Mammalian ecology, large carnivore ecology, Biodiversity Conservation
A-3, English House, AMU, Aligarh-202 002
Jamal Ahmad Khan did M.Sc. in Zoology with specialization in Wildlife Biology & Ornithology in 1986 from the Aligarh Muslim University. He carried out fieldwork for M.Phil. & Ph.D. program in Gir National Park & Lion Sanctuary from 1986-1988 on ungulate-habitat ecology from the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun under the able guidance of Late Prof A.H. Musavi, late Dr. William Alan Rodgers, Dr. Anna Jawahar Thomas Johnsingh and Dr. P.K. Mathur. He joined the Department of Wildlife Sciences as lecturer in 1989 and became reader in 1998 and Professor in 2006. He has recently been appointed as Professor in Biodiversity & Environmental Studies in 2019. He was Chairman, Department of Wildlife Sciences from July 2005 to June 2008 and from May 2011 to May 2017 and May 2020 to May 2023. He co-authored the Diversification Plan 2007-2017 for the Department and introduced four new courses and three sections in the Department during this period. He also conceptualized and developed International Training Centre & Hostel which became functional on 11/12/2013. He has conceptualized the proposal for establishment of Faculty of Environmental Sciences with three departments of studies namely Department of Wildlife Sciences, Department of Biodiversity and Environmental Studies and Department of Landscape and Climate Change Studies. The proposal for faculty establishment has been approved by all statutory bodies of the Aligarh Muslim University and is awaiting approval of the Visitor of the Aligarh Muslim University. The University Grants Commission approved his proposal for establishment of Department of Biodiversity & Environmental Studies in 2013 and the UGC sanctioned 5 teaching positions. 4 teaching positions of this new Department have already been filled up through the General Selection Committee in 2019. He has been member of National Tiger Conservation Authority, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, GOI from 2006 to 2009 and member of State Wildlife Advisory Board, Uttar Pradesh from 2011-2012. He was also member of the Uttar Pradesh Tiger Protection Society since its inception. He was also member of IUCN Cat Specialist Group. He also served as the Officer-on-Special Duty (Development) of the Aligarh Muslim University from 2012 to 2020 for four terms. As OSD (Development), AMU, he and his competent team compiled and developed 12th Five Year Development Plan of the Aligarh Muslim University which was implemented from 2012-2017. During 8 years as OSD (Development), AMU he and his competent team successfully managed to utilize >400 crores of development grant given to the AMU. Dr. Jamal A Khan was selected by the Ministry of Education, GOI for 3 weeks training program on "LEADERSHIP FOR ACADEMICIANS PROGRAM (LEAP) conducted at the IIT Roorkee NOIDA campus and later at the University of Michigan, USA. Dr. Jamal A Khan is currently serving as the Estate Officer (Gazetted) of the Aligarh Muslim University since June 2022. His current research interests are large carnivore ecology, human wildlife conflict studies, biodiversity conservation and conservation of endangered taxa such as tiger, lion, swamp deer etc. He has been studying ecology of leopard in Gir National Park and Lion Sanctuary since 2002 and the project is still continuing in Gir. He has recently concluded research projects in Gir National Park and Sanctuary with financial assistance from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change and the PURSE I & II program from the Department of Science & Technology. Dr. Khan teaches Population Biology, Conservation Biology and Biostatistics at post graduate level at the Department of Wildlife Sciences. Dr. Khan aims to initiate a mega research effort titled "Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation in Selected Indian States for Promoting Community Conservation Approach & Livelihood Generation for Local Communities". His current prime academic goal is to develop post graduate course curriculum in Environmental Science as he aims to introduce M.Sc. in Environmental Science from academic session 2025-26 along with his Departmental colleagues. He is also documenting the biodiversity values of the Aligarh district with a focus on changing agricultural practices and urban land use pattern and their impact on biodiversity values since 2022 along with his departmental colleague Dr. Nazneen Zehra who has based on her past field work has compiled a book on "Biodiversity values of the Aligarh Muslim University" and published it in 2023. The monitoring of biodiversity values is being done on daily basis in order to document monthly, seasonal and annual changes in population parameters as certain biodiversity values have shown definite and statistically significant decline over past two decades in AMU campus as well as Aligarh district.
A grid system of 2.5x2.5 km has been superimposed on Aligarh district by Dr. Rohit Chaudhary and grids have been selected in stratified random design for sampling of biodiversity values and mapping of agricultural practices in selected grids in different Tehsils of the Aligarh district and satellite campuses of AMU. The grid system for AMU is 500x500 m and this map has also been prepared by Dr. Rohit Chaudhary. 25% of sampling fraction has been used for selection of grids for sampling.
Apart from investigating the impact of changing land use pattern on biodiversity values in AMU campus and Aligarh district, I and Dr. Zehra have also been investigating ecology of large carnivores in Gir National Park in collaboration with Dr. Rohit Chaudhary who is currently working as Research Associate, College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari, Gujarat. Currently Mr. Prakhar Sharma is working in Gir and he is estimating abundance of leopard in different management units of Gir using Camera Traps. We are planning to put radio collars on leopard shortly. Mr. Prashant Mahajan-a Prime Minister Research Fellowship recipient, was working on meso carnivores of GIR and due to his selection at the Wildlife Institute of India, has temporarily halted his field work in Gir. I, Dr. Zehra and Dr. Rohit Chaudhary are also working on our MOEF&CC project findings into a monograph on structure and functioning of Dry Deciduous Forest Ecosystem of Gir. Dr. Khan has also initiated sampling of plants as well as preparation of herbarium of flora of Aligarh district recently and aims to come out with a pictorial guide of indigenous and exotic plant species of the Aligarh Muslim University.