हादी हसन हॉल
About Hall
Introduction of the Hall.
Ø The construction of
Hadi Hasan Hall was completed in 1970. Initially known as ‘325 Hall’.
Ø The ‘325-Hall’ got
separated from Ross Masood Hall in the year 1971 and was named after
Prof. Hadi Hasan, the distinguished scholar of Persian literature-for his immense contributions to the University, especially in the establishment of Medical in college AMU.
Prof. Hadi Hasan, the distinguished scholar of Persian literature-for his immense contributions to the University, especially in the establishment of Medical in college AMU.
Ø The Hall comprised of
4 hostels named after three eminent personalities Prof. Wali Mohammad,
Dr. Khawaja Ghulam-Us-Sydain and Mr. Khawaja Hameed. The PG hostels were later on added to accommodate the increasing number of students.
Dr. Khawaja Ghulam-Us-Sydain and Mr. Khawaja Hameed. The PG hostels were later on added to accommodate the increasing number of students.
Ø We envision an inclusive, vibrant and safe hostel facility for our residents to set them up for academic & professional excellence.
Ø To provide healthy, secure and eco-friendly environment.
Ø To uphold highest standards of accommodation with a clean & well maintained infrastructure.
Ø To ensure a healthy dining experience at nominal prices.
Ø To foster among students (from different communities, creeds, languages & cultures) the spirit of fellowship and the sense of unity amidst diversity.

Phone: 0571-27204 Ext: 5602
Email: provosthadihasan@gmail.com