K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies

ایس او پی

Dept. data last updated on :20/02/2025

SOP of The Office

  • Collecting the Keys from Director's residence to unlock the Centre, cleaning the rooms of the Faculty members, Language Lab, Seminar Library, Conference Room, Classrooms, Mosque, Office of the Centre and Toilets.

  • The Staff mark their attendance.

  • The office maintains movement register.

  • Check the Computers, Projector and internet connectivity of the Centre.

  • Displaying information on the Notice Board pertaining to exam, Scholarship and other matters.

  • Writing on the Notice Board if any Faculty/Staff is on Leave.

  • Finalizing and dispatching letters signed by Director a day before in the second half. 

  • Sorting the letters received in the second half of the previous day.

  • Doing routine work that includes preparing the replies of incoming letters and DFAs to be shown to Director in the second half of the day.

  • Showing only very important or urgent Official papers to be shown to the Director in the first half of the Day.

  • Showing all incoming Official papers which may include Confidential Letters, forms of Students, General Notices etc. to the Director.

  • Responding to important papers immediately, preparing, DFA from it and getting them sent to the concerned section.

  • The office maintains charts related to Duty Roster and Duty Assignment.

  • The office maintains all books of accounts like Cash Register, Budget Control Register/Advanced Register/ Stock Register/Asset Register.

  • All the major purchases are done according to GFR-2017 rule/Gem.

  • Switch off all the lights, fans or A.Cs, also closing windows of all the rooms and after 4:05PM and 12:40PM on Friday.

  • Start locking up the Classrooms, Conference Room, Seminar Library, Language Lab and finally the Office.

  • Transferring the keys to Director’s residence.

SOP of The Seminar Library

The K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies maintains clear operating procedures for the optimum utilization of its resources. 

The Centre has a well-stocked Seminar Library with approximately 6832 Purchased books and many gifted books. It serves both faculty and students, as well as anyone who would like to use the books for academic purposes. The faculty and students of the Centre/other Departments can browse for books through the OPAC and can issue/use the books as per the Seminar Library rules. The Seminar Library can be accessed from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 

1: The Seminar Library books are catalogued with Accession numbers for each, in line with the procedure followed by the Maulana Azad Library of the University.

2: The Undergraduate students also have a section of books allocated for them covering the BA (Quranic Studies) curriculum, so as to aid them in studying for the course and facilitate them in preparing for competitive exams. These books can be accessed by producing valid identity card of the University. 

SOP of The Language Lab

The K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies has a Language Lab which is open to faculty and students. The Lab is used to promote teaching/learning of Arabic Language, Tajweed and Islamic Calligraphy skills. It also works as a training platform for students of the University.

1: The Lab computers can be accessed through the unique login id.

2: The software installed in the computers are licensed and the Centre follows the standard procedure of procurement and usage in line with the Central Computer Centre of the University.

3: Smooth running of the Lab is aided by the installed software, Teachers Guide Snetclass V7.0 which serves as a procedural framework that delineates the laboratory activities.