M.Sc Home.Sc., Ph.D.
Foods and Nutrition
Prof. (Mrs) Anisa M. Durrani, Durrani Mansion, 820,Road No.1,Iqra Colony,Aligarh
Prof. (Mrs.) Anisa M Durrani, Department of Home Science did graduation and post-graduation in Home Science from University of Madras and PhD from Aligarh Muslim University. She is activity engaged in teaching and research for the last 32 year. Dr.Durrani has served as chairperson of the department of Home Science twice. She has completed Two Research Projects, authored a book and writing a chapter in a book and has several research articles published in National and International refereed and indexed Journals of repute with impact factor and citations. She has guided more than forty PG students and 9 PhD research Scholars have completed research and currently 2 PhD students are actively engaged in research work under her guidance. She has been convener of many conferences and chaired many national and international conferences. She also had visited abroad for academic purpose and represented India. Participated and presented papers at more than fifty International and National Conferences germane to the province of nutrition. She has been reviewer for more than 7 scientific research journals and is also associate editor of 3 reputed research journals. She is also a member of Global Burden Of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group, Department of Epidemiology and Bio-statistics, School Of Public Health, Imperial College, London. She has also participated in Oxford University Academic Careers Study's survey at Department of International Development, International Migration Institute University of Oxford, UK. Her Specialization and major areas of research includes Human Nutrition, Nutritional Anthropometry, Community Nutrition and Reproductive health, Child Nutrition, Clinical and Therapeutic Nutrition, Genetically Modified Food, Food Safety and Quality Control and Nutrition education. She is an active member of several curriculum development committees. She has participated as expert member and resource person in several workshops, seminar, symposium, conferences and expert committees. She has held several administrative posts in her illustrious career as superintendent of examinations, coordinator for admission committee, incharge of Home Science society, incharge of Home Science laboratory, member of advisory committee for SHAMS, games committee,, discipline committee, re-evolution committee, anti ragging committee, curriculum advisory committee, students grievous redressal committee, placement committee and member of Committee against sexual harassment and for gender sensitization (CASHFGS) of Aligarh Muslim University. She has been the Chairperson of Board of studies, Research Advisory Committee, Curriculum Development Committee. She has been member of university court, university academic council, council for academic and scientific research, faculty meeting, board of studies of the various departments and . She has organized guest lectures by eminent Home Science Professors, organized home science weeks and various programmes to mark the occasions of national and international health days. She is Life Member of many organizations related to Nutrition.