Department of Anatomy

ایس او پی

Dept. data last updated on :12/11/2024



  • Official working hours 8AM to 4PM Monday to Saturday except for Friday where the working hours is 8AM to 12:30PM, Department opens 30 minutes prior to the official timings.

    • Sweepers are responsible for cleaning and up keep of the department.

        • All the teaching and non-teaching staff members including Residents (Senior & Junior Residents) sign the department attendance register daily in the morning.

                • Before closing the department all, the electrical switches and water taps are checked.



Dissection Hall

Department of Anatomy, JNMC, AMU


·        Wear appropriate PPE (face mask, gloves and lab coat).

·        Perform proper hand washing (with soap and water or sanitizer) before and after touching cadaver, soft tissue and bones.

·        Proper ventilation.


SOP for all dissection activities:

·        Wear appropriate PPE (face mask, gloves, goggles and lab coat).

·        Proper ventilation.

·        Perform proper hand washing (with soap and water or sanitizer) before and after.

Facilities available:

1.      Maintenance of cadavers

2.      Maintenance of soft tissue specimens

3.      Maintenance of bones

4.      Embalming of dead bodies (to be stored and used for teaching and research)

The culture of cadaver dissection remains the most commonly used method of practical teaching and learning of human anatomy.

Procurement: Mainly the dead bodies are received through two sources-

a.      Voluntary donation

b.      Unclaimed bodies

Dead bodies are accepted after verification of all necessary documents.

On duty faculty member carries out embalming and body is shifted to storage tank which contains formalin solution. All tanks are regularly checked (once a week) for water level / any fungal growth. If fungal growth is found then thymol is used.


Soft tissue specimens are kept in storage drums and jars (containing formalin solution).

All the preserved materials are inspected regularly. Any decaying or damaged specimen is discarded. 

Bones are prepared by removal of all soft tissues (by further processing of dissected soft tissue specimens) in the department.

Histology Laboratory

Department of Anatomy, JNMC, AMU


  • Wear appropriate PPE (face mask and lab coat).

  • Follow standard precautions of handling microscopes and slides.

  • Proper precautions of handling instruments and chemicals.

  • Perform regular cleaning and maintenance of instruments, microscopes & slides.

  • All the steps from procurement of tissue to mounting of slide are performed taking standard precautions.


  1. Histology lab is used for taking histology practical of MBBS and BDS students.

  2. Fixation of tissue (formalin, karnowsky’s fluid)

  3. Paraffin embedding (block formation)

  4. Section cutting (by microtome)

  5. Hematoxylin and eosin stain

  6. Special stains- Thionin, Van Gieson, Toluidine Blue, Alcian Blue, Giemsa, Reticulin, Nissl, Orcein, Sudan Black B, Masson's Trichrome, Mallory's Trichrome, Periodic Acid Schiff and Silver nitrate stain.

  7. Mounting of slide


  1. Technical Assistant- Mrs. Farhana Naqvi

  2. Lab Assistant- Mr. Mohd Anees Khan

  3. MTS of the department clean the laboratory on regular basis.


  1. Microscopes- dissecting, monocular, binocular and projection

  2. Slide projector

  3. Microtomes- Rotary and sliding

  1. Tissue floatation bath/hot plate for flattering sections

  1. Incubator 00-900

  1. Electronic balance

  1. Heating plate

  2. Staining sets

  3. Slide cabinets

  4. Hot sterilizer oven


Department of Anatomy, JNMC, AMU


Museum consists of:

  • 345 soft tissue specimens.

  • 233 models.

They are arranged region wise:

  1. Embryology

  2. Thorax

  3. Brain

  4. Abdomen & Pelvis

  5. Upper Limb

  6. Lower Limb

  7. Cross Sectional Anatomy

Gross anatomy specimens are kept in 10% formalin solution in glass jars. Each jar is labelled & tightly sealed. We have made description of each specimen in printed format along with their labelling.

We have allotted the gross anatomy specimens region wise to our teaching staff as follows:



Prof. Farah Ghaus



Dr. Nema Usman



Prof. Farah Ghaus

Abdomen & Pelvis


Dr. Mohd Imran

Upper & Lower Limb


Dr. Nema Usman

Cross Sectional Anatomy


Dr. Mohd Imran

They take care of each specimen by taking weekly visits.

Museum technical staff looks after the water level, position, color of water, leakage of jar. If the color of water is changed or leakage is present then he/she will immediately change the water. Alternate day cleaning is done with all hygienic measures.

Computer lab and Seminar library

Department of Anatomy, JNMC, AMU

  • Department has a well-stocked Seminar Library and Computer lab.

  • Library contains sufficient number of books, journals and thesis.

  • Computer sets are used by faculty members, senior residents, MD and PhD students for academic and research purposes.

  • Library books are catalogued with Accession numbers for each, in line with the procedure which is followed by the Maulana Azad Library of the University.

  • Computers’ hardware and software are updated regularly.

SOP Seminar Library:

  1. All users are required to sign the register kept with the designated staff appointed as caretaker.

  2. Certain books like the Dissertation /Thesis cannot be taken outside the Department and should be returned the same day.

  3. Faculty/JR/SR, who are issued the book are responsible for the proper maintenance of the book and should return the same in the condition it was issued.

  4. In case of damage or loss of the book, information is to be provided to the Chairman who may then decide the proper procedure of refurbishing the lost/damaged book.

SOP Computer lab:

  1. Before using the computers, users have to make an entry in the log register.

  2. The users are not allowed to install any unauthorized software.

  3. The user will be held responsible for any physical damage to the computer.

  4. The user should not delete/uninstall any data or software.

  5. Proper decorum is observed. Eating and drinking are not allowed.

  6. Other precautions like dusting, cleaning, proper hygiene are regularly undertaken.

Fetal Lab

Department of Anatomy, JNMC, AMU


  • Ethical clearance has been obtained from Institutional Ethical Committee (IEC) for fetal lab.

  • Procured fetuses are brought after full parental consent.

  • They are observed for gross anomalies and photographed.

  • Records of each fetus with gross finding are kept separately for further correlation and research.

  • Then they are fixed with 10% formalin using standard established protocol.

  • After fixation they are glass-mounted and kept in formalin glass jars.

  • Wherever any research project/PG theses (intradepartmental or interdepartmental) involving fetuses is planned (after due ethical clearance), they are allowed access.

  • Research works related to gross fetal anatomy and histology are carried out.

  • All observations are recorded, discussed, published and used for improving fetal outcome and well being.

Facilities available:

  • Embalming of fetuses.

  • Jars to keep embalmed/fixed fetuses.

  • Formalin.

Total number of glass mounted fetuses - 90.

Neuroanatomy Laboratory

Department of Anatomy, JNMC, AMU


       - Matter is fully explained and agreed upon to work with the limited facilities.

       - Minor surgical procedures are performed as per approval by IAEC, JNMC.

       - Tissue samples intended for further study are procured and stored.

       - Decalcification of skeletal tissue is also performed as per requirement.

       - Tissue is processed for microtomy, usually with the help of rotary microtome.

       - Paraffin sections are stained with H & E for histopathological study.

-  Special staining for nervous tissue and connective tissues are also performed.

-  Findings are recorded from the permanent mount of stained tissue sections.

Facilities available for:

         - Minor surgical / experimental procedures.

         - Procurement / collection of tissue samples.

         - Tissue processing - embedding and sectioning.

         - Staining- both routine and special for microscopic studies of specimens.


       - Faculty / researcher / collaborator in the research project himself / herself.

       - No regular technical staff or laboratory attendant for assistance or maintenance.

       - MTS of the Department clean the laboratory on regular basis.


- 02 PhDs in Anatomy (full work).

- 02 PhDs from other fields (partial work).

- 12 MDs (thesis work from Anatomy and other subjects).

- 12 Research scholars from other departments / disciplines.

- 01 Research project, (ICMR-funded) completed.


- Over 100 publications from research collaboration.

- Some interesting slides for teaching purposes.

Embryology and Birth Defect Laboratory

Department of Anatomy, JNMC, AMU


  • Tissues are stored and processed for freezing microtomy.

  • Processed tissues undergo freezing microtomy.

  • Sections are stained for histopathological studies.

  • Mounted slides are then seen under the microscope.

Scope and Purpose:

  • Histological processing using fixation and heat may inactivate antigens and genetic material within the tissue, therefore frozen sections must be used.

  • This procedure is used for the preparation of interval sections for staining and gene sequencing.


  • Faculty and Post Graduate students .

  • Existing technical staff of the department (no exclusive staff for the lab).

  • MTS of the department clean the laboratory on regular basis.

Instruments Available:

  1. Freezing microtome

  2. Incubator

  3. Slide warmer

  4. Freeze


  1. Xylene

  1. Phenol crystal

9. Sulphuric acid

  1. Diethyl ether

  1. DPX mountant

10. Dioxan

  1. Chloroform

  1. Acetone extrapure

11. Methanol

  1. Propanol

  1. Toludene

12. Ethyl alcohol



Name of Office/Department




Contact No.

0571-2720406 & 7035, 7041 (internal numbers)

Email Address

Web address (AMU)



Mohd. Shahzad Khan Assistant (Admin.)

Performing administrative and routine clerical tasks including organizing and managing files, scheduling meetings and supporting other staff with organizational tasks.

Imran Ali (DW)

Sanowar Ali (DW)

Receive & Dispatch, Diary of internal and external Dak, Maintenance of receipt and Dispatch register, Operating Xerox Machine etc. and other works as assigned by the Chairperson


  • Evaluating and helping to develop system to support the efficient access, movement, cataloging, updating, storage, retention and disposal of files and other records.

  • Managing and registering records, for example ensuring appropriate processing of digital records.

  • Establishing procedures for how long records should be maintained or kept.



  • Desktop Computers, UPS, Scanner, Xerox Machine, Telephone, Water Purifier etc.


  • 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM (All Working Days except Fridays)

  • 08:00 AM to 12:30 PM (on Fridays)



  • Purchase of all necessary items of the department.

  • All purchase/repair of the amount ranging work of the equipments upto Rs. 25,000 are done through Chairman.

  • Purchases of the items/equipments between 25,000-2.5 Lakh are done through purchase committee of the department.

  • Purchase of the items/equipments above 2.5 Lakh are done through Finance office of the University.

  • Funds allotted are utilized by prescribed University rules/General Finance Rule (GFR 2017).

  • Various Stock Registers are maintained be the stores.