University Health Office
Office of the University Health Office
An educational campus as an example of environmental consistency confirming ecological balance.
• Swachhta on Campus with environmental friendly technology.
• Vector control with new environmental friendly technology.
• To develop an ethical and committed cadre of employees.
• Implementation of 5 R principles of reducing, reuse, recycle, refuse and regenerate.
• To achieve the waste level sent to landfill less than 10 % of waste generated.
• To setup a biodegradation facility.
• To become the first complete green university in the country.
• Awareness of the support staff/students and all stakeholders of the university about green and sustainable development.
Future Plans
Efforts for recycle of Biomass and conversion to compost and biofuel.
Increased mechanisation for cleaning and recycling work.
Development of Clean, Green and Sustainable campus
The University Health Office was bifurcated from the University Health service in the year 1969. It was renamed as Office of the University Health Officer in the year 1986 in place of Conservancy Department (which was at the time of its bifurcation).
Name of the Department: Office of the University Health Officer,
This department is dealing with environmental sanitation of the University campus and colonies which are maintained by the University. The main features of which are:
1. Sweeping and cleaning of road and the surroundings of all the buildings in the University Campus.
2. Collection and disposal of solid waste.
3. Vector control programme.
4. Cleaning of drains programme (Recently launched).