Department of Education

ایس او پی

Dept. data last updated on :15/01/2025



Aligarh Muslim University



Earlier Psychology Laboratories

                                                            Image Courtesy: Popular Science Monthly/Volume 49/August 1896/Science at the University of Pennsylvania


Psychology in general and Educational Psychology, in particular, is concerned with the scientific study of human learning. They play a very important role in teacher education and the teaching profession. The study of learning processes, from both cognitive and behavioral perspectives, allows to understand individual differences in intelligence, cognitive development, affect, motivation, self-regulation and self-concept, as well as their role in learning. The field of educational psychology relies heavily on quantitative methods, including testing and measurement, to enhance educational activities related to instructional design, classroom management, and assessment, which serve to facilitate learning processes in various educational settings across the lifespan.

As per the guidelines of the NCTE (National Council of Teacher Education), the Department of Education has a well-equipped Psychology Laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with different apparatus/equipment/instruments for conducting different psychological experiments. Psychological tests/scales (Verbal, non-verbal and performance tests) are available in the lab to access creativity, personality, intelligence, aptitude, attitude, interest, etc. Pictures of eminent psychologists are also available in this lab.


                                                                                                                Psychology Laboratory, Department of Education


Psychology Lab is set up in the Department of Education to help students and research scholars achieve the following objectives successfully:

1.       To impart practical experiences in psychological concepts

2.       To familiarize with psychological equipment/instruments

3.       To acquaint with standardized tests/scales based on relevant dimensions of performance (Achievement, Intelligence, Personality, Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Motivation, etc.)

4.       To perform psychological experiments

5.       To train in various psychological assessment techniques

6.       To develop experimental skills in Psychology

7.   To provide training in administering, scoring, and interpreting various psychological tests/scales

8. To identify individual differences among their students using various psychological tests/scales

9.   To recognize psychological variables that influence the classroom environment and overall climate of an institution

10.   To create a psychologically sound and conducive teaching-learning environment

11.   To apply psychological tests/scales in research work

12.   To provide personal, educational, and vocational guidance to their students in the future by administering various psychological tests/scales


                                                                                                                          Psychology Laboratory, Department of Education



All the students (D.T., B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A.) Research Scholars and Post-Doctoral Fellows of the Department have access to lab equipments/instruments and tests/scales with strict adherence to the SOPs.





Procedures for Work in Psychology Laboratory

The Psychology laboratory helps students and scholars in acquiring the functional knowledge understanding and application of psychological laws, principles, theories, concepts, processes, etc. in the following ways:

  • Training in scientific investigation/method/enquiry for describing, explaining and predicting behaviours or mental processes

  • Examining the possible relationships between variables affecting behaviours or mental processes by controlling the confounding variables

  • Defining variables operationally

  • Formulating research questions/hypotheses regarding behaviours or mental processes

  • Designing and performing psychological experiments using equipments/instruments and tests/scales for answering research questions or testing hypotheses

  • Operating equipments/instruments carefully

  • Administering the tests/scales over the required sample/participants and scoring them as per their respective administrative and scoring procedures

  • Collecting data using quantitative and qualitative techniques

  • Analysing data using appropriate statistical techniques

  • Interpreting results from the analysed data for drawing conclusions 

  • Writing report of psychological experiment in notebooks in the desired format

  • Eliminating or controlling for any kind of bias as a researcher at every step of scientific investigation

  • Learning about the delimitations, limitations and ethical considerations of psychological enquiry


Rules and Regulations

  • Only Bonafide Students are allowed to use the Psychology Lab.

  • D.T., B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. students, Research Scholars and Post-Doctoral Fellows have access to lab equipments/instruments and tests/scales to use in designated course curriculum and getting first hand training.

  • All the Students, Research Scholars and Post-Doctoral Fellows are required to make an entry in the Log register every time before using/borrowing equipments/instruments and tests/scales in the Psychology Lab.

  • A request for issuing equipment/instrument and test/scale will be made by the student on prescribed proforma.

  • Lab Assistant will issue the equipment after verifying its workability.

  • Not working/obsolete equipments/instruments will not be issued and the process for their repair/condemnation will be initiated by the Lab assistant as per rule.

  • Psychology teacher/Lab In-Charge/Lab Assistant will demonstrate the steps involved for operating an equipment/instrument, before the students will be allowed to use it independently or in groups.

  • After completion of experiment, the equipment/instrument will be returned with the confirmation that it is in working condition. Lab Assistant will verify its workability before placing it at the designated Almirah/showcase.

  • If there are any issues/problems related to functioning of equipment/instrument, it should be reported to the Lab In-Charge immediately through Lab Assistant.

  • Psychology teacher will illustrate and elaborate the administrative and scoring procedures to be followed for a test/scale, before students are allowed to use it on their own.

  • After completion of experiment, the test/scale will be returned in proper condition. Lab Assistant will verify its condition before placing it at the designated Almirah/showcase.

  • All students have to follow proper precautions while using any equipment/instrument and test/scale.

  • Food, drinks and refreshments are Not Allowed in the Psychology Lab and strictly prohibited.

  • Shouting, loudly talking, use of cell phones or listening to music is strictly prohibited in the Psychology Lab.

  • Equipments/instruments and tests/scales in the Psychology Lab may not be relocated or disassembled without permission of the Lab In-Charge.

  • The Psychology Lab resources are prohibited from usage for any illegal or disruptive purposes.

  • Be considerate to other users in the Psychology Lab.

  • Users are expected to keep the Lab neat and tidy.

  • Professionalism is expected from students, Lab assistant and Lab In-Charge such as the use of appropriate language and proper dress, being prompt for scheduled hours, polite and courteous treatment of fellows and research participants, and the maintenance of a positive and helpful attitude.

  • We need to solicit your support to make this endeavour a success.


  1. D.T., B.Ed., M.Ed. and M.A. students avail the lab facilities in Psychology periods allotted in the Time Table.

publication publication 

SOP Time line & Safety

  1. Maintenance Time Line

The apparatus/ instruments used in a laboratory are essential for experiments, projects and activities being performed there. In general apparatus required to conduct psychological experiments must be properly handled and maintained.

The rules to be followed for proper care and functioning of apparatus are as under:

·       Keep the apparatus/ instruments safely in a proper/ assigned place.

  • Apparatus/instruments need to be used properly to prevent them from damage or breaking.
  • Cover the apparatus when not in use to prevent it from getting dusty or damaged.
  • Each and every apparatus needs to be checked regularly by the lab in-charge/ instructor for their optimum functioning.

·       Replace any damaged/defective part of the apparatus from an approved supplier.

  1. Safety procedure

  • Use apparatus/instruments for the purpose for which it is intended.
  • Use the apparatus/instruments with utmost care.
  • Do not set or place apparatus close to the edge of the table.
  • Please exercise caution while working with the electrical instrument.
  • Do not activate any apparatus before the inspection of the instructor.
  • Do not touch a live circuit/ wire of the apparatus.
  • Do not move or disturb apparatus in use without the consent of the user.
  • Make sure that the electrical apparatus is checked by the lab instructor/teacher in-charge before the apparatus is turned on.
  • Turn off the electrical instruments after its use.
  • Do not perform any unethical/unauthorized experiment.

·       In case of any emergency, follow the instructions of the lab instructor/teacher in-charge.

Psychology Laboratory Instruments


Mirror Drawing Apparatus 


The mirror-tracing apparatus is used for visual
and motor tests that involve learning a new    motor skill. The Mirror-drawing or Mirror-tracing test is a psychological test used to measure the rate of learning, hand-eye coordination, and neuropsychological damage.

  • Before starting the experiment, the mirror has to be cleaned properly and adjusted in proper position.

  • Star pattern is to be properly placed.

  • Participants are required to trace a shape (commonly a polygon, e.g., a star, diamond, square or a triangle) and stay within the boundaries of a double line, while only seeing an inverted reflection of their hand through a mirror.

  • After completion of the experiment the instrument is returned to laboratory In-charge.


Alexander’s Pass Along Test


Alexander's pass-along test is a psychological test that is used to measure intelligence.It used blocks on a tray to figure out the intelligence.The subject must create the pattern on card with help of tray and blocks. The scoring system give out the IQ of the subject.

  • There are 4 boxes of different size.

  • Eight small blocks of same size, 2 red and 6 blue

  • Blocks have not to be lifted, but may only be moved.

  • Record success or failure within the time limit.

  • Stop the test when failure has been recorded twice in succession.

  • The time limit for Designs 1 to 4 is 2 minutes each and for designs 5 to 8 is 3 minutes each.

  • The blocks along with the card set is returned to the laboratory In-charge.

                                                STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE

Koh’s Block Design Test


Koh’s Block Design Test is a performance test to measure the intelligence. This test consisting of a set of 16 coloured cubesand 17 cards with colored designs, which the subject is supposed to duplicate by using the blocks.

  • Place the cubes before the subject.

  • Show him the cards with a variety of colored designs and tell him to design like this.

  • The time for first five designs is 2 minutes and for the remaining five the time is 3 minutes.

  • Stop the test when failure has been recorded twice in succession.

  • The cubes along with the cards is returned to the laboratory In-charge.


Draw-a-man Test


Draw-a-man test is a non-verbal standardized test and is used to decipher the cognitive level of children. The children are asked to draw a picture of a man, a woman, and themselves. No further instructions are given and the pictures are analysed on a number of dimensions. Materials for administering Draw-a-man Test is simple and handy, just the sheets and pencils.

  • Select a room which is likely to be less disturbed by outsiders.

  • Remove all the pictures with human figure or turn them upside down before the children enter the room.

  • Be sure that every child has at least one sufficiently long pencil properly sharpened.

  • Show the blank space of the sheet and tell them to draw a picture of a full man in the space.

Images Courtesy:

and Pschology Laboratory , Department of Education AMU



Aligarh Muslim University



Objectives of Science Laboratory

  1. To identify the existence of a multiplicity of scientific methods, interrelationships between science and technology among the various disciplines of science
  2. To Equip prospective teachers and scholars with the latest and advanced materials and supplies.
  3. To provide first-hand experience in observation and manipulation of the materials of science.
  4. To understand the nature of science - scientific enterprise, scientists and how they work.
  5. To meet the individual differences of students including high and low achievers.

Rules and Regulations 
  1. All the Prospective teachers and Research scholars are required to make an entry into the Log register every time before using the equipment and chemicals.
  2. Equipment issued to the students for a specific purpose is to be returned in good working condition after use.
  3. Chemicals of the Science Lab will not be issued to carry out of the Lab.
  4. The lab in charge is authorized to check the working condition of the issued equipment when it is returned.
  5. Before using a piece of equipment of Chemicals for the first time, seek training from the Lab In-charge.
  6. A breakage and order register is maintained in the lab where broken equipment and order placed are recorded with the students’ and teachers’ signatures.
  7. Food, drinks, and refreshments are not allowed
    in the lab and are strictly prohibited.
  8. Talking loudly and using mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the Science Lab.
  9. You are Not Permitted to replace, relocate or make any damage to the equipment in the lab.
  10. Be considerate to the users in the Lab.
  11. Problems related to the Science Lab should be reported to the Lab In-charge immediately.
  12. Users are expected to keep the Lab neat and tidy.
  13. Users can give their suggestions in the Suggestion Book placed in the Lab
  14. Soliciting your support to ensure smooth functioning of the Lab.
publication publication

Procedures of using Science Lab:

  1. Read all procedures and associated safety information prior to conducting any experiment.
  2. Perform only those experiments authorized by your subject teacher.
  3. Do not use damaged electrical equipment. Report if there is any damaged electrical equipment in the lab to the lab in charge.
  4. Active experiments should not be left unattended like anything being heated or is visibly reacting. 
  5. Always practice good personal hygiene. Wash your hands after removing gloves, before leaving the laboratory, and after handling potentially hazardous material.
  6. While working in the laboratory, wear personal protective equipment - eye protection, gloves, and laboratory coat - as directed by your subject teacher.
  7. Properly segregate and dispose of all laboratory waste in the bin.
  8. Clean and decontaminate all laboratory pieces of equipment, table tops, benchtops, cabinets, and shelves

publication publication

General Lab Safety Rules

  • Ensure you are fully aware of the building's evacuation procedures. 
  • Make sure you know where your lab's safety equipment is, which includes first aid kit(s), fire extinguishers etc.
  • Know emergency phone numbers (JNMC Trauma center and Emergency number*) to use to call for help in case of an emergency.
  • Dress for work in the laboratory. Wear clothing and shoes that cover exposed skin and protect from potential splashes. Tie back loose long hair, avoid dangling jewelry.
  • For females, secure your shawl and stoles with safety pins, avoid anything loose that may catch fire.
  • Never wear sandals, slippers or other open-toed shoes in the lab. Footwear should always cover the foot completely. 


ü  Plan your work during regular working hours.

ü  This will ensure that one is not alone for prolonged periods. Working alone leaves one more vulnerable in case of accidents or injuries.

ü  Do not operate any equipment or conduct experiments without prior training.

ü  If you are still unsure of a particular procedure, get help from your subject teacher or in charge of the Lab.

ü  Note down protocols or make copies of the SOPs to refer to whenever in doubt.


* Helpline number: 7599050505

Phone: 0571-2721165, 2721214, 2700920


The facilities in the Science Lab are available during the working hours on all days of the Department (from 8:00 .AM to 4:00. PM). Friday timings-
from 8:00. AM to 12:00. Noon 
. The students of DT and B.Ed. can avail the lab facilities in the Period allotted to the course ‘Pedagogy of Science’ in their respective time-table

All Images Courtesy: Science Laboratory, Department of Education, AMU



Aligarh Muslim University





Computer lab will be open on all working days from 8:30 am to 4pm




Aligarh Muslim University



New Education Policy (2020) and National Policy on Education (1986) states “Mathematics should be visualized as a vehicle to train a child to think, analyze and articulate logically”. National Curriculum Framework - 2005 brought out by NCERT states that the main goal of Mathematics education is the mathematization of a child’s thought process. These objectives can only be achieved if there is an opportunity of creating a scope of exploring, verifying, and experimenting upon mathematical results by students themselves. Thus, there is a need of adopting an activity-oriented process rather than merely concentrating upon mastery of rules and formulae so as to do mathematical problems mechanically and pass out the examinations. There is a need to provide the learners with the scope for interaction, communication, and representations of mathematical ideas by practicing processes. A mathematics laboratory can foster mathematical awareness, skill-building, positive attitude, and learning by doing experiments in various topics of mathematics such as Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, etc.


Mathematics Lab is set up in the Department of Education to:

1.  Provide Prospective teachers with opportunities to make students understand the mathematical concepts through active involvement in solving problems

2.     Help prospective teachers to make students think creatively and look for patterns and ask questions.

3.     Help Research Scholars in their Experimental research work on Mathematics Teaching

4.     Develop an attitude of inquiry.

  1. To discover the pattern for getting insight into the formulae

  2. To visualize algebraic and analytical results geometrically.

  3. To design practical demonstrations of mathematical results/formulae or the concepts.

  4. To encourage interactions amongst students and teachers through debate and discussions.

  5. To encourage students in recognizing, extending, formulating patterns and enabling them to pose problems in the form of conjectures                 

All B.Ed., D.T students and scholars (mathematics group) of the Department of Education have access to the Mathematics Lab with strict adherence to the SOPs.


One period per week to B.Ed. and D.T(Math’s group) classes


Procedures for work in Mathematics Laboratory in Teaching-Learning

  1. The mathematics laboratory can contribute in a big way to the learning of this subject. Some of the ways are:

  2. Here the student will get an opportunity to understand the abstract ideas/     concepts through concrete objects and situations.

  3. The concepts of relations and functions can be easily understood by making working models and by making arrow diagrams using wires.

  4. Three dimensional concepts can only be conceived by three dimensional models in the laboratory, where as it is very difficult to understand these concepts on a black board.

  5. The concept of function and its inverse function, becomes very clear by drawing their graphs using mathematical instruments and using the concept of image about the line y = x, which can be done only in the laboratory.

  6. It provides greater scope for individual participation in the processes of learning and becoming autonomous learner.

  7. Beneficiaries

  8. All B.Ed., D.T students and scholars (mathematics group) of the Department of Education have access to the Mathematics Lab with strict adherence to the SOPs.



  1. All the Prospective teachers and Research scholars are required to make an entry in to the Log register every time before using the equipment.

  2. Equipment issued to the students for specific purpose are to be returned in good working condition after the use.

  3. The lab in-charge is authorized to check the working condition of the issued equipment when it is returned.

  4. Before using a piece of equipment for the first time, seek training from the Lab In-charge.

  5. Food, drinks and refreshments are not allowed
    in the lab and are strictly prohibited.

  6. Talking loudly and using of mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the Mathematics Lab.

  7. You are Not Permitted to replace, relocate or make any damage to the equipment in the lab.

  8. Be considerate to the users in the Lab.

  9. Problems related to the Mathematics Lab should be reported to the Lab In-charge immediately.

  10. Users are expected to keep the Lab neat and tidy.

  11. Users can give their suggestion in the Suggestion Book placed in the Lab

  12. Soliciting your support to ensure smooth functioning of the Lab.


  • Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand a direction, ask the Laboratory Assistants or lecturers to assist you.

  • Know the locations and operating instructions of all safety equipment found in the lab. These include the fire extinguisher, and first aid kit.

  • Polite no running, jumping, or horseplay in laboratory areas will not be permitted.

  • No materials should be taken out of the lab room for any other reason than to prepare a lab room.

  • Be alert and conduct all activities with caution. If you are aware of any unsafe conditions in the laboratory, please notify the Lab Assistant or the Lab Manager 

  • Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times while in the lab.



Aligarh Muslim University

(SOPs for Managing the Office)



  1. Collect the keys by the designated staff from the Chairperson`s residence to unlock the department.

  2. After that clean the Class rooms, Chambers of the Teachers, Seminar Room, Laboratory and Office of the Department.

  3. Switching On minimal lights is implemented to observe policy of Energy Conversation.

  4. Check LCD/Notepad/Mike sets in the Class room/Lab. so that no time is wasted during the class/presentation.


Commencement of Office 

(Pre-Lunch 08:00 am to 01:30 pm

Display the notice on the Notice Board related to exam, scholarship and other important information.

  1. Write on the notice board regarding Faculty/Staff on leave.

  2. Maintain receipt and dispatch register entries.

  3. Finalize and dispatch letter assign by the Chairperson a day before in the second  half.

  4. Sort the letter received in the second half of the  previous day.

  5. Routine work  that includes preparing the replies of incoming letters and DFAs in be shown to the Chairperson in the second half of the day.

  6. Show only very important or urgent office papers to the Chairperson in the fist half of the day.

LUNCH HOUR 01.30 pm To 2.30 pm.

Post Lunch (02:30 pm to 04:00 pm)

  • Show all incoming office papers which may include Confidential letters, Forms of
    students, General notice, etc. to the Chairperson.

  • Respond to important papers immediately, pending DFAs signed and seat to the concerned Section/person.


Closing the Day

  • Switch Off all the lights fans/AC`s and also close windows of all the rooms after 04:05p.m. and 12.40 p.m. on Friday.

  • Start locking up the chambers and finally the Office.

  • Handover the keys by the designated staff to the Chairperson at his/her residence.



Aligarh Muslim University


Home Science lab of Department of Education, AMU is well equipped with modern appliances like Microwave Oven, Induction Cooktop, Refrigerator, necessary crockeries, cooking utensils , Sewing machines, Embroidery machines, Electric Mixer  and all other equipments required for conducting different activities like stitching, cooking, embroidery, knitting etc.


  1. To help prospective teachers to gain practical knowledge and pedagogical skills in the core areas of Home Science like Food Science and Nutrition, Fabric science, Resource Management etc.

  2. To inculcate demonstration skills among prospective teachers with regard to various activities of Home Science teaching like the art of cooking, flower arrangement styles, interior designing using eco-friendly materials, dress designing, embroidery, fabric painting etc.

  3. To enhance the competencies of prospective teachers for preparing teaching aids required for teaching of Home Science at secondary level.

  4. To help prospective teachers to develop skills in the use and management of limited resources by making intelligent decisions.

  5. To develop understanding of various methods and procedures required for teaching of Home Science.

  6. To inculcate leadership and collaborative skills among prospective teachers by providing hands on experience.

  • All the students pursuing B. Ed in the Department of Education with Home Science as specialization are allowed to use the Home Science Lab.


Ø Home Science laboratory remains open on all working days (8:00 am to 4:00 pm) except Friday.

Ø Friday timings: 8:00am to 12:30pm


  1. B.Ed. students with Home Science as specialization have access to lab equipment for demonstration purpose as outlined in the B. Ed course Curriculum.

  2. Essential materials will be provided to the students by the lab assistant as per their requirements.

  3. Arrange the materials/ingredients in sequence of work

  4. After conducting the experiment, the equipment is to be returned to the lab assistant with the confirmation that it is in working condition.

  5. Lab Assistant will check the working condition of equipment and place it safely in the Almirah.

  6. If any of the equipment is not functioning properly, it should be reported to the lab assistant so that it is either repaired or replaced soon.

  7. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for various equipment has been displayed and students are required to follow SOP carefully for proper use of the same.


MICROWAVE OVEN | IFB 30 L Metallic silver Convection Microwave Oven -  Convectionbb

A Microwave Oven make use of electromagnetic radiations to heat and cook food. It is used for baking , roasting, grilling and steaming food items. It is also used to disinfect kitchen items.

1.    Press the main Switch on and open the door of the Oven.

2.    Place the food items inside the oven for cooking and close the door.

3.    Preheat the oven to the right temperature for the purpose of baking.

4.    Set the cooking time by pressing the number buttons as per the need and as instructed by the teacher concerned.

5.    Ensure that the utensil is microwave-safe otherwise it will cause damage to the food and microwave.

6.    Open the door and take out the cooked food but remember to wear gloves while placing and removing food in the oven.

7.    Avoid opening the door of the oven while cooking so that temperature can be maintained.

8.    Use a non-abrasive scrubbing sponge for cleaning the racks.



The Induction Cooktop is a smart method used to cook the food quickly. It works on the principle of electromagnetic Induction.

  1. Press the main Switch on , a beep sound is heard and “ ” appears on the display.

  2. Now press the ON button

  3. Place the Induction Cookware or Pan on the cooktop . The bottom of the pan or  vessel must be dry while keeping on the induction stove.

  4. Use the + and – sensor buttons to adjust the heat.

  5. Pressing the (-) button will reduce the Temperature.

  6. Pressing the (+) button will increase the Temperature.

  7. The Induction Cook-top will switch off automatically upon reaching the set time limit.

  8. Once done with the cooking, hold the power button again to turn off the induction cooktop

  9. Once cooking is completed, allow the induction cooktop to cool down completely before cleaning.



Liebherr 265 L Frost Free Double door 2 Star Refrigerator (Grey Steel, TCgs  2610) on EMI | Bajaj Finserv EMI Store

Refrigerator is used to compress air purification, to condense water vapour and to reduce its moisture content from food stuff in order to preserve them for a longer period.

  1. Connect the power plug to the main power sockets and switch on the power supply.

  2. Put thermometers in the refrigerator compartment and freezer.

  3. Set the thermostat control knob to ‘NORMAL’ position.

  4. Load the refrigerator with the items to be stored between 2-6°C.

  5. Set the thermostat control knob to ‘NORMAL’ position.

  6. Load the refrigerator with the items to be stored between 2-6°C.

  7. To take out the articles, open the door of refrigerator & take out the articles and close the door again.

      Cleaning Procedure:

  1. Once in a week,

  2. Put off the Refrigerator.

  3. Remove all the items from the refrigerator

  4. Clean the inside surfaces and shelves with a clean duster dipped in the disinfectant solution.(3 % v/v Dettol Solution)

  5. Record the cleaning in the “Equipment Cleaning Register”



Gas Stove is a stove that is fueled by combustible gas such as natural gas, liquefied gas petroleum gas or other flammable gas to cook food

  1. Do a body safety check before turning on your gas stove.

  2. If you're wearing footwear, make sure it is nonslip to prevent cooking accidents.

  3. Turn the stove dial on to light the stove

  4. Try cleaning your burner holes and igniter if it does not light immediately

  5. Light the gas stove manually as an alternative

          Use Gas Stoves Safely

  1. Check your stove's pilot light if it is an older model.

  2. Always keep your stove attended when it's on.

  3. Use your gas stove for cooking only.

  4. Watch for a hissing sound or the smell of natural gas

  5. Avoid placing flammable materials near the stove

  6. Turn the stove off after every use

                                   STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP)


Machine Embroidery is aa embroidery process where by a sewing machine or embroidery machine is used to create patterns on textiles. It is used commercially in product branding, corporate advertising and uniform adornment. It is also used to decorate garments and apron.

1.    Creation of an embroidery may take hours depending on the complexity of the design.

2.    Determine and mark the location of embroidery placement on the fabric to be embellished.

3.    Connect the Embroidery Unit to the sewing machine. Just slide off the accessory tray and slide the embroidery unit on until it clicks into place.

4.    Attach the Embroidery/Darning Foot U

5.    Insert an embroidery needle and insert the bobbin

6.    choose the hoop size and hoop the fabric

7.    slide the hoop onto the embroidery unit and add the second layer of stabilizer

8.    Start and change thread colours as needed

9.    Remove the completed design from machine. Separate the fabric from the hoop and trim the stabiliser, loose threads, etc.



A sewing machine is used to stich the fabric and other pliable materials together with threads.

  1. Inspect all the machine settings and adjustments and modify as necessary for sewing task.

  2. Inspect the needle to ensure it is not bent, dulled or damaged.

  3. Use the proper type and size needle for the fabric being sewn.

  4. For zig zag or any other special stitching use a throat plat that accommodates a wide stitch

  5. Always maintain a safe zone of about 1 inch where fingers never enter when in operation.



  1. A practical record, laboratory coat and a head cap is mandatory while working in the laboratory.

  2. Keep your belongings (bag, purse and books etc.) only at the space provided.

  3. Be tidy in your appearance and keep nails clean & short.

  4. Use ingredients accurately in order to avoid waste.

  5. Clean, rinse and wipe and dry all work area after completing the task.

  6. Record your observations and every step involved in the procedure systematically.

  7. Use the food items rationally and in humane manner.

  8. All the electric supplies must be plugged out if not in use

  9. Water tap should be closed properly after use.

  10. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited inside the Home Science lab.

  11. Clean all the equipment after its use.



  1. Take all the precautions carefully before conducting an experiment to avoid potential hazard.

  2. Wash your hands with disinfectant soap when you arrive at the Home Science lab and again before you leave.

  3. Avoid loose and baggy clothing.

  4. Wear gloves while conducting experiments especially using microwave oven.

  5. Take extreme care while using electric appliances and gas stove.

  6. Be careful while using knife. fork and other sharp- edged instruments.

  7. Special care should be taken to prevent fires and burns.

  8. Take great care while handling and carrying the glass wares and crockeries from one place to another.

  9. Report any accident or injury to the lab in-charge immediately no matter how trivial it appears.

  10. Adhere to electric safety guidelines.


All Images Courtesy:



Aligarh Muslim University




  • Recommendations for purchasing books and journals are collected from the faculty members, research scholars, and students.
  • Duplicate checking is done to avoid purchasing duplicate books and journals.
  • A final list of books and journals is prepared and sent to the Maulana Azad Library for purchasing orders to concerned book distributors.
  • After receipt of books and journals accessioning work is done in the accession register of the seminar library.



  • The Seminar Library of the department has a well-maintained stock of books which is around 13400 volumes and 1000 Titles.
  • The seating capacity of the Seminar Library is more than 80.
  • Seminar Library maintains one separate room for the processing work and a separate Hall for graduate, post-graduate, and D.T. students.
  • The books maintained in the Seminar Hall are from allied areas of Education of National and International authors.
  • National and International journals are available in the Library for faculty members and students.
  • The Seminar Library maintains the hardcopy of the thesis awarded to research scholars and dissertations submitted by M.Ed. students. 



Borrowing facilities for students and teachers are described below-

Teachers: 5 Books at a time for two weeks

Research Scholars: 3 Books at a time for one week.

Students for all programmes: 2 books at a time for three times.



  • Complete silence should be maintained in the Seminar library by everyone.
  • Every faculty member and the student has to put their signature in the entry book at the time of entry into the seminar library.
  • Without proper permission and issuance, no library material can be taken out from the Seminar Library.
  • Taking photos of the pages of any book is strictly prohibited.
  • Seminar Library services are restricted only to the bonafide members of the Library.
  • Thesis and Dissertations are not allowed to take outside the Library.
  • Every student is supposed to take clearance from the Library for the final examination.
  • Every faculty member has to take clearance from the Library at the time of retirement or change of institution.

All Images Courtesy: Department of Education Seminar Library, AMU