Ph.D, M.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.)
Toxicology, Neurotoxicology, Neuropharmacology
Phoenix Appartment, Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh-202002
I joined the Department of Zoology, AMU, as Assistant Professor in 2009. Earlier, I worked as a Guest Faculty (2007-08) in the Zoology Section, Women’s College, AMU, and DST Young Scientist in the Department of Zoology, AMU, in 2008. I was appointed as Associate Professor (Cadre) in 2019. I am working on neurodegenerative disorders using transgenic Drosophila as a study model for Parkinson’s Disease (expressing human alpha-synuclein) and Alzheimer’s disease (expressing Aβ-42).
I have also worked on the toxicity of various synthetic progestins and anti-cancerous drugs and on the protective effects of natural plant products (in vitro as well as in vivo) and proposed the mechanism of steroid toxicity and possible mechanisms of scavenging the free radicals by natural anti-oxidants. The results have been published in Toxicology Letters, Toxicology in vitro, Chemico-Biological Interactions, Drug and Chemical Toxicology, Human and Experimental Toxicology, Life Sciences, Food and Chemical Toxicology and Fitoterapia. I have also studied the effect of natural plant products on the hepatotoxicity induced by N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in rats. The results have been published in Mutation Research. I have studied the toxic effects of anti-bacterial, nano-particles, alloxan, calcium carbide, and sodium hypochlorite on transgenic Drosophila. The results have been published in Chemosphere, PLOS One and Biomed Research International.
Our research group has shown that by creating nano-composites, the dose of dopamine agonists can be reduced, and the desired effects can be obtained even at the lowest doses, thereby reducing the possible side effects of the dopamine agonists at higher doses. The study has been published in Disease Models and Mechanisms. The study of ropinirole silver nano-composite (RPAgNC) on the transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease showed that it effectively improved cognitive defects. The study concludes that the RpAgNC exerts more neuroprotective effects compared to ropinirole. The study has been published in Neuropharmacology. Our study on Gingerol showed that it does not affect the expression of alpha-synuclein in the brain. However, its anti-oxidant property is responsible for improving the Parkinson’s disease modeled flies. The results have been published in Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. Our Research Group has studied the effect of natural plant products (Kaempferol, tangeretin, apigenin, curcumin, luteolin, nordihydroguaiaretic acid epicatechin gallate) and plant extracts (Ocimum sanctum, Bacopa monnieri, Eucalyptus citriodora) on the transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease.
In the project sanctioned to me by CST, UP to study the genotoxic effects of Pan masala and gutkha among chewers, we have suggested the aneugenic/clastogenic process of the formation of micronuclei in buccal epithelial cells. The study has been published in Mutagenesis. In the projects sanctioned to me by UGC, New Delhi, we studied the biochemical changes that occur due to contraceptive pills (OCs). The result suggests that Ocs increase the level of high-density of lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides. In ICMR funded project, (E)-2(3-hydroxypropyl)imino methyl phenol (HIMP) was synthesized, characterized, and PD flies were allowed to feed on the diet having the desired concentration of HIMP for 24 days. The exposed PD flies showed a dose-dependent significant increase in life span and climbing ability compared to unexposed PD flies. A significant dose-dependent reduction in oxidative stress was also observed in the PD flies exposed to the HIMP. The results showed that HIMP could be used as a possible therapeutic agent against PD symptoms. The results showed that HIMP could be used as a possible therapeutic agent against PD symptoms. The patent has been filled for it (Application Number: 202014041837). Presently, our group is working on the evaluating the therapeutic potential of natural plant products (flavonoids) and the Unani polyherbal formulations (in the projects sanctioned from AYUSH) on the transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. The polyherbal formulations have shown a protective effect in the transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease. The study has been published in the Journal Heliyon.
Besides being a Gold Medalist at the PG level, I have received more than 20 Awards at the National level, to name a few are the UGC- Research Award (2012-2014) by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi, Shakuntala Amir Chand Prize- 2013 from ICMR, New Delhi, ISCB Young Scientist Award-2015 by Indian Society of Chemists and Biologist, CDRI, Lucknow, U.P., DEF-Young Scientist Award-2009 by Academy of Environmental Biology (AEB), ITTR, Lucknow, UP and Prof. G.K. Manna Memorial Award (2019-2020) from the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Kolkata, India. I also received the Young Scientist Award (2007-08) by the Council of Science and Technology, UP., Young Researcher of the Year Award 2018 (below 45 years)- AMU, Aligarh, Mrs. Abida Mahdi Award-2018 from Indian Academy of Biomedical Sciences, Lucknow and SPER Young Scientist Award-2015 by Society of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Gwalior, MP. I have also won several Best Oral Presentation Awards in various National and International Conferences and symposiums.
I have completed more than 12 Major Research Projects with a grant of more than Rs. 2 crores from SERB DST, ICMR, CSIR, UGC, AYUSH and UPCST. I have successfully guided 7 Ph.D., 3 M.Phil, and 3 MD dissertations. I have also Organized a National Seminar (2009) and Symposium (2010) in the Department of Zoology, AMU. I am also a Life Member of more than 15 National Societies. I have served as the Vice President (North Zone) of the Indian Society of Toxicology (IST), Cochin, India (1/4/2010 to 31/3/2012), Joint Secretary of Indian Society of Toxicology (IST), Cochin, India (2016), Member of the Executive Committee of Environmental Mutagen Society of India (EMSI), Mumbai, India (2019-2022) and Joint Director of Centre for Promotion of Science, AMU, Aligarh, UP (2/3/2012 from 2/3/13). I was elected as AMU Court Member w.e.f. 10/4/2015 to 9/4/2018.
I have published more than 162 Research
articles, 40 reviews, 5 books (3 Edited), and 13 Chapters in books
with a total impact factor of more than 300. The citation of publication
is 3780 with h-index-34 and i10 -96
- Shakya, S., Khan, I.M., Shakya, B., Siddique, Y.H., Varshney, H., Jyoti, S. (2023). Journal of Materials Chemistry B. [I.F: 7.571]
- Siddique, Y.H., Afzal, M. (2005). Genotoxic potential of cyproterone acetate: a possible role of reactive oxygen species. Toxicology in vitro 19, 63-68. [I.F.: 3.2]
- Danish, M., Fatima, A., Khanam, S., Jyoti, S., Rahul, Ali, F., Naz, F., Siddique, Y.H. (2015). Evaluation of the toxic potential of Calcium carbide in the third instar larvae of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (hsp70-lacZ) Bg9. Chemosphere 139: 469
- Siddique,Y.H., Khan, W., Fatima, A., Jyoti, S., Khanam, S., Naz, F., Rahul, Ali, F., Singh, B.R., Naqvi, A.H. (2016). Effect of bromocriptine alginate nanocomposite (BANC) on a transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease Disease Models and Mechanis
- Khanam, S., Fatima, A., Rahul., Jyoti, S., Ali, F., Naz, F., Shakya, S., Siddique, Y.H. (2017). Protective effect of Capsaicin against Methyl methanesulphonate induced toxicity in the third instar larvae of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (hsp70-lac
- Siddique, Y.H., Afzal, M. (2004). Evaluation of genotoxic potential of synthetic progestin chlormadinone acetate. Toxicology Letters 153, 221-225. [I.F: 3.5]
- Siddique, Y.H., Beg, T., Afzal, M. (2005). Genotoxic potential of ethinylestradiol in cultured mammalian cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions 151, 133-141. [I.F.: 5.1]
- Siddique, Y.H., Ara, G., Beg, T., Afzal, M. (2006). Genotoxic potential of medroxyprogesterone acetate in cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Life Sciences 80, 212- 218. [I.F.:6.1]
- Siddique, Y.H., Beg, T., Afzal, M. (2006). Protective effect of nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) against norgestrel induced genotoxic damage. Toxicology in vitro 20, 227-233. [I.F.: 3.2]
- Siddique, Y.H., Beg, T., Afzal, M. (2008). Antigenotoxic effect of apigenin against anti-cancerous drugs. Toxicology in vitro 22: 625-631. [I.F.: 3.2]
- Siddique, Y.H., Ara, G., Beg, T., Faisal, M., Ahmad, M., Afzal, M. (2008). Antigenotoxic role of Centella asiatica L. extract against cyproterone acetate induced genotoxic damage in cultured human lymphocytes. Toxicology in vitro 22: 10-17. [I.F.: 3.2]
- Siddique, Y.H., Ara, G., Beg, T., Afzal, M. (2008). Anti-genotoxic effect of nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) against chlormadinone acetate induced genotoxic damage in mice bone marrow cells. Journal of Natural Medicines 62: 52-56 [I.F.: 3.3]
- Siddique, Y.H., Afzal, M. (2009). Antigenotoxic effect of apigenin against mitomycin C induced genotoxic damage in mice bone marrow cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology 47: 536-539. [I.F.: 4.3].
- Siddique, Y.H., Ara, G., Beg, T., Afzal, M. (2010) Anticlastogenic effect of apigenin in human lymphocytes treated with ethinylestradiol. Fitoterapia 81:590-594. [I.F.: 3.4]
- Siddique, Y.H., Mustajab, S.F., Jyoti, S., Naz, F. (2013). GC-MS analysis of Eucalyptus citriodora leaf extract and its role on the dietary supplementation in transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease. Food and Chemical Toxicology 55: 29-35. [I.F
- Siddique, Y.H., Naz, F., Jyoti, S., (2014). Effect of curcumin on lifespan, activity pattern, oxidative stress and apoptosis in the brains of transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease. BioMed Research International vol. 2014, Article ID 606928,
- . Siddique,Y.H., Khan, W., Khanam, S., Jyoti, S., Naz, F., Rahul, Singh, B.R., Naqvi, A.H. (2014). Toxic potential of synthesized graphene zinc oxide nanocomposite (GZNC) in the third instar larvae of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (hsp70-lacZ) Bg9. B
- Siddique, Y.H., Faisal, M., Naz, F., Jyoti, S., Rahul. (2014). Role of Ocimum Sanctum leaf extract on the dietary supplementation in the transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 12 (10): 0777?0781. [I.F: 4.6
- Siddique, Y.H., Naz, F., Jyoti, S., Fatima, A., Khanam, S., Rahul., Ali, F., Mujtaba, S.F., Faisal, M. (2014). Effect of Centella asiatica leaf extract on the dietary supplementation in transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson ’s dis
- Ali, F., Rahul, Naz, F., Jyoti, S., Siddique, Y.H. (2015). Protective effect of Genistein against N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. 5: 51-57. [I.F: 8.8].
- . Rahul, Jyoti, S., Naz, F., Siddique, Y.H. (2015). Evaluation of the toxic potential of Cefotaxime in the third instar larvae of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 233:71-80. [I.F.: 5.1].
- Siddique, Y.H., Haidari, M., Khan, W., Fatima, A., Jyoti, S., Khanam, S., Naz, F., Rahul, Ali, F., Singh, B.R., Beg, T., Mohibullah, Naqvi, A.H. (2015). Toxic potential of copper doped ZnO nano particles in Drosophila melanogaster (Oregon R). Toxicology M
- Siddique, Y.H., Naz, F., Jyoti, S., Ali, F., Fatima, A., Rahul., Rahul., Khanam, S. (2016). Protective effect of Geraniol on the transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 43: 225–231.[I.F.:4.3]
- Siddique, Y.H., Ali, F. (2017). Protective effect of nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) on the transgenic Drosophila model of Alzheimer's disease.Chemico-Biological Interactions 269: 59-66. [I.F.: 5.1]
- Siddique, Y.H., Smita, J. (2017). Alteration in biochemical parameters in the brain of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster model of Parkinson’s disease exposed to Apigenin. Integrative Medicine Research 6: 245-253. [I.F: 3.4]
- Siddique, Y.H., Ansari, M.S., Rahul., Jyoti, S. (2018). Effect of alloxan on the third instar larvae of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (hsp70-lacZ) Bg9. Toxin Reviews 1-11 [I.F: 3.1].
- Khanam, S., Siddique, Y.H. (2018). Dopamine: Agonists and neurodegenerative disorders. Current Drug Targets 19(14):1599-1611 [I.F: 3.2].
- Fatima, A., Jyoti, S., Siddique, Y.H. (2018). Models of Parkinson’s disease with special emphasis on Drosophila melanogaster. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 17(10): 757-766 [I.F.: 3].
- Beg, T., Jyoti, S., Naz, F., Rahul, Ali, F., Ali, S.K., Reyad, A.M., Siddique, Y.H. (2018). Protective effect of kaempferol on the transgenic Drosophila model of Alzheimer's disease. CNS Neurological Disorders Drug Targets 17(6):421-429. [I.F.: 3].
- Khanam, S., Naz, F., Ali, F., Rahul, Jyoti, S., Fatima, A., Khan, W., Singh, B.R., Naqvi, A.H., Siddique, Y.H. (2018). Effect of cabergoline alginate nanocomposite on the transgenic Drosophila melanogaster model of Parkinson’s disease. Toxicology Mechanis
- Khan, M.A., Jyoti, S., Rahul, Naz, F., Ara, G., Afzal, M. and Siddique, Y.H., 2019. Effect of lemon grass extract against methyl methanesulfonate induced toxicity. Toxin Reviews 40(4), 1172-1186. [I.F: 3.1].
- Shakya, B., Shakya, S., Siddique, Y.H. (2019). Effect of geraniol against arecoline induced toxicity in the third instar larvae of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (hsp70-lacZ) Bg9 Toxicology Mechanism and Methods 29(3),187-202. [I.F: 3.2].
- Siddique, Y. H., Naz, F., Rahul., Rashid, M. Tajuddin (2019). Effect of Majun Baladur on life span, climbing ability, oxidative stress and dopaminergic neurons in the transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease. Heliyon, 5(4), e01483. [I.F.4]
- Ali, F., Siddique, Y.H. (2019) Bioavailability and Pharmaco-therapeutic potential of luteolin in overcoming Alzheimer’s disease. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 18(5), 352-365 [I.F.: 3].
- Fatima, A., Siddique, Y.H. (2019) Role of flavonoids in neurodegenerative disorders with special emphasis on tangeritin. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 18(8), 581-597 [I.F.: 3].
- Siddique, Y.H., Akhtar, S., Rahul., Ansari, M.S., Shakya, B., Jyoti, S., Naz, F. (2020). Protective effect of luteolin against methyl methanesulfonate induced toxicity. Toxin Reviews 39, 41-51. [I.F: 3.1].
- Naz, F., Rahul, Fatima M., Naseem, S., Khan, W., Mondal, A.C., Siddique, Y.H. (2020). Ropinirole silver nanocomposite attenuates neurodegeneration in the transgenic Drosophila melanogaster model of Parkinson's disease. Neuropharmacology 177(108216): 1-19.
- Rahul., Naz, F., Jyoti, S., Siddique, Y.H. (2020). Effect of Kaempferol on the transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease. Scientific Reports 10 (13793): 1-14 [I.F: 4.6].
- Andarabi, S.M.U.N., Tamanna, S., Rahul, Naz, F., Siddique, Y.H. (2021). Toxic potential of Sodium hypochlorite in the third instar larvae of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (hsp70-lacZ) Bg9. Toxin Reviews Published online: 20 Oct 2021 [I.F: 3.1].
- Naz, F., Siddique, Y.H. (2021). Nanotechnology: its application in treating Neurodegenerative diseases. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 20(1), 34-53 [I.F.: 3].
- Naz, F., Siddique, Y.H. (2021). Drosophila melanogaster a versatile model of Parkinson’s Disease. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 20(6), 487-530. [I.F.: 3].
- Rahul., Siddique, Y.H. (2021). Neurodegenerative diseases and Flavonoids: Special reference to kaempferol. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 20(4), 327-342 [I.F.: 3].
- Siddique, Y. H. (2021). Role of luteolin in overcoming the Parkinson’s disease. BioFactors 47(2):198-206 [I.F.: 6].
- Subhan, I., Siddique, Y.H. (2021). Modulation of Huntington’s disease in Drosophila. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 20(10), 894-903 [I.F.: 3].
- Siddique, Y.H. (2021). Does human alpha synuclein behave like prions? CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 20(6), 480-486 [I.F.: 3].
- Varshney H., Siddique Y.H. (2021). Role of natural plant products against Alzheimer’s disease. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 20, (38) 904-941 [I.F.: 3].
- Siddique, Y.H., Rahul., Ara, G., Afzal, M.,Varshney, H., Gaur, K., Subhan, I., I. Mantasha., Shahid, M. (2022). Beneficial effects of apigenin on the transgenic Drosophila model of Alzheimer’s disease. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 366, p.110120. [I.F.
- Rahul., Siddique, Y.H. (2022). Neurodegenerative disorders and the current state, pathophysiology and management of Parkinson’s disease. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 21(7):574-595 [I.F.: 3].
- Rahul., Siddique, Y.H. (2022). Drosophila: A model to study the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 21(3):259-277 [I.F.: 3].
- Varshney H., Siddique Y.H. (2022). Pharmacological attributes of Fenugreek with special reference to Alzheimer’s disease. Current Alzheimer Research [I.F.: 3.040].
- Siddique, Y.H. (2023). Role of Unani polyherbal formulations in the treatment of diseases with special reference to neurodegenerative disorders. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 22: 321 - 328 [I.F.: 3]. doi: 10.2174/187152732166622012714161
- Owais, S., Siddique, Y.H. (2023). A comprehensive study of miRNAs in Parkinson’s disease: diagnostics and therapeutic approaches. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 22: 353 - 380 [I.F.: 3].
- Gaur, K., Siddique, Y.H. (2023). Effect of apigenin on neurodegenerative diseases. CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets [I.F.: 3].