I have completed all my education from the Aligarh Muslim University, India. Ph.D. was awarded in 1990.
Joined the Department of Zoology, A.M.U. Aligarh as Lecturer in August 1997 after postdoctoral training at the Queen's University of Belfast,U.K. and the Oklahoma University Health Sciences Centre,USA; became Reader in 2006,and Professor(Parasitology)in 2009.
The research interest focus is on the biology of parasitic Platyhelminthes,which infect both humans and animals causing enormous morbidity and mortality leading to huge economic losses. Currently, establishment of laboratory models of helminth parasites of veterinary and zoonotic importance for the Biochemical,Immunological and Molecular Characterization is being persued. Efforts are being made to Isolate, Purify and Characterize immunodominant antigens of liver fluke and Amphistome parasites for immunodiagnosis and vaccine development. Target is being validated by RNAi. Immunomodulatory role of some helminth derived products; Anthelmintic effect of some natural products as well as some Nano particles is being investigated. Currently teaching both UG and PG classes. Course modules include Vertebrate Immune System, Biotechniques, Essentials of Biological Chemistry, Endocrinology, Medical and Veterinary Helminthology, Fundamentals of Molecular Parasitology.
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