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NCC Unit AMU Aligarh
NCC AMU consist of the following units
1. 8 UP Bn NCC Boys AMU, Aligarh (Senior Division)
2. 1 UP Engrs Coy NCC AMU, Aligarh (Senior Division)
3. UP Girls Bn NCC AMU, Aligarh (Senior Division)
4. 8 UP Bn NCC Boys AMU, Aligarh (Junior Division)
i. 8 UP Bn NCC Boys AMU, Aligarh (Senior Division):-
It consists of two Companies of strength 154 Cadets each. The purpose of this Battalion (Bn.) is to prepare the cadets for the Infantry Division of the Army. These two Coys commanded by the two Coy Commanders.Trainings:-
All the cadets of NCC have to undergo training in a session for 40 days in the evening at the respective units. The NCC training is the part time course and is of three years duration for Senior Division and Junior Division cadets. After II year of training and after attending one camp the cadet is eligible to appear in ‘B’ certificate examination with 75% parade attendance. After the III year of training the cadet is eligible for ‘C’ certificate examination, if he has passed the B-certificate exam and has attended two camps after ‘B’ certificate.BENEFITS
After passing successfully the ‘C’ Certificate Examination the cadet can benefited in the following way
Defense Services:- Vacancies are reserved for commission in the defense forces for the ‘C’ Certificate holder. The breakup is as follows.
1. 64 Seats in Indian Military Academy (IMA) Dehradun, through UPSC and Service
Selection Board (SSB) interview.
2. 100 seats in Officer’s Training Academy (OTA), Chennai for short service commission by SSB
written exam is not mandatory and the ‘C’ Certificate holders have to face only
SSB interview for the commission in
the Navy.
4. 10% seats are reserved in all courses including flying training courses in the Air Force.
5. Bonus Marks for recruitment in various Para Military Forces.
State Governments: - Various states give preferences to the NCC ‘C’ Certificate holder in the State Services.
Industries: - Many Industries give preferences to NCC ‘C’ Certificate holder for various jobs.