Associate Professor
Parallel and Distributed Systems, Microprocessor Systems
A/B-35, Medical COLONY CAMPUS, AMU, ALIGARH. 202002 UP
Completed B.Sc Engg . (B. Tech.) and M. Tech. from Z. H. College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in the year 1997 and 1999 respectively. Completed Ph.D in Computer Engg, from Dept. of Computer Engineering, ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh in the year 2010. The research areas are Parallel and Distributed Systems, Algorithm Design, Microprocessor and Parallel System Design. Contributed and attended various National and International Conferences in India and abroad, and published papers in reputed Journals. Member of IEEE, IETE and IE (I). Also member of curriculum design committee of University Polytechnic, JMI, New Delhi. Worked as Associate Professor in Computer Engg. Section at University Women's Polytechnic, AMU. Presently working as Associate Professor in the Dept. of Computer Engineering, at Z. H. College of Engg. & Tech., AMU, Aligarh and having teaching experience of more than 25 years. Shared various responsibilities of administration like Superintendent of Examinations, Section In-charge (Computer Engg. Section), Internal Coordinator of MHRD CDTP scheme. Actively participated in various positions in University Administration such as Provost, Assistant Proctor, Warden and Nodal Officer, Minority Student's Affairs. Served as Course Coordinator of B. Voc./M. Voc. programme in Fashion Design & Garment Technology running at Community College, AMU, from 27-8-2014 To 30-10-2024.
Currently serving as Assistant Superintendent of Exams at ZHCET, Assistant DSW, and Nodal officer for Free Distribution of Tablets/Smartphones for AMU students.