इंदिरा गाँधी हॉल
Events Held
Republic Day 2025
Republic Day Celebration 2024
Pledge for 14th National Voters Day, 25th January, 2024
Fit India Week Celebration by Indira Gandhi Hall, AMU 2023
“Fit India Moment 2023’’
Fit India Week Celebration by Indira Gandhi Hall, AMU
In order to gain wholesome health, Fit India Movement is an initiative by Government of India, introduced in 2019. Indira Gandhi Hall, Aligarh Muslim University organised ‘The Fit India Week 2023,” from 18th to 21st November, under the guidance and supervision of the Provost, Prof. ShaukatHaseen, the wardens (Dr. Nazish Begum, Dr.SumbulRehman, Ms. Sana Kaneez, Dr.HeenaParveen, Dr.NoorinZafar and Ms.Nazia) and management team of the Hall, which kicked off with an electrifying atmosphere as the residents of the hall gathered in anticipation of sports events and activities filled with comradeship, competition, enthusiasm, and sportsmanship. Thepurpose of this program was to inspire and encourage the residents to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Day one, on 18th November, the opening ceremony set the tone for the upcoming events emphasizing the importance of sports in fostering a sense of community and promoting holistic well-being. The event commenced with a warm welcome address by Prof. ShaukatHaseen (Provost, I.G. Hall). She also motivated the residents to participate in sports activities. The welcome address was followed by the Torch lightning, where the torch was carried by the senior players of the hostel and was put at rest by Wardens and Provost. The event of the day i.e., Badminton matches administered under the guidance of Dr. Nazia, PET, Women’s College, AMU.TeamIlma and Team Zoha qualified for the finals as participants geared up for the finals. The site was full of spirited competition and Team Ilma emerged as the winner. Cheers and chants echoed through the hall, creating an atmosphere charged with enthusiasm, symbolising the illumination of sportsmanship and fair play.
On 19th November, the second day of the fitness week registered for the basketball and volleyball competitions in the presence of the Provost,Wardens and the sports Teacher. All the participants displayed exemplary sportsmanship and a large crowd of elated and cheerful audience watched with spirited fervour, the nail biting sequences. The Basketball match finale was won by Team Adeeba while the Team Zoha emerged victorious in the Volleyball match.
On 20th November, the third day of the event witnessed another round of exhilarating sports experiences as participants, residents and wardens in the presence of the provost witnessed a thrilling tournament of Kho-Kho amongst Team A, B, C D, and E. After scintillating knockout matches, the finale was held between Team A and Team D, and the match was declared a tie. Team D stood in the runner up position.
Day fourth, on 21stNovember,to add a flavour of flexibility and balance, yoga asanas were performed by the Residents under the guidance of Mis.Mehvish, Sports Instructor, Abdullah Hall, along with her two yoga instructors, Mis.Shivani and Mis.Tabassum. All the Wardens, Residents, along with the provost have shown their warmth and vigour interest in performing yoga asanas like Surya-Namaskar, Paschimottanasana, Halasana, Ustarasana and Dhanurasana etc.
At the end of the event, the Provost, Prof. ShaukatHaseenemphasized the importance of sport in promoting physical and mental health. She said that “sport,is directly related to fitness and it gives us strength and a healthy life. The most valuable asset on the earth is health. A healthy person will always excel in all fields of life, so fitness should be a part of our life. Further, Fit India Movement will also encourage the psychological well-being through addressing of student’s emotional issues. When the students are physically and mentally fit, then the anxiety and stress will not be there Dr. HeenaParveen(Resident Warden, I.G. Hall)assisted the residents in understanding the significance of yoga and a healthy lifestyle for managing and treating polycystic ovary Syndrome (PCOS) a hormonal disorder among Girls. She explained that Surya-Namaskar (a series of yoga poses) and a healthy routine lifestyle can be beneficial in reducing stress, promoting hormonal balance and managing body weight. Dr. SumbulRehman (Non-Resident Warden, I.G. Hall)presented vote of thanks.
The Fit India Week celebration was conducted by Ms. SabahatYasmeen, a final year resident, she motivated everyone to embrace the spirit of sportsmanship and give their best on the field. All the events of this week were well managed by Sports Proctor, IlmaWaseem, student of B.A Hons with her pure diligence and dedication. The program concluded with certificates felicitation by Mis. Mehvish to all the winners. The success of the program was completely dependent upon the participation of students and the event acted as a guiding post in bringing about healthy lifestyle changes.
The encouragement, guidance, and motivation by the Provost and Wardens throughout the program emphasizing the importance of sports in fostering a sense of community and promoting physical well-being, resonated with the audience, instilling a sense of pride in being part of a residential hall that values holistic development.
Antiragging Week 12-18 August 2023
Antiragging Week was organized during 12-18 August 2023 in IG Hall
Parwaaz: Job Awareness Campaign
Training and Placement Office (General) and Women’s College, AMU organized Parwaaz One day Job Fair for Female students organize Awareness program in IG Hall on August 2023, 2023
SS DAY Competition and Celebration, 2023
Anti Ragging Day In Indira Gandhi Hall
77th Independence Day 2023
Indira Gandhi Hall organized its Annual Hall Week Farozaan 1.0 from 15th of March 2023 to 18th of March 2023. Farozaan 1.0 consisted of a series of four days' events: Islamic, Literary, Cultural and Sports. It was a week filled with fervor and excitement experienced amidst thrills, shrills, and cheers.
The Provost of Indira Gandhi Hall, Prof. Sheeba Hamid addressed the gathering by motivating girls to actively participate in the Hall week. Further, she shared some anecdotes and addressed the girls as a senior Alig.
Day 1- lbtida-e-Farozaan consisted of two competitions, the first one was "Naat
Competition" and the second was "Islamic Quiz Competition". The judges were
Dr. Shaista Parween and Dr. Fauzia Waheed. A skit was performed by the
residents of Indira Gandhi Hall with the message of "Triple talaq in Islam. ""lbtida-eFarozaan" came to an end with the prize distribution ceremony for the winners of th Islamic Quiz and Naat Competition along with Selfie Point Making,
Painting, and Solo Singing competitions
that were held under Azadi ka Amrit Mahostsav.
Day 2- Literary Events- The event had a spectacular opening. The event was blessed with the gracious presence and mentorship of senior and renowned faculty members from various departments. Among them were Prof. Humaira Afridi, Dr. Darakshan Zafar, Prof. Feza Azmi, Dr. Faiza Abbasi and Dr. Shivangini Tandon. Self composed poetry recitation competition, Powerpoint presentation competition and extempore speech competitions were held. The participants charmed the gathering with their soulful poetry, eloquence and impromptu skills. PowerPoint Presentations enthralled the audience. In their speeches, guests and judges expressed delight on witnessing the event and praised the efforts of the students. The winners of literary competitions were awarded with trophy and certificate.
Day 3- Cultural Events-Day 3 of Farozaan 1.0 consisted of off-stage
competitions were 'Hair-do' and 'Healthy Salad and Beverage Making'. The on-stage competitions were 'SoloSinging', 'Stand-up Comedy' and 'Dupatta Styling' competitions. The judges of the competitions were Dr. Zeba Sarmad, Dr. Mariyam Fatima, Dr.
Fatima, Dr.
Parween and Dr. Shagufta Niyaz. The Cultural day showcased the
vibrant and
colorful talents of residents
and Non-Residents of IG Hall.
Day 4- Sports Competitions- the day started with the lighting of the Torch by the Provost of IG Hall, Prof. Sheeba Hamid. Judges of the day were Mrs. Aziza Rizvi, Ms. Nida Usmani and Ms. Nazia Khan. The torch relay was carried forward by the members of the sports committee. The provost and all the wardens then entered the ground to wish the students luck and to boost their sirits. This was followed by various indoor and outdoor games which were conducted simultaneously. The indoor games were Chess, Carom, and Ludo. The first outdoor game was a 1OO m race followed by a 200 m race. All impressive performances by the girls of IG hall, Annexe, and NR were highly appreciated. The other outdoor games organized for the day were Basketball, Volleyball and Tug-of-war. The Provost Prof. Sheeba Hamid thanked all the wardens: Dr. Saba Khan, Dr. Nazish Begum, Dr. Sumbul Rehman, Ms. Sana Kaneez, Ms. Kousain Fatima, Dr.Heena Parveen, Dr. Zebus Sehar, Dr. Noorin Zafar and Dr. Atiya Parveen for their cooperation and support and advised the participants to keep-up their sports man spirit. Then the hall week concluded with AMU tarana followed by the national anthem.
Sports Day Day -4 Farozaan 1.0 Annual Hall Week IG Hall
Hai intiha-e-yasbhi ek ibtida-e-shauq
Phir aa gaewahin pe chale the jahan se hum
On the 18th of March 2023, The Indira Gandhi Hall conducted its final day of the Annual Hall week, The sports day. It was a day filled with fervor and excitement experienced amidst thrills, shrills, and cheers. The event was conducted by Dr. Nazish Begum and Ms. Sana Kaneez, whose unfathomable efforts made the event possible. The student organizer of the day was Summaiya Fatma who is a national-level sprinter. The dignitaries of the day were Ms. Aziza Rizvi, Former Director of the Physical Education Section from Women’s college and has been the recipient of the National Award 1971 by the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Govt of India. Mrs. Nida Usmani, PRT teacher, AMU ABK High School and Mrs. Nazia Khan, Assistant Director of Physical Education at Women's College The day started off with the Lighting of the Torch by the provost of IG hall, Prof Sheeba Hamid. The torch relay was carried forward by the members of the sports committee. The provost and all the wardens then entered the ground to wish the students luck and to boost their spirits. 
This was followed by various Indoor and outdoor games which were conducted simultaneously. The indoor games were Chess, Carom, and Ludo. The first outdoor game was a 100m race followed by a 200m race. All impressive performances by the girls of IG hall, Annexe, and NR were highly appreciated. The other outdoor games organized for the Day were Basketball, Volley ball, and Tug-o-war. Finally, in the evening there were a few surprise competitions between the wardens and the dignitaries. These events skyrocketed the spirit of the audience. The first competition was a lemon race followed by the musical chair. The evening concluded with the prize distribution ceremony followed by a cultural plethora by the wardens. Finally, the traditional and the most awaited part of the whole week, The AMU Tarana was sung followed by the national anthem. The students departed with cheering faces. It was a day filled with sportsmanship, enthusiasm, and memories to cherish. The esteemed provost of our hall, Prof. Sheeba Hamid thanked all the wardens for their cooperation and support and advised the children to keep up their sportsman spirit.
Ibtida-e-Farozaan-ANNUAL HALL WEEK -DAY 1 I.G.Hall
Ibtida-e-Farozaan, the opening day of the Annual Hall Celebrations “Farozaan1.0” was centered on Islamic Events. The warden in charges for the Day-1 of the Annual Hall Celebration 2023, Farozaan 1.0 were Dr. Sumbul Rehman and Dr. Heena Parveen. As per the tradition of Aligarh Muslim University, the event's commencement was done by reciting verses from Qura’an. The student organiser of the event was Mateeba Mashita Akram. Anchors of the event were Mateeba Mashita Akram student of B.ScHome Science III year, and Tuba Rehman student of B. A Communicative English III Year. The qirat was done by Nida Akhlaqu and Fatima Khursheed students of B. A Urdu III year did the translation in a courteous manner.
Moving forward with the event, the respected provost of Indira Gandhi Hall, Prof Sheeba Hamid addressed the gathering by motivating girls to come and show active participation in the events like Hall week. Further, she shared the anecdote and addressed the girls as a senior Alig.
Ibtida-e-Farozaan consisted of two events, the first one was Islamic Quiz Competition and the second was the Naat Competition. The first round of the Quiz Competition took place off-stage whereas Naat Competition took place on stage simultaneously.
The first round of the quiz competition was a written round, and eleven teams participated in it—the quiz comprised entries from both Abdullah Hall and Indira Gandhi Hall. The enthusiastic participation was mesmerizing to notice. There were teams of 2 and 2+1. The Quiz Master was Mariyam Khan student of B. A Communicative English Hons. III year. Out of eleven teams only five qualified for the final round which was a ‘rapid-fire round’, the second round for the Islamic Quiz Competition was done on stage. The winners of the Islamic Quiz Competition were- for the first position Azra and Shabbeba as Team E, for the second position Roshni and Arifa as Team D, and for the third position Zainab and Iram as Team C.
The Naat Competition had an amazing response of 22 entries. With a good number of entries, the entire air was filled with embraces and praises to Allah and The Prophet (PBUH). The entries were broth from Indira Gandhi Hall and Abdullah Hall. Winners of the Naat Competition were, the first prize was bagged by Arshi Chauhan B. A English Hons. II year, the second prize was bagged by Hudaibiya, and the third prize was bagged by Fiza B. A Persian Hons II year, and the consolation prize was for Zikra Khan B.A Hons I year.
Further, as we moved towards the last segment of “Ibtida-e-Farozaan”, there was a skit performance by the students of Indira Gandhi Hall with a message of “triple talaq in Islam.” The skit had a magnetic way which caught everyone present there with knowledge and interest.
The first day of the Annual Hall Celebration- 2023, “Ibtida-e-Farozaan” came to an end with the prize distribution ceremony for the winners of the Islamic Quiz and Naat Competition along with Selfie Point Making, Painting, and Solo Singing competitions that were held on Azadi ka Amrit Mahostsav.
The vote thanks was delivered by Bushra Junaid student of B.Com II Year extending thanks to the respective organisers and authorities for making the event a big success.
Cultural Events-Annual Hall Week Day 3 I.G. Hall
The Annual Hall Celebration 2023 of Indira Gandhi Hall, ‘Farozaan 1.0’ consisted of a series of four-day events. The third day comprised ‘Cultural Events’. The wardens in charge of the events were Dr. Noorin Zafar and Ms Kousain Fatma. Mariyam Khan (B. A. III) and Shafa (BUMS I) organised the event.
The event commenced with the inaugural statements from the anchors further taken by the provost Prof. Sheeba Hamid. She addressed the gathering with her motivating and inspiring words.
Day 3 of Farozaan 1.0 consisted of 5 competitions among them two were off-stage competitions and the rest three were on-stage competitions. There was active participation from the students. The event started with the commencement of the first off-stage competition and on-stag competition which took place simultaneously.
The first off-stage competition was a ‘Hair-do’. The judges for the competition were Dr. Mehar Fatma, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, AMU, Aligarh and Dr. Nuzhat Parveen, Assistant Professor, Women’s College, AMU, Aligarh. In hair-do competition, first prize was bagged by Anam Khan and Sahiba Siddiqui (B. Com. II). Second prize was bagged by Ahmad Nisa and Hadeequa Nasir (B.F.A. IV) and the third prize was bagged by Khushi and Muskan Firoz (B. Com. III). Consolation prize was given to Adiba Nizami and Nancy Srivastav (B.F.A. IV and III, respectively).
The next off-stage competition was the ‘Healthy Salad and Beverage Making’. The judges for the competition were Dr. Mariyam Fatima and Ms Zeba Sarmad, from the Department of Home Science, AMU, Aligarh. The winners of the competition were; first prize was bagged by Maseera Ahmad Usmani and Naheed Fatema, student of B.Sc. III year and B.A. III year, respectively. The second prize was bagged by Muskan Shafi Malik and Subreena Yousuf, student of B.A. III year and I year, respectively. The third prize was bagged by Dariya Mazhar and Bushra Ahsan (B. Com. III).
The first on-stage competition was ‘Solo Singing’. This competition was judged by Dr. Shagufta Niyaz, Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi, Women’s College, AMU, Aligarh. In solo singing competition, the first prize was bagged by Fatima Khan (B.Sc. III). The second prize was bagged by Zoha Kazmi (B.A. II) and the third prize was bagged by Bushra Ahsan (B. Com. III).
The second on-stage competition was ‘Stand-up Comedy’ which was judged by Dr Rahida Hilal and Dr Simeen Usmani from the Department of Jarahat, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh. Aghna Rizvi (B.A. III) won the first prize, Fatima Tahsin (B.A. I) won the second prize, and Dariya Mazhar (B.Com. III) won the third prize.
Third on-stage competition was ‘Dupatta Styling’ competition. The judges of the competition were Dr. Nazia Khan, Assistant Director of Sports, Women’s College, AMU, Aligarh and Dr. Nazia Parveen, Assitant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Women’s College, AMU,
Aligarh. The first prize for dupatta styling was given to Reha Jannat and Atiya Parvez (B.A. II), second prize was given to Sufia Naaz and Hera Afroz students (B.A. I) and the third prize was given to Alveena Nadeem and Nida Ashfaque (B.F.A IV).
On competition of the event’s competitions, there were special performances by the respected judges, Dr. Shagufta Niyaz and Dr. Mariyam Fatima. They dedicated their performances to the students and the event.
Shafa extended the vote of thanks to all the associated persons for making the third day of Farozaan 1.0 a great success.
The residents of Indira Gandhi Hall along with all the wardens; Dr. Saba Khan, Dr. Nazish Begum, Dr. Sumbul Rehman, Ms Sana Kaneez, Dr. Heena Parveen, Dr. Zebus Sehar, and Dr. Atiya Parveen were present to grace the event.
LITERARY EVENTS DAY-4 Farozaan 1.0 Annual Hall Week IG Hall
Farozaan 1.0, organized day 2 of Annual Hall Week as a literary fest, on 16th of March at Indira Gandhi Hall. In accordance to tradition, the event began with a grand welcome of our Provost Prof.Sheeba Hamid and the judges. The event was blessed with the gracious presence and mentorship of plethora of dignitaries, among them the judges were Dr. Humair Afridi, Dr. Darakshan Zafar, Prof. Feza Azmi, Dr. Faiza Abbasi and Dr. Shivangini Tandon for various competitions.After felicitation and introduction ofGuest and all dignitaries, mementos were presented to them as token of love.The event had a spectacular opening. In variety of competitions, included Self composed poetry recitation competition, Powerpoint presentation and extempore, the Students charmed the gathering with theircolourful poetries, eloquence and impromptu skills and fast paced Power Point Presentation and enthralled the audience.In their speeches, the Chief guest and judges expressed delight on witnessing the fest and praised the efforts of the students. All the winners of different literary competitions were awarded with trophy and certificate. Muskan, Aiman Khan and Farheen Shahban won the first, second and third prize in Self Composed Poetry Competition respectively. Mariyam Khan, Sukanya Kumari and Ana Sarwarwon the first , second and third prize in Powerpoint Presentation Competition. Mahwish, Aghna Rizvi/Tuba Rehman and Sheeza Jamshed won the first, second and third prize in extempore.Hostilities had performed the various Literary event under the wardens incharge Dr. Nazish Begum (Non-resident warden) and Dr. Zebus Sehar (Resident Warden) and the program was a great success in itself. The wardens, Dr. Saba Khan, Dr. Sumbul Rehman, Ms. Sana Kaneez, Ms. Kousain Fatma, Dr. Heena Parveen and Dr. Noorin Zafar, were also present on the occasion.
Hall Week 2023
Hall Week Poster 2023
Hall Week Poster 2023
Hall Week Poster 2023
Republic Day Celebration 2023
On the occasion of the 74th Republic Day Indira Gandhi Hall Aligarh Muslim University commemorated the auspicious occasion with the spirit of patriotism. The day commenced with the unfurling of the Flag followed by the National Anthem. Indira Gandhi hall with all of its resident students, resident, and non-resident warden, and the working staff under the shed of the respected provost Prof. Sheeba Hamid ma’am celebrated the day on the grounds of the hall.
On 26th January 2023, resident students, wardens, and the working staff of Indira Gandhi Hall were gathered at 8:45 am and the respected provost Prof. Sheeba Hamid ma’am unfurled the flag which was followed by the National Anthem. The commencement of the Republic Day event was done by the anchor Sukanya Choudhary, student of B.com Hons II year. The program was further moved on by the address of the respected provost Prof. Sheeba Hamid ma’am where the madam talked about the importance of the constitution of India and awakened the feeling of patriotism among all, madam provost also recited her favorite poem by Dr. Rabindra Nath Tagore. The event was further moved with a Hindi speech by Aqsa student of B. A Hindi Hons. II year where Aqsa talked about the framing of constitution and fundamental rights. The next student performance was a group song by the resident girls of IG hall, the melodious patriotic song was sung with full enthusiasm that mesmerized everyone. Further the next performance was an Urdu Speech by Tuba Rehman, a final student of B.A Communicative English, where she talked about the life lessons that the constitution talks about relating it with Sir Syed Ahmad's Khan vision of a secular nation. Next was the address made by the warden Dr. Nazish Begum ma'am, in her address she pointed out how we talk about our rights but forget about our duties towards our nation. Further, the next performance was a Qaumi Tarana that was sung by Sophia and Afiya students of B.A Urdu Hons I year. The song was so powerful it pulled the strings of hearts and left everyone in awe. The program was further moved by an Urdu speech performance by Nada Fatima, a first student of B.A Quranic studies, where she raised the points regarding the importance of the constitution and how the constituent assembly framed it.
As we moved towards the last segment of the 74th Republic Day, Mariyam Khan, a final year student of B.A communicative English Hons. read out the Preamble of India for which everyone stood up and repeated after her. At last the vote of thanks was presented by the warden Dr. Sumbul Rehman ma'am on behalf of the provost, thanking each and everyone for their contribution and organizing the event. Sweets were disturbed to all the students at the end. The 74th Republic Day at Indira Gandhi Hall Aligarh Muslim University was celebrated with excitement. As the flag is held high, may the tricolor flutter high in the sky now and forever.
World Mental Health Day at IG Hall
10th October, 2022: World Mental Health Day was observed at IG Hall to raise awareness about mental health of the people, particularly among college going girls. On this occasion, a counselling session for the residents of Indira Gandhi Hall with Dr. Poonam Batra, a renowned homeopath and psychological counsellor of Aligarh was conducted. The programme began with the verses of Holy Quran by Ms. Sidra Qadir (B.A. IInd year). The session started with highlighting the importance of mental health. Dr. Batra said "mental health and physical health are related to each other" and that "healthy mind resides in a healthy body". She talked to the residents about the prevalent psychological problems among young girls that are not given due weightage. She encouraged the girls to shun the taboos related to mental health. In the enlightening presentation by Dr. Batra, she showed various ways through which mental health can be improved. Mental health and physical health both rely on each other. One can improve both by following three simple chores in our daily life such as taking proper nutritious diet, doing proper exercise and taking adequate rest. She shared many important strategies which can be implemented by girls to help in the betterment of their mental health; like having a goal and spiritual meaning in life, being able to appreciate others, being compassionate towards oneself and others. This was followed by question answer session with Dr. Batra wherein many students shared their personal problems. This helped them to get the right guidance and solutions. Prof. Sheeba Hamid, Provost, appreciating the interactive session advised the girls to learn to share and care. She also said that hostel life is the best way to learn to live together, learn together and progress together.
Dr. Saba Khan and Ms. Sana Kaneez organized the programme. Dr. Nazish Begum, Dr. Sumbul Rehman, Ms. Heena Parveen, Dr. Zebus Sehar and Dr. Noorin Zafar were present. Ms. Mariyam Khan (B.A. IIIrd year) was the anchor of the programme. Vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Juweriya Zaidi (B.Sc. IIIrd year).
Motivational and Career Counselling Session at IG Hall
Gandhi Hall in collaboration with Training and Placement Office (General)
organized a career counselling session for the residents on 15th
September, 2022. The session opened with a motivational talk by Provost, Prof.
Sheeba Hamid on “Choose Career with Passion, How and Why”? She advised the
girls to prepare a roadmap for building their career and aspiring by
strategizing. She also encouraged the girls to have a well defined timeline and
goals to build their career. The resource person, Mr. Saad Hameed, TPO
(General), shared an interesting story with the girls and emphasized upon “No
Pain, No gain” and counting one’s own strengths and weaknesses prior to making
an action plan to achieve the desired goals. He further talked about the
urgency of realizing the importance of time management especially for
undergraduate students. He also said that losing time leads to losing
opportunities. Dr. Nazia Khan (Assistant
Director of Sports, Women’s College, Aligarh Muslim University) inspired the
girls not to hesitate in choosing unconventional careers and to achieve them
with faith, honesty, patience and perseverance. The session ended with vote of
thanks by Dr. Sumbul Rehman (Non-Resident Warden, IG Hall). The coordinators of
the programme were Dr. Nazish Begum (Non-resident Warden) and Dr. Zebus Sehar
(Resident Warden) of I.G. Hall.
The wardens,
Dr. Saba Zaidi, Dr. Noorin Zafar, Ms. Heena Parveen and Ms. Kousain Fatma were
also present on the occasion. The students of B.A., B.Com. and B.Sc. (Home
Science) attended the session.
Indira Gandhi Hall Celebrated 75th Independence Day, 2022
Indira Gandhi Hall, Aligarh Muslim University, celebrated the 75thIndependence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor in the presence of staff members and wardens. The ceremony commenced with the unfurling of the national flag by the Provost Professor Sheeba Hamid followed by National Anthem. Thereafter, the program was addressed by the provost congratulating and wishing everyone a very happy independence day. Further the program was taken by the conveyer, Mariyam Khan (B.A. III year) with a beautiful couplet by Josh Maleehabadi.
On Azadi Ka Amrit Mahsotsav, 75th Independence Day it was delightful to witness the participation of Indira Gandhi hall students. The air was filled with patriotism and enthusiasm, the event was further followed by a patriotic song by Shifa Ahmad (B.Sc. III year), followed by a speech by Shafaq (B.Sc. III year), thereafter resident students Ummey Varqa and Srishti Alam (B.A. I year) recited self-composed poetries on the theme of Independence. Further the event was taken forward by Mariyam Khan, III year student of B.A, who on the occasion of Independence Day talked of women and freedom. She ended her speech by reciting the very famous nazm of Faiz Ahmad Faiz, ‘Subh-e-Azadi’ ‘The Dawn of Freedom.’
Dr. Sumbul Rehman delivered the vote of thanks. Dr. Rehman acknowledged the staff and the students of IG hall for showing the enthusiasm and patriotism towards the nation in their own unique way.
the event of 75th Independence Day was put to an end by University Tarana which was followed by National Anthem. Later, the sweet distribution was done among the students.
At last the event was closed with a plantation drive under the supervision of non-resident wardens (Dr. Nazish Begum and Dr. Sumbul Rehman) and the resident wardens (Ms. Heena Parveen, Dr. Zebus Sehar, and Dr. Noorin Zafar).It was pleasurable to witness the young talent emerging from the platform of I.G. Hall. The participation of students of the hall was commendable.
Health camp organized in I.G. Hall August 7, 2022
A health camp was organized by Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal,, Faculty of Unani medicine, AMU, Aligarh under the banner of Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav for the resident students and staff members of the Indira Gandhi (IG) Hall with free medical consultations, and referrals for specialised treatments.
Prof Suboohi Mustafa (Chairperson, Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal) stressed on giving importance to health and underlined the need to go through medical check-ups at regular intervals. “In an increasingly complicated life, many women are suffering from several gynaecological problems”, she said. She also spoke on the usefulness of Unani Medicine. According to Dr Fahmeeda Zeenat (Programme Coordinator), discussed the role of ‘AYUSH’ and how the Ministry of AYUSH is developing education, research and propagation of traditional medicine systems in India.
Prof Sheeba Hamid (Provost, I G Hall) said that the team of doctors not only provided the students and staff with free health services in the camp, but they were also apprised on how to tackle health issues at the right time, and seeing the doctor early enough before a small health problem turns serious. Dr Sumbul Rehman extended the vote of thanks.
Over 50 girl students and staff members received free health services in the camp.
Winner in Annual Flower show 2022
Indira Gandhi Hall bagged 02 First Prize and 04 second prizes in different categories, as follows in the Annual flower show organized by A.M.U., Aligarh.
First Prize:
C-A 10: Best collection of 06 cineraria of different varieties single.
C-A 18: Best collection of six asters
Second Prize:
B 17- Best collection of 03 Dicuethins
B 13- Best collection of 03 Salvia
B 27-Best Collection of artistically arranged group of foliage and flowering annuals
Gymnasium and Teak Plantation Inauguration
Gymnasium and Teak Plantation Inauguration
Dr. Hameeda Tariq, renowned paediatrician, inaugurated the gymnasium and unveiled the plaque at Indira Gandhi Hall on 8th Feb, 2022. While appreciating this new addition in the hall, she said that “mental and physical health of females is of paramount importance for a vibrant society”. Gym workouts also help prevent and control non-insulin-dependent diabetes as increased fitness leads to better weight management, she added.
Professor Sheeba Hamid, Provost, while welcoming Dr. Hameeda Tariq, said, “the Gymnasium was long due at Indira Gandhi Hall”. It is the support and encouragement of the Vice Chancellor which made it possible and now a huge area in the hall has been identified to develop into teak forest in future, she added.
This was followed by teak
plantation drive. Dr Hameeda Tariq planted the first teak sapling and said
that,” it is a very beneficial step to make use of the wasteland and generate
resources in future.”
“A huge area in the hall has
been identified to develop into a teak forest in future”. said Professor Sheeba
Hamid. Professor Naima Khatoon (Principal, Women’s College), Professor Nishat
Fatima Zaidi (University Librarian), Professor Subuhi Khan (Provost, Begum
Azizun Nisa Hall), Dr. Ghazala Naheed (Provost, Abdullah Hall), Professor Asma
Ali (Deputy DSW), Dr. Faiza Abbasi (Director, UGC HRD Centre), Dr. Anamika
Gupta (Assistant DSW), Dr. Sheeba Manzoor (Assistant Proctor) and Mrs. Bushra Ghayas
(Assistant Proctor) took part in the teak plantation drive. The wardens of Indira
Gandhi Hall, Dr. Saba Khan, Dr. Nazish Begum, Dr. Sumbul Rehman, Ms. Sana
Kaneez, Ms. Kousain Fatma, Dr. Salma Sultana, Ms. Heena Parveen, Dr. Zebus Sehar
and Dr. Noorin Zafar were present on the occasion.
Annual Flower Show - 2021
Annual Flower Show
Indira Gandhi Hall participated in “The Chrysanthemum, Coleus & Rose Show -2022”, organised by Land and Garden Department at Gulistan-e Syad on 18th December 2021. The I.G. Hall obtained ‘Second Prize’ (Cash and Certificate) in the category of GD-6, Best collection of 6 phlox of different varieties of rare ornaments & Indoor plants.
Online Career Counseling Session- December 3, 2020
Gandhi Hall, Aligarh Muslim University organized online “Career Counselling
Session” in collaboration with Training and Placement Office (T.P.O.) A.M.U. This
was the first career counselling program in a hall of residence during covid-19
pandemic. The purpose of the program was to highlight the career opportunities
for final year graduation students.
year students (resident or non-resident) of graduation (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com,.
B.U.M.S.) participated in the program. As per the tradition of University, the
online session started with the holy verses of Qura'an. It was followed by the
opening and introductory remarks by Prof. Sheeba Hamid (Provost, I.G. Hall).
She gave a brief description of the aims of counselling session. It was
followed by introduction of all wardens individually. A detailed perspective to
choose the career by students was given by Mr. Saad Hameed (TPO). He enlightened
the residents by many examples of recruitment process and counselled the
residents to be confident, positive and determined in choosing their careers.
Covid-19 has disturbed lives of all, but we have to be focused and should not
lose hope. TPO and Team of Provost and Wardens are always there for their
students, said Mr. Saad Hameed. Professor Sheeba Hamid advised the students to
keep pace with present times and “learning to unlearn and re-learn”.
Session was highly interactive that satisfied the queries of various students regarding career. Program came to an end by vote of thanks by Dr. Sumbul Rehman. The program was successfully organized by the resident wardens (Ms.Sana Kaneez, Dr. Afrin Bano, Ms. Kousain Fatma and Dr. Salma Sultana) and the non-resident wardens (Dr. Saba Khan, Dr. Nazish Begum, Mr. Akhtar Abbas, Dr. Sumbul Rehman and Ms. Heena Parveen) of the hall under the guidance of the Provost, Professor Sheeba Hamid.
Visit of American Students
American Students from the Department of Sociology (sponsored by SIT) visited I.G. Hall. A small interactive and cultural program was organized by the Hall committee including the residents.
Clean India Day
Clean India Day was celebrated in the Hall with full enthusiasm and a number of activities were held in the Hall.
• Poster making competition was held to celebrate the "Clean India Day" in which First Prize was bagged by Ms. Ghazala, while the second prize was won by Ms. Sana Rehman and third prize was shared by Ms. Ruqayya and Saliha Khan.
• Nukharh Natak on the theme "Cleaning Unclean Surrounding ", was held to give a message for maintaining Cleanliness and Hygiene.
Annual Flower Show
Indira Gandhi Hall participated in “The Annual Flower Show -2021”, organised by Land and Garden Department at Gulistan-e Syad on 13th March 2021. The I.G. Hall obtained ‘Consolation Prize’ (Cash and Certificate) in the category of CA-8, Best collection of 6 phlox of different varieties single. I.G.Hall provided several varities of flowers in more than 40 pots including Nolina Palm, Petunia, Sweet William, Song of India, Strawbery, Alecia, Zinnia, Aster, Dianthus, Dahlia, Codiaeum, Dracaena etc at the Annual Flower Show.
Indira Gandhi Hall Celebrated 75th Independence Day
August 15: Indira Gandhi Hall celebrated the 75th Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor. In view of Covid-19 pandemic, large congregation in the ceremony was avoided. So the program was held in the Provost office with staff members and wardens. The program started with the hoisting of the national flag by the Provost Professor Sheeba Hamid followed by national anthem. Thereafter, the Provost delivered a stirring speech about the importance of freedom and patriotism and also advised to become ideal citizens of our country. Senior warden Dr. Saba Khan spoke about the significance of the historic day and also said that freedom is very important for all round development of the country. Other resident warden Dr. Salma Sultana told about the sacrifice of the freedom fighters and to follow the ideals of the great people like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose etc. Thereafter, a plantation drive was held. The provost, wardens and other staff members planted saplings. The Provost expressed the importance of planting trees and protecting environment and urged the staff to develop an environmentally conscious approach in everyday life. In the end of the ceremony, sweets were distributed among the staff members.
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas- October 31, 2020
Pledge was taken to ensure integrity and security of the nation on the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.
Eid Milaad un Nabi- October 29, 2020