
National Service Scheme

Important Events

Fit India Movement Celebrated at NSS, Aligarh Muslim University (March, 20, 2025)


Aligarh, March 20: The National Service Scheme (NSS) Office of Aligarh Muslim University conducted a Fit India Yoga Session and Awareness Programme to emphasize the significance of daily physical activity for a healthier lifestyle. The event featured Dr. Mehraj Faridi, a fitness expert, as the keynote speaker, aiming to enhance awareness of physical fitness among participants. This initiative was organized under the Fit India Movement, a nationwide campaign promoting fitness and well-being.

Dr. Mohd. Mohsin Khan, Programme Coordinator NSS, and Dr. Faridi stressed on the importance of incorporating at least 30 minutes of exercise into daily routines, in line with the campaign’s slogan, “Fitness ka Dose, Aadha Ghanta Roz.” Dr. Faridi elaborated on the benefits of yoga, emphasizing its role in improving flexibility, strengthening the body, and promoting mental well-being by reducing stress.

The session encouraged participants to adopt fitness as a daily habit while educating them on the positive impact of regular exercise on overall health. During the Q&A session, attendees received personalized guidance and motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The event saw participation from Saddam Hussain and Adnan Khan (Research Scholar, Physical Education), who emphasized the role of yoga in fitness. Program Officer Mr. Md Imran Khan, Dr. Asif, and Dr. Furqan also contributed to the event’s planning.

With growing awareness, the programme marked another step towards promoting a health-conscious society through consistent physical activity.


Road Safety Campaign initiated by NSS, Aligarh Muslim University (March 24, 2025)


ALIGARH, March 26, 2025: The Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) National Service Scheme (NSS) office, in collaboration with the Aligarh Traffic Police, launched a crucial Road Safety Campaign on March 24, 2025. This campaign aims to reduce road accidents and raise awareness about traffic rules among citizens.

During the inaugural event, the Aligarh Traffic Police emphasized the urgency of addressing the increasing number of road accidents. They highlighted various aspects of road safety and announced a series of activities designed to motivate citizens to adopt safe driving habits and follow traffic regulations.

Dr. Mohammad Mohsin Khan, Program Coordinator of the NSS AMU Unit, appealed to the public to prioritize road safety, stating, “Following traffic rules is not only essential for personal safety but also for the safety of others.” The Aligarh Traffic Police echoed his sentiments, urging citizens to maintain discipline on the roads and practice responsible driving.

The campaign’s main objective is to make Aligarh a safer city by fostering a culture of road safety and discipline. NSS volunteers, office staff, and program officers participated actively in the event, underscoring their commitment to this noble cause.


World Tuberculosis Day Observed by NSS at Aligarh Muslim University (March 24, 2025)


ALIGARH, March 25: The National Service Scheme (NSS) office of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) organized a comprehensive program to mark World Tuberculosis (TB) Day on March 24, 2025, under the theme “Yes, We Can End TB: Commit, Invest, Deliver.” The initiative aimed to raise awareness about tuberculosis and emphasize the global commitment to its elimination.

The event featured talks by distinguished speakers, including Prof. Mohammad Shamim from the Department of TB and Respiratory Diseases, and Dr. Mohammad Salman Shah from the Department of Community Medicine, J.N. Medical College, AMU. Their insightful addresses highlighted the importance of early diagnosis, effective treatment, and preventive strategies in combating TB.

An awareness rally was also held on the University campus, where participants, including students, faculty, and local community members, carried placards and banners with messages such as “End TB,” “Fight for a TB-Free World,” and “Together, We Can End TB.” The rally aimed to draw public attention to the disease and stress the need for collective action to eradicate it.

Dr. Mohammad Mohsin Khan, Coordinator of NSS, expressed gratitude to the guest speakers for their valuable contributions to the program, noting that their presence significantly enhanced the event’s success.

The program was attended by NSS student volunteers, teaching and non-teaching staff members, including Mr. Md Imran Khan, Dr. Ozair, Dr. Mansoor Alam Siddiqui, Dr. Qurratul Aein Ali, Dr. Tarushikha Sarvesh, and Abdul Jabbar. Program Officers Dr. Jitendra Kumar and Dr. Mohd Arsalan were also present on the occasion.


Lecture on Road Safety at NSS, AMU (March 26, 2025)


(AligarhMarch 26, 2025) The lecture on road safety was organized by the National Service Scheme (NSS) at Aligarh Muslim University and the speaker of the event was Assistant Sub-Inspector Taufiq Khan from the Traffic Police. He emphasized the crucial importance of adhering to traffic rules to enhance road safety.

During his presentation, Assistant Sub-Inspector Khan highlighted that the rate of road accidents in India is alarmingly high, largely due to non-compliance with traffic regulations. He stressed the mandatory use of helmets and seat belts, explaining that their correct usage significantly increases passenger safety and plays a crucial role in reducing the severity of accidents.

Additionally, he discussed the dangers associated with drunk driving and overspeeding, urging citizens to be more conscientious of their responsibilities towards their own safety and that of others while on the road.

To further spread awareness, Assistant Sub-Inspector Khan suggested organizing special programs in schools, colleges, and other institutions. This initiative by the NSS at Aligarh Muslim University reflects a community-driven approach to promoting road safety awareness.

Webinar on “Gender-Inclusive Community Leadership: A Pathway to Viksit Bharat” to Celebrate International Women’s Day 2025


Aligarh, March 11, 2025 – The National Service Scheme (NSS) at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) organized an insightful webinar on “Gender-Inclusive Community Leadership: A Pathway to Viksit Bharat” on March 11, 2025, to commemorate International Women’s Day 2025.

The webinar commenced with a welcome address by Dr. Mohd. Mohsin Khan, Coordinator, NSS AMU, who emphasized the significance of gender inclusivity in leadership and its role in shaping a progressive and equitable society. Dr. Khan welcomed Sh. Samar Deep Saxena, NSS, Regional Director, Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand, and Dr. Manju Singh, State Mission Officer, Uttar Pradesh, acknowledging their leadership in policy implementation and mission-driven interventions, which have been instrumental in advancing gender equity in governance and social programs.

The keynote lecture was delivered by Prof. Naseem Ahmad Khan, Chairperson, Department of Social Work, AMU. Prof. Khan highlighted the importance of gender-inclusive leadership in realizing the vision of a "Viksit Bharat.". He elaborated on the critical role of women’s active participation in leadership across various sectors.

The event was moderated by Dr. Qurratul Aein Ali, Programme Officer, NSS, while Dr. Mohd. Uzair, Programme Officer, NSS, provided technical support, ensuring the seamless execution of the webinar.

The webinar witnessed active participation, with over 60 attendees, including students, faculty members, and NSS volunteers, reflecting a growing commitment to gender-inclusive leadership and community empowerment.

This session served as a platform for thought-provoking discussions on fostering inclusive leadership and highlighted the collective efforts required to build a more equitable and developed society.


Awareness Programme on Cyber Security on 27th February, 2025


The National Service Scheme (NSS), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), successfully organized an Awareness Programme on Cyber Security on 27th February, 2025 to educate and sensitize students, faculty, and staff on the growing challenges of digital security and cyber threats. The event was graced by esteemed dignitaries and experts in the field of cybersecurity, banking, and academia, who provided valuable insights into securing the digital landscape.

Delivering the welcome address, Professor Mohd Mohsin Khan, Coordinator of NSS, AMU, welcomed the esteemed guests and highlighted the importance of cybersecurity awareness in today’s digital age. He emphasized the need for proactive measures to combat cyber threats and lauded the NSS for organizing such an essential initiative.

The Guest of Honour, Mr. Amit Nath Jha, Regional Manager, State Bank of India, shared his expertise on financial cybersecurity, discussing crucial topics such as safe online banking practices, fraud prevention, and the role of technology in securing financial transactions. His presentation underscored the significance of strong cybersecurity protocols in the banking sector.

Dr. M. Wasi Baig, Director, ACN College of Engineering and Management Studies, provided an in-depth perspective on cybersecurity from an engineering and technological standpoint. He elaborated on the critical need for infrastructure security and how institutions and organizations can strengthen their defence mechanisms against cyber-attacks.

Following this, Dr. Faisal Anwer, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, AMU, delivered a detailed talk on ransomware, phishing, and preventive cybersecurity measures. Drawing from his extensive academic and professional experience in information security, Dr. Anwer provided participants with practical strategies to protect personal and institutional data from cyber threats.

The Chief Guest of the event, Dr. Azhar Jameel, Principal, University Polytechnic (Boys), AMU, addressed the importance of integrating cybersecurity education into academic curricula. He emphasized the role of educational institutions in preparing students to navigate and mitigate cyber risks in an increasingly digital world. Recognized for his contributions to social welfare and education, Dr. Jameel highlighted the ethical dimensions of cybersecurity and the need for responsible digital citizenship.

The programme was conducted by Dr. Mohd Uzair, Programme Officer, NSS and Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, AMU.

Dr. Mansoor Alam Siddiqui, Programme Officer, NSS, and Assistant Professor of Geography, Women’s College, AMU, delivered the formal vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all speakers, programme officers and attendees for their participation and contributions.

The programme was attended by various dignitaries, faculty members and students of Aligarh Muslim University.

एनएसएस एएमयू का विशेष शिक्षा शिविर (17 फरवरी से 24 फरवरी, 2025)



अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम विश्वविद्यालय के राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना (एनएसएस) इकाई ने समाज में शिक्षा की अलख जगाने और युवाओं को सामाजिक दायित्व के प्रति जागरूक करने के उद्देश्य से एक विशेष शिक्षा शिविर का आयोजन किया। यह शिविर मौलाना आज़ाद नगर, अलीगढ़ स्थित मुस्कान पब्लिक स्कूल में 17 फरवरी से 24 फरवरी, 2025 तक संपन्न हुआ। इस पावन अवसर पर 150 से अधिक उत्साही स्वयंसेवकों ने अपनी सक्रिय भागीदारी दर्ज की, जिन्होंने शिक्षा के प्रसार में अपना योगदान देकर समाज के प्रति अपनी प्रतिबद्धता को प्रदर्शित किया। 

इस शिविर के मार्गदर्शक और प्रेरणास्रोत, कार्यक्रम समन्वयक डॉ. मोहम्मद मोहसिन ख़ान ने स्वयंसेवकों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि युवा ही समाज की रीढ़ हैं और उन्हें शिक्षा के प्रसार में अग्रणी भूमिका निभानी चाहिए। उन्होंने स्वयंसेवकों से आह्वान किया कि वे ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के कम से कम दो बच्चों की शैक्षिक जिम्मेदारी लें, ताकि वे भी समाज की मुख्यधारा में शामिल हो सकें। उनके अनुसार, "हम सभी समाज का अभिन्न अंग हैं और इसके प्रति हमारा कुछ  कुछ ऋण अवश्य है।" 

शिविर के दौरान स्वयंसेवकों ने नुक्कड़ नाटकों के माध्यम से शिक्षा के महत्व को रोचक ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया। यह नाटक  केवल मनोरंजक थे, बल्कि समाज में शिक्षा की आवश्यकता और उसके प्रति जागरूकता फैलाने में भी सफल रहे। शिविर स्थल पर सभी कार्यक्रम पदाधिकारी उपस्थित रहे और उन्होंने शिविर की गतिविधियों को सुचारु रूप से संचालित करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई। 

शिविर के समापन पर, स्वयंसेवकों ने एक पवित्र शपथ ली कि वे अपना बहुमूल्य समय शिक्षा और समाज के उत्थान के लिए समर्पित करेंगे। यह शपथ  केवल उनके व्यक्तिगत संकल्प को दर्शाती है , बल्कि समाज के प्रति उनकी गहरी प्रतिबद्धता को भी प्रकट करती है 

शिविर की सफलता में कार्यक्रम अधिकारियों और कार्यालय स्टाफ का योगदान अतुलनीय रहा। श्री मुकेश, श्री अकरम, श्री वकार, श्री राहुल और       श्रीमती ज़ेबा जैसे समर्पित सदस्यों ने अपने अथक प्रयासों से इस शिविर को एक नई ऊँचाई प्रदान की। उनकी मेहनत और लगन ने इस आयोजन को सफलता के शिखर तक पहुँचाया। 

इस शिविर ने  केवल शिक्षा के प्रति जागरूकता फैलाई, बल्कि युवाओं को समाज के प्रति अपने दायित्वों का एहसास भी कराया। यह आयोजन एक ऐसी मिसाल बन गया, जो भविष्य में और भी अधिक सामाजिक सरोकारों को जन्म देगा। 

कार्यक्रम अधिकारियों की सूची:

1. 17.02.2025 श्री नईम अहमद, सुश्री नाज़िया बेगम, मोहम्मद शोयब रज़ा 

2. 18.02.2025 डॉ. तरुशिखा सर्वेश, डॉ. मो. फ़ुरकन, श्री नौशाद नजीब 

3. 19.02.2025 डॉ. मो. उज़ैर, डॉ. नवलुर्रहमान खान, डॉ. नाहिद अकबरी 

4. 20.02.2025 डॉ. आफताब अहमद अंसारी, श्री आसिफ जावेद सिद्दीकी, मोहम्मद इमरान खान 

5. 21.02.2025 डॉ. कुर्रतुल ऐन अली, डॉ. मो. अरसलान, डॉ. जीतेन्द्र कुमार 

6. 22.02.2025  डॉ. अदनान हफ़ीज़,       डॉ. मंसूर आलम सिद्दीकी,श्री अब्दुल जब्बार

7. 23.02.2025  डॉ. मुहम्मद हनीफ़ अहमद, डॉ. शीबा नुज़हत

इस शिविर की सफलता ने एक बार फिर सिद्ध किया कि शिक्षा ही वह माध्यम है, जो समाज को नई दिशा और दशा प्रदान कर सकता है। यह आयोजन  केवल एक शिविर था, बल्कि समाज के प्रति युवाओं की प्रतिबद्धता का एक जीवंत प्रमाण था।

Important Events


Important Events:

Name of The Activities/Programmes

National Immunization Day (NID) 9 Days Activities

The NSS Unit AMU organized intensive social mobilization campaign in under-served localities declared as high risk areas for the polio, under the collaborative programme with UNICEF. The Rotary International, NGOs and District Administration have been participating in eradication of polio through pulse polio immunization programme with AMU. The NSS volunteers have been engaged in regular camps of 07 days of intensive campaigning in Upper Fort, Bhujpura, Jamalpur, Maulana Azad Nagar, Jeevangarh area of Aligarh city. They appeal to people to come up for the polio drops for their children. The NSS volunteers also worked for the conversion of X and XR houses to houses along with the UNICEF officials of A and B team. The NSS volunteers organized Nukkar Natak as a part of social activity to attract the community towards polio vaccine.

World Environment Day

Intensive tree plantation Programme was organized in University Polytechnic AMU by NSS Volunteers on the occasion of World Environment Day. Seminars, Nukkar Meetings were organized in the different localities of Aligarh city. General populaces were made aware of clean and safe drinking water. The chlorine tablets were distributed to houses of different localities.

Information and Help Camps for the admission in B.Tech , MBBS and 10+2

As per the past practice the NSS unit of AMU organized the “Information and help camps” for various competitive examinations of the University. Information and Accommodation Counters were arranged for the competitors and their parents/guardians to provide them suitable accommodation in the University campus.

A Sixty seater bus was also arranged to transport the guests to their place of accommodation, by the NSS volunteers. The NSS volunteers helped candidates at various places/camps and guided them for their centers of examinations. They also helped the candidates to get their Duplicate Hall Tickets. The Vice-Chancellor monitored the arrangements of and instructed the provosts of various Halls of Residence to arrange the lodging, fooding and refreshment for the guests on nominal charges. Scores of people, outside guests, parents and guardians appreciated the arrangements and hospitality made by university official and NSS unit of AMU.

Independence Day

On the occasion of Independence day, 15 August 2015, flag hoisting ceremony was held in the NSS campus. The NSS volunteers arranged the programmes of Desh Bhakti Songs.

Awareness about General Cleanliness, Health & Hygiene

NSS AMU unit has arranged and organized health and hygiene camps for spreading the need for general and personal cleanliness. People were made aware of water borne diseases and their prevention.

Plantation Camp 

NSS Volunteers arranged the plantation camps in two new halls of residences. They have planted around three hundred trees.