review 2018;10:33-8
- Significance between vertical dimension of occlusion and length in North Indian Population European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2018,5 (6): 628-630
- Use of Magnets in Orbito-palatal prosthesis: A case report The CUSP 2013; 10(1): 43-44
- Social meaning of dentofacial attractiveness-An investigation into its effect and determinants Indian Dental Journal 2011; 27-32
- Restoring function and esthetics of a young adult with amelogenesis imperfecta using fixed- removable prosthesis Dental Practice 2010
- Social Meaning and Acceptability related with dentofacial attractiveness- A brief review The Southern African Dental Technology Journal 2013, 3(3)