Conveyance Advance Section
Functions of Conveyance Advance Section:
Disbursement of Computer loan to permanent employees of the University.The loan carries simple interest. The rate as fixed by the Government of India amended from time to time as adopted by the University & prevailing on the date of drawl of the advance shall be charged on the advance. The Computer Loan interests at present @ 9.8% p.a.
Other Misc. Works:
- Investment of surplus money of Conveyance & Computer Loan account in the form of FDR's and STDR's.
- To keep a check on monthly recoveries of Conveyance/Computer loanees.
- Clearance to the employees of University at the time of retirement.
- Maintaining Audit Reports.
- Timely reporting of investment to the Executive Council in its meeting.
- To prepare the Annual Statement No. 4 & 5 by the Section.

Finance Officer and Joint Finance Officer