
Legal Section and RTI

Staff and Work Assigned



S. No.





Mr. Atiq Ahmad Khan

Consultant (Legal)                

  1. Handling and Coordinating matters of Supreme Court and Advocates thereof.

  2. Other assignment as and when assigned by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor.


Mr. Tariq Husain

Assistant Registrar (Legal)

  1.  Supervision of the Legal Section. CPIO of the Legal Section.

  2. Over all supervision of the work of the Legal Section/CPIO of the Legal Section.

  3. Verification of entries of all payments of bills to Advocates etc.

  4. Ensuring the preparation of report in respect of RTI Applications, appeals etc to be submitted to the CIC and M/o HRD under Section 25 of the RTI Act-2005.

  5. Handling and Coordinating matters of Supreme High Court, Lower Courts and advocates thereof.

  6. Other assignments as and when assigned by the Joint Registrar/Registrar.


Mr. Ainul Haq

Section Officer

  1. Section In-Charge of the work of Legal/CAPIO Section. CPIO of the CAPIO section.

  2. Processing the Legal Opinion / advice other than Court cases.

  3. Marking and keeping track of Daily Dak of the Legal Section and Office of the CAPIO, RTI Fresh Application / Appeals / (Misc. Papers).

  4. Other assignments as and when assigned by the Deputy Registrar/ Joint Registrar.  


Mr. Akhlad H. Zuberi

Assistant  (Admin.)

  1. To deal all matters of High Court and Supreme Court.

  2. Processing of engagement and all Bills of the Advocates of High Court and Supreme Courts.

  3. Maintain the records of RTI reply of Legal Section related to Supreme Court/High Court.

  4. Maintenance of file and record relating to High Court/ Supreme Court.

  5. Preparing instructions and comments of Writ Petition to file Affidavits in High Court and Supreme Court.

  6. Other work as and when assigned by the S.O/ Deputy Registrar/ Joint Registrar.


Mr. Zubair Alam Saifi

U.D.C. (Admin)

  1. Maintenance of files related to all Local Court cases, Aligarh as well as other District Local Courts.

  2. To process the matter relating to Legal Notice/Reply of the Legal Notice.

  3. Maintaining Accounts, Stock Registers, Stationery Registrar, Misc. Purchases/ Repair, Telephone Bills, Tuition Re-imbursement etc. 

  4. Processing of all miscellaneous Bills and advocates bill of lower Courts.

  5. Maintain the records of RTI reply of Legal Section related to Local Courts.

  6. Maintenance of file and record relating to Local Courts.

  7. Preparing instructions and comments of Original Suits of Lower Courts/District Courts.

  8. Other work as and when assigned by the S.O/ Deputy Registrar/ Joint Registrar.


Mr. Zulfikar Ali

L.D.C. (Admin)

  1. Attending various court cases at District Court, Aligarh and other District Court under the supervision of the University Advocates.

  2. Carrying the Dak of Advocates in the Local Courts.

  3. Other work as and when assigned by the S.O/ Deputy Registrar/ Joint Registrar.


Mr. Mohd. Khalid

L.D.C. (Admin)

  1. All matters relating to RTI.

  2. Preparation of RTI Reports/quarterly report for onwards transmission to MHRD/CIC.

  3. To assist the S.O. & CAPIO in the disposal of RTI applications and appeals relating to the Office of the CAPIO and maintaining the record.

  4. Operating RTIMIS online portal.

  5. To deal the new/change the CPIO/Appellate Authority.

  6. Other assignments as and when assigned by the S.O./Deputy Registrar/CAPIO/ Joint Registrar.


Mr.Syed Mukarram Ali

L.D.C. (Admin)

  1. MoU and Arbitration matters of the University.

  2. Record keeping relating to Minority status case of the University.

  3. Establishment of staff members of the Legal Section.

  4. Dictation of DR/JR.

  5. Registration of Publication matters.

  6. Preparing of minutes of the meetings Coordinated/Convened by the Legal Section.

  7. Other assignments as and when assigned by the S.O./Deputy Registrar/ Joint Registrar.


Mr. Parvez

Jr. Karinda

  1. Attending various Court cases at Aligarh under the supervision of the University Advocates.

  2. Open the chamber of D.R. / J.R. & Cleaned the Chambers.

  3. To maintain the record of Minority case of the University.

  4. Maintaining record of Journal and books available in the section.

  5. Other work as and when assigned by the S.O/ Deputy Registrar/ Joint Registrar.


Mr. Mohd. Naseem

MTS (Office Attendant)

  1. Distribution of the external Dak as per rotation.

  2. Open and clean the office as per rotation.

  3. Other work as and when assigned by S.O./DR/JR.


Mr. Faisal Khan

MTS (Office Attendant)

  1. Distribution of external/internal Dak of RTI.

  2. Open and clean the office as per rotation.

  3. Other work as and when assigned by S.O./DR/JR.