Ph. D., Master of Engineering, BSc. Engineering, Diploma in Arabic Language
Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations involving chemical and biochemical reaction systems/Reactor design; Transport phenomena in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering; Convection-diffusion-reaction in solid catalyst pellets/nano-biocatalyst; Immobilized enzyme inhibition based electrochemical nano-biosensors; Immobilization of enzymes/cells on polymeric gel matrix/nano-particles/ nanostructures; Immobilized enzyme biocatalyst for bioprocess applications; Nonlinear dynamics & stability of thin liquid film flow – Modelling and numerical simulations
4/1360, AL-HASNA, Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh-202002, U.P., India
I joined the Department of Chemical Engineering, A.M.U., Aligarh as Professor in Nov. 2020. Before this, I pursued my career as full time faculty at several renowned public universities in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Oman and India. I earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur in the year 1994. My current research interests include: Development of immobilized enzyme based nano-biosensors for food and environmental security, convection-diffusion-reaction in biocatalyst pellets/nano-biocatalyst, design of immobilized enzymes/cells nano-biocatalyst for applications in food, energy & environmental sustainability, nonlinear stability & dynamics of thin liquid film flows, transport and reaction in chemical & biological systems etc. Supervised several Masters and Doctoral research, besides over 85 research papers published in international and national journals and/or conference proceedings. Further, I have 17 book chapters, 4 edited books and a conference proceedings to my credit. The latest book was published in 2020 by Springer Nature Singapore. Taught wide variety of courses at UG & PG levels in Chemical/Biochemical Engineering programs during my professional career. Several funded research projects totaling Rs. 11.06 Million (USD 150,000) were successfully carried out over the span of my career in India, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. Delivered invited/keynote lectures in various institutions & conferences in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Tunisia, Lebanon, Brunei and India, and presented research papers in over 60 national/international conferences held around the globe. Recipient of a patent as co-researcher, and shared several gold, silver and bronze medals as principal/co-researcher in Malaysian and international research innovation exhibitions. Actively participated in curriculum development and accreditation exercises of Chemical/Biochemical/Biomedical Engineering programs over past years. Currently, I am a member of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists (IACIS), and the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSChE).