Department of Paediatrics & Preventive Dentistry

تروسٹ ایریا۔

Dept. data last updated on :10/10/2024



1. Prevalence of traumatic Dental injuries to permanent teeth in 12 and 15 year old school going children of Rural and

Urban area

Student Name:- Dr. Mohammad Kamran Khan

Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal

Co Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

2. Caries status and oral health behavior of Urban & rural School Children.

Student name:- Dr. Arjun Unnikrishnan

Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

Co Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal

3. Comparative Study of Different Anticaries Agent: An in vivo study

Student name:- Dr. Faraha Javed

Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal

Co Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

4. Revascularization with and without Platelet rich fibrin Nonvital Immature Anterior teeth: An in vivo study

Student name:- D. Sumbul Jameel

Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

Co Guide Name:-Prof. M.K. Jindal, Dr. Huma Iftikhar

5. Comparative Evaluation of different methods for working length determination in primary teeth: An In Vivo Study"

Student name:- Dr. Sana Fatima  

Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal 

Co Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

6. Effectiveness of Audiovisual Distraction Technique and Filmed Modeling on Anxiety and fear in Pediatric Dental Patients 

Student Name ; Faiza Jamil

Guide  Name : 

Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

Co Guide Name:- 
Prof. M.K. Jindal

7. A Comparative Evaluation of the Staining Capacity of Dental Restoration used in Pediaric Patients to Food Items :  

An In Vitro Study

Student Name : Pranshu Varshney

Guide  Name : Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

Co Guide Name:- 
 Prof. M.K. Jindal, Prof. Yasser Azim

8. Comparison  of Dental Age Estimation by Nolla's, Demerjian's and Cameriere's Methods among Pediatric Dental Patients.

Student name:- Dr. Ashik Mohamed V.N  

Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal,  

Co Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan, Dr. Anshul Aggarwal

9. Evaluation of pain and fear perception in vibratory and camouflaged syringe verses conventional technique for local anesthesia administration in pediatric patients- A split mouth study

Student name:- Dr. Nehal Ahmad

Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal

Co Guide Name:- 
 Prof. Neha Agrawal

10. Prevalence of lateral functional mandibular shift and its effects on facial symmetry and oral functions among children with deciduous and early mixed dentition in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh

Student name:- Dr. Zeba Ambreen

Guide Name:- Prof. Divya Sanjay Sharma

11.Early childhood caries and malnutrition: A hospital based preventive and interventional study in western U.P.

  • Student name:- Dr. Fasna. K

    Guide Name:- Prof.

     Saima Yunus Khan

    Co Guide Name:- 
     Dr. Ayesha Ahmad

  • 12.Effect of conventional space maintainer and Rapp Design space maintainer for missing first primary molar in early mixed dentition arch with different space discrepency: A randomized clinical trial

    Student Name : Himani Gupta

    Guide  Name : Prof. Divya Sanjay Sharma

    Co Guide Name:- 
     Prof. M.K. Jindal

    13.Analysis of facial trauma in pediatric patients of Aligarh distric, U.P. (India): A hospital based study.

    Student Name : Elsy Antony

    Guide  Name : Prof. Saima Yunus Khan

    Co Guide Name:- 
     Dr. Md. Kaleem Ansari, Prof. Divya Sanjay Sharma

    14.Prevalence of oral habits in school children of Aligarh,
    U.P. (India): A cross sectional study.

    Student Name : Anam Imran

    Guide  Name : Prof. M.K. Jindal



    1. Prevalence of traumatic Dental injuries to permanent teeth in 12 and 15 year old school going children of Rural and

    Urban area

    Student Name:- Dr. Mohammad Kamran Khan

    Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal

    Co Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

    2. Caries status and oral health behavior of Urban & rural School Children.

    Student name:- Dr. Arjun Unnikrishnan

    Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

    Co Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal

    3. Comparative Study of Different Anticaries Agent: An in vivo study

    Student name:- Dr. Faraha Javed

    Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal

    Co Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

    4. Revascularization with and without Platelet rich fibrin Nonvital Immature Anterior teeth: An in vivo study

    Student name:- D. Sumbul Jameel

    Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

    Co Guide Name:-Prof. M.K. Jindal, Dr. Huma Iftikhar

    5. Comparative Evaluation of different methods for working length determination in primary teeth: An In Vivo Study"

    Student name:- Dr. Sana Fatima  

    Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal 

    Co Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

    6. Effectiveness of Audiovisual Distraction Technique and Filmed Modeling on Anxiety and fear in Pediatric Dental Patients 

    Student Name ; Faiza Jamil

    Guide  Name : 

    Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

    Co Guide Name:- 
    Prof. M.K. Jindal


     A Comparative Evaluation of the Staining Capacity of Dental Restoration used in Pediaric Patients to Food Items :  
    An In Vitro Study

    Student Name : Pranshu Varshney

    Guide  Name : Dr. Saima Yunus Khan

    Co Guide Name:- 
     Prof. M.K. Jindal, Prof. Yasser Azim

    8. Comparison  of Dental Age Estimation by Nolla's, Demerjian's and Cameriere's Methods among Pediatric Dental Patients.

    Student name:- Dr. Ashik Mohamed V.N  

    Guide Name:- Prof. M.K. Jindal,  

    Co Guide Name:- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan, Dr. Anshul Aggarwal