
Electricity Department

आपूर्ति सेवा अनुभाग

आपूर्ति सेवा अनुभाग


Name of Employee and Designation


Contact No.

Er. Mohd. Shamim Ansari

(Off. Assistant  Electrical Engineer)

Over all In-Charge of the Supply Service Section

Mobile No.: 09358211129,


 Ext.: 3740

Er. Mohd. Shamim Ansari

(Junior Engineer & University Electrical Safety Officer)

To manage and maintain the works related to Meter-section, Electrical Safety,
Energy and auditing correspondence and persuasion of the matters related to the UPPCL/DVVNL and other works assigned time to time by MIC (Electricity).

Mobile No.: 09358211129, 9412753472

 Ext.: 3747

Mr. S. M. Suhail Kirmani

(Junior Engineer)

To manage and maintain the Electricity Supply Distribution System of the AMU Campus in coordination with UPPCL/DVVNL and Supervision of External Electrification Projects (new & maintenance/service) and other works as directed by MIC (Electricity)/AEE(SSS).

Mobile No.: 9410841927

Ext.: 3741

Mr. Arshad Husain Quadri


E-Tendering, Meter Section, AC Survey & Supervision of External Electrification Projects (new & maintenance/service) and other works as directed by MIC (Electricity)/AEE(SSS).

Mobile No.: 9456006786,Ext.: 3710

Notice for Extension of e-Tender Submission date (2nd call) for 05/ET/SSS/2020-21
