Ph.D. (Mathematics), JRF(NET), GATE
Assistant Professor
Differential Geometry
Gulistan colony (A), Anoopshahar road, Aligarh
Dr. Kamran Khan is working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Applied Mathematics since Aug. 2016. Earlier, he has served as Assistant Professor in SRMS College of Engg. & Technology, Bareilly in 2016 and Sant Longowal Institute of Engg & Tech., Sangrur, Punjab in 2015. Dr. Kamran has got his M.Sc.(2009), M.Phil.(2011) and Ph.D.(2014) degrees from Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He has qualified National Eligibility Test with JRF in 2010 and cracked GATE in 2009 and 2010. During his Ph.D. days, he has won "Young Geometer award" in 2011 and "Best Paper Award" in 2012 during conferences organized by 'The Tensor Society, India'. He has attended many national and international conferences/workshops in India and abroad. He has been selected among 40 delegates by 'National Board for Higher Mathematics, India' to attend International Congress of Mathematicians-2014 held at Seoul, South Korea. He has also been elected among 200 young researchers from all over world by Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation, Germany to attend its annual meeting at Heidelberg, Germany in 2015. He also visited University of Vienna, Austria in 2017 to attend an international workshop. In 2019, again he won an award for "Best Presentation" in an international conference organized by The Tensor Society, India. Currently, he is teaching to undergraduate and post graduate students of engineering in this department.
During the time of Covid-19 pandemic, he started his You Tube channel and continued online teaching via uploading lecture videos for the benefit of student community. Channel link:
- Some characterizing results for hemi-slant warped product submanifolds of a Kaehler manifold Download PDF
Filomat 2019
- Sequential warped product submanifolds in nearly Kaehler manifolds
Filomat 2023
- Application of Hopf's lemma in contact CR-warped products of T-space forms
Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences (Proceedings of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Vol 72(12), 2019, 1616-1625. (I.F .0.270).
- Ricci curvature for biwarped product submanifolds in Kenmotsu space forms
Differential Geometry-Dynamical Systems, Vol. 23 (2021).
- Biwarped product submanifolds of complex space forms
Int. J. of Geoemtric Methods in Modern Physics, Vol. 16(5), 2019, 1950072(18 pages). (I.F. 1.874)
- Contact CR-warped product submanifolds of generalized Sasakian space forms admitting Ricci soliton
International Journal of Geometric methods in Modern Physics, Vol. 17(1), 2020. (I.F.=1.874)
- Hemi-slant submanifolds as warped products in a nearly Kaehler manifold
Mathematica Slovaca, Vol. 67(3), 2017, p. 759-772. (I.F. 0.451)
- Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
- Numerical solution of ODE(Euler's method)
- Some Probability Problems on COVID-19 (Applications of Mathematics)
- Complex Analysis- Lecture 1
- Complex Analysis- Lecture 2
- Complex Analysis- Lecture 3