
Selection Committee (Teaching)



q    Proposals received from different Departments/Colleges/Centres are processed for verification. After verification of vacant positions from Administration (Teaching), the draft Advertisement is prepared and submitted to the Vice Chancellor for approval. After approval Advertisement is made.

q    After Advertisement, Application Forms along with Statement are sent to the Scrutiny Committees to scrutinize the forms for determining eligibility in the light of advertised qualifications and shortlist the candidates in the light of the rules.

q    The recommendations of the Scrutiny Committees are submitted for approval of the Vice-Chancellor. Thereafter the file is submitted to the Vice Chancellor regarding the date for holding GSC.

q    After the date of GSC is fixed, Interview Letters are issued to the eligible/ shortlisted candidates.

q    General Selection Committees are conducted on the approved dates for the eligible/ shortlisted candidates.

q    Recommendations of GSC’s put up for approval of the Vice Chancellor.

q    Approved recommendations for GSC are sent to Administration Teaching Section for issuance of Appointment Orders.


q    In case of Local Selection Committees, after receiving the proposals from concerned Dean/Director/Principal, permission for holding LSC are taken from the Vice Chancellor and the same is communicated to the concerned Dean.

q    Recommendations of LSCs received from the Dean of concerned Faculty are put up for approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

q    Approved recommendations for GSC are sent to Administration Teaching Section for issuance of Appointment Orders.