Record Section
The Record Section mainly deals with the work of Cash Receipts and issuance to various Departments/ Offices of the University. Distribution work of stationery and maintain varies type of register, Equipment Registers, Furniture Registers, etc. Imprest of the Finance & Accounts Department is also being maintained. Printing and Binding work of the Finance & Accounts Department is being got carried by the section. Physical verification, etc.
The most important work of the Section is to maintain the records of various types of agreements file executed by the varies Department of University with different organizations. Besides this maintaining files. like ,
1. Agreement Files (Received From Building Department, Electricity etc.)
2. Donation.
3. Wills
4. Sale deed
5. Mortgage deed
6. Miscellaneous important agreement
7. Gift Deed.
8. Possession deed.
9. Security Certificates.
10.Wages File.
11.Building Lease
12.Salary Register From 1957 to 2001.
Any other work assigned by the AFO /JFO / F.O.