Department of Medicine
اہم لیبارٹریز۔
P.G. Medicine Central Lab: Equipped with state of the art biochemical and haematology auto analyser. The laboratory is performing routine investigations like CBC, RFT, Lipid Profile etc. This laboratory is providing a valuable support in clinical mangement by providing timely and accurate investigation reports same day. The lab is managed by a teacher incharge along with well trained and experienced technical team.
G. E. Lab. with Medical Endoscopy Lab: The GE Laboratory is performing important tests like LFT and Stool test which are essential for the management of patients with Gastrointestinal disorders. Attached to the GE Lab is an Endoscopy suite which has a state of the art endoscopy facility in the form of video gastroscope and colonoscope. Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies are being routinely done by Dr. M. Uwais Ashraf and Dr. Haider Hussaini, who are trained in advanced GI endoscopy.
Nephrology Lab/Renal Lab: The Renal lab is performing most of the blood and urine investigations necessary for the management of kidney patients. The Lab is equipped with latest state-of-the art equipment and is making test results available same day for immediate decision making regarding management of the kidney patients.
Neurology Lab: The Neurology Lab has been recently updated with all the latest equipment necessary for the management of patients of Neurological disorders. The lab is regularly performing Electroencephalography (EEG), Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS), Electromyography (EMG) and Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) testing.