Statistics- Design of Experiments
Baitul - Hasan, Street No. 9, Iqra Colony, A.M.U., Aligarh, 202002, U.P., India
Bushra Husain, Professor in Statistics has been working as Faculty at Women's College since 2003. She has obtained B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in Statistics from University of Delhi. Her primary research area is Design of Experiments, and she specializes in Mixture Experiments and Optimization. She has cleared the joint CSIR- UGC JRF and Eligibility for Lectureship NET (Mathematical Sciences) held in June, 2002. She has participated in a number of National and International Seminars/Conferences organized both within and outside India and has co-authored nineteen research papers published in Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (Taylor and Francis), Statistics and Probability Letters, SOIC (Statistics, Optimisation and Information Computing), Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation (Taylor and Francis), Metron, Statistics and Applications, Statistics (Taylor and Francis), Journal of the Korean Statistical Society (Elsevier), Int. J. Expt. Design and Process Optimisation (Inderscience), Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (Springer), Advanced Modeling and Optimization, Aligarh Journal of Statistics and International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering. Current profile includes teaching and research guidance. Supervised one M. Phil and three Ph. D Scholars in the field of Design of Experiments. Life member of Indian Science Congress Association, Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics and Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications. She has also served as resource person at FDPs and workshops.
- Publication
- Aggarwal, M. L., Singh, P., Sarin, V., and Husain, B. (2008) Optimal orthogonal designs in two blocks based on F-Squares for Darroch and Waller’s quadratic mixture model in four components, Statistics and Applications, Vol. 6, Nos 1 & 2 (New Series), pp. 242-259.
- Aggarwal, M. L., Singh, P., Sarin, V., and Husain, B. (2009) Mixture designs in orthogonal blocks using F-squares, METRON- International Journal of Statistics, Vol. LXVII, n.2, 105-128.
- Aggarwal, M. L., Singh, P., Sarin, V., and Husain, B. (2011) Nearly optimal orthogonally blocked designs for four components based on F-squares, Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, Vol. 40, pp.177-195.
- Aggarwal, M. L., Singh, P., Sarin, V., and Husain, B. (2012) Orthogonally blocked mixture component-amount designs via projections of F-squares, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol. 41, Issue 1, pp.49-60.
- Aggarwal, M. L., Singh, P., Sarin, V., and Husain, B. (2013) Optimal orthogonal block designs for four mixture components in two blocks based on F-squares for Becker’s models and K-model, Statistics, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 1003-1021.
- Husain, B. and Sharma, S. (2015) Optimal orthogonal designs in two blocks based on F-squares for mixture inverse model in four components. Int. J. Expt. Design and Process Optimisation, Vol. 4, Nos 3/ 4, pp. 206-215.
- Husain, B. and Parveen, S. (2016) F-square based four component D-, A- and E- optimal orthogonal designs for an additive quadratic mixture model. Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, Vol. 17, pp. 95-109.
- Husain, B. and Hafeez, A. (2016) Optimal and nearly optimal orthogonally blocked designs for an additive quadratic mixture model in three components. Advanced Modeling and Optimization, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 249-264.
- Husain, B. and Sharma, S. (2016) Uniform designs based on F-squares. Int. J. Expt. Design and Process Optimisation, Vol. 5, Nos. 1/2, pp. 53-67.
- Husain, B. and Sharma, S. (2017) F-squares based optimal designs for reduced cubic canonical models in four components. Int. J. Expt. Design and Process Optimisation, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 206-221.
- Husain, B. and Parveen, S. (2018) Four component F-squares based nearly optimal D- and A-optimal orthogonal block designs for additive quadratic mixture model and reduced cubic canonical model, Aligarh Journal of Statistics, Vol. 38, pp. 149-161.
- Husain, B. and Sharma, S. (2019) F-squares based efficient uniform designs for mixture experiments in three and four components, Aligarh Journal of Statistics, Vol. 39, pp. 53-74.
- Husain, B. and Parveen, S. (2020) Orthogonal Blocks of two and three mixture component amount blends via projections of F-squares based design, International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering, Vol 7(1), pp. 22-40.
- Linear Models
- Introduction to OR
- Introduction to OR
- Linear Programming Problem and Graphical Solution