Sociology of Health; Social Policy and Development; Research Methodology; Research Techniques and Statistics; Sociology of Education
Department of Sociology, AMU, Aligarh Pin 202002 (U.P.) India
Time Table 2021 (Excluding PhD Coursework and contact classes)Time Table M.A. 2021-22Time Table Ph.D. Consultation
Prof. Mohammad Akram is Professor of Sociology in Department of Sociology, AMU, Aligarh (India). He has authored three books (Sociology of Health 2014; Sociology of Sanitation 2015; Tribal Health 2008) and edited two books (Maternal Health in India: Contemporary Issues and Challenges 2014; Health Dynamics and Marginalized Communities 2007) and co-edited one book (Development, Health and Globalisation 2015). Prof. Akram is interested in exploring social determinants of health, maternal health, public health, employment and education focussing on equity and inclusive development. His research is helpful in developing parameters for human, social and sustainable development of marginalized groups including tribes, scheduled castes, minorities, women and migrant workers. Prof. Akram is a member of an Expert Committee on Implementation Research on Tuberculosis (TB) under the India Tuberculosis Research Consortium- (ITRC) Phase II of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). Prof. Akram has launched his course on Sociology of Health at the SWAYAM/ NPTEL platform under the MOOC programme of Ministry of Education, Government of India and the course became available for registration since July 2024.
Prof. Akram has presented his research papers and chaired seminar sessions during international conferences held at Gothenburg (Sweden), Toronto (Canada) and Belfast (United Kingdom). He has more than three dozen published research papers in national and international journals. He is teaching PG and UG students for more than twenty years and has supervised several Ph.D. and M.Phil. students. He remained Convener of Research Committee 12 (Population, Health and Society) of Indian Sociological Society for four years and is a member of several academic and professional organizations. Dr. Akram has keen interest in Sociology of Health and has been working on health issues of the marginalized groups. His other areas of interest are research methodology, sociology of education, social policy, planning and development. He is an elected Member of Managing Committee of Indian Sociological Society ( He is Deputy Coordinator of DRS-II (granted by UGC) in Sociology. His ORCID ID is:
- Publication
ORCID ID: Research Papers published in Scopus and Web of Science (emerging resources)indexed journals:1. Alarming Rise of Caesarean Section Deliveries (Scopus indexed journal-Economic & Political Weekly)
2. Occupational Disease and Public Health Concerns of Migrant Construction Workers: A Social Epidemiological Study in Western Uttar Pradesh (Scopus indexed journal- Social Change)
3. Background Characteristics of the Individuals Attaining Higher Education in India: A Sociological Study of Srinagar City (Web of Science -'emerging resources' indexed journal-JECS)
4. Education and unemployment in Jammu and Kashmir: a study on embedding employability into the educational curriculum (Scopus indexed journal-The Eastern Anthropologist)5. Sustainable development, health and STDs: A study of tribal society of Rajasthan (Scopus indexed journal- Social Change)
6. Book Review: (Published in Sociological Bulletin- Sage Publications): Ziya Us Salam: Of Saffron Flags and Skullcaps
7. Development of Sociology of Health: a review of the contexts and phases, themes and future in India (SALUTE E SOCIETÀ (2012/ 89-115)(For other research papers, please see ORCID link, Google Scholar link and CV)Self authored Books
1. Sociology of Health, 2014, Rawat Publications, Jaipur/New Delhi
2. Sociology of Sanitation, 2015, Kalpaz Publications, New Delhi
3. Tribal health, 2008, Rawat Publications,
Jaipur/New DelhiSelf-Edited Books
4. Maternal Health in India: Contemporary Issues and Challenges,(Edited) 2014, Rawat publications5. Health Dynamics and marginalized Communities, (Edited) 2007, Rawat Publications
Co-edited Book??6. Development, Health and Globalization (Co-editor), 2015, Academic Publications, New Delhi
Short write-ups on current topics
??1.Self-employment Scenario in Kashmir before and during COVID-19 Lockdown
2. Preparedness of Uttar Pradesh to Tackle Covid-19 Outbreak During Lockdown 4.0
3.Cancer Care during COVID 19 Pandemic: Untold Challenges
4. Covid-19, Return Migration and Poor Healthcare Facilities: Challenges before Bihar
5. Out-Of-Pocket Healthcare Expenditure, Covid-19 and Impoverishment in India
6. Situating the deaths of serving professors of AMU during Covid-19 pandemic in larger contexts and raising the questions that we need to raise
For other papers, please see CV
ORCID ID: ttps://
Google Scholar:
Research Papers
Pleas see the CV for published papers and other information
- Maternal Health in India: Contemporary Issues and Challenges (Edited Book) 2014, Rawat publications
- Sociology of Sanitation (Book) 2015, Kalpaz Publications, New Delhi
- Sociology of Health (Book) 2014, Rawat Publications
- Alarming Rise of Caesarean Section Deliveries Download PDFEconomic & Political Weekly (2019)54 (24), 55 (Co-author - N. Muzaffar)
- Occupational disease and public health concerns of migrant construction workers: a social epidemiological study in western Uttar Pradesh Download PDFSocial Change (2014) 44 (1), 97-117
- Background Characteristics of the Individuals Attaining Higher Education in India: A Sociological Study of Srinagar City Download PDFJournal of Education Culture and Society 11 (2), 252-266 (Co-author- R Y Bazaz)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health
- SOM 3004 SoH Understanding Disease (Unit 1)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health (Illness and Sickness) (Unit 1)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health (Emergence and Scope) (Unit 1.2)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health (Functional Perspective) (Unit 1.3)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Marxist (conflict) perspective- Part-I (Unit 1.3)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health (Part II of Contribution of Marxist perspective on understanding health, disease, medicine and healthcare) (Unit 1.3)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Medical Pluralism (Biomedicine, germ theory, preventive and curative medicines) (Unit 1.4)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Medical Pluralism, WHO & AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha& Homeopathy (Unit 1.4)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Medicalisation & Demedicalisation: Ivan Illich, Irving Zola & Michel Foucault (Unit 1.5)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health Public health Definition Provisions & difference with community health/medicine (Unit 2.1a)
- SOM 3004: Public Health in India: Evolution, Structure, Achievements & Limitations (Unit 2.1b)
- SOM 3004: Sanitation: Definition, Policy, Programmes in India, Sociology of Health (Unit 2.1c)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Reproductive Health (Unit 2.2)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Health of Children (Unit 2.3)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Occupational Health (Unit 2.4)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Health policies in India (Part I) (Unit 3.1)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Health targets of Millennium Development Goals (Unit 3.2)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: National Health Policy 2002 (Health Policies Part II) (Unit 3.1)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)- Health related targets (Unit 3.2)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: National Health Policy 2017 (Health Policies Part III) (Unit 3.1)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Privatisation of Healthcare (Unit 3.3)
- SOM 3004 Sociology of Health: Universal Health Coverage (Unit 3.4)