Senior Secondary School (Girls)
Curricular Activities
Facilities for Extra Curricular Activities
The school has facilities for indoor / outdoor games like Hockey, Cricket, Badminton, Basket Ball, Volley Ball and Chess, Carom, Table Tennis etc. The other recreation facilities are
nominal due to meager funds available to the school.
School required coaches in order to develop excellence in various games.
The students are also motivated to participate regularly in various events like debate, elocution, speech, essay writing, creative writing, Bait baazi, Qirat, Art and Craft and quiz and cultural activities etc. organized by the school and in other schools also.
Every year a large number of students participate in National Science Olympiad, International Mathematics Olympiad, International English Olympiad, National Science Talent search examination (NSTSE) and achieve remarkable ranks and get scholarships and awards.
On the occasion of Founders Day the School along with Female Education Association, A.M.U. give awards to two outstanding students who are excellent in academics and extra-curricular activities. Named as Papa Mian Padam Bhushan Award to the Best Girl and Mumtaz Jahan Begum Academic Memorial Award to the Best All rounder student.
Dr. Tauseef Ahmad has been selected as a participant in the Physics Olympiad Exposure Camp held at HBCSE, Mumbai from March 04-06, 2012.
Dr. Shakeel Ahmad and Ms. Farzana Firoz Haseeb attended a workshop on Teaching Skills in Arabic conducted by MESCO, Hyderabad in UGC Academic Staff College from 16.07.2011 to 25.07.2011.
Dr. D.S. Farooqui, Part Time Teacher Psychology had joined Oxford University, U.K. as a Councellor.
Mrs. Seema Sharma, PGT Physics had qualified Haryana State Public Service Commission and got the posting in Food & Supply Department.