Time Table: MA-I and III Sem 2024-25 | | |
Time Table BA-I, III,and V (FYUP) 2024-25 | | |
Syllabi BA-VI Semester (FYUP) | | |
Syllabi, BA-V Semester (FYUP) | | |
Syllabi, BA-IV Semester (FYUP) | | |
Syllabi - Value Added Courses | | |
Syllabi - Skill Development Courses | | |
Master Time Table-BA & MA | | |
VOC/VAC Subject Allocation Proforma BA-III (FYUP) | | |
Link to geo tagged photosLink to geo tagged photos
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M.A. Philosophy Result (2021-2022 ) | | |
List of Departmental Alumni | | |
Eligible Candidates for Assistant Professor (Contractual) in Philosophy Department and Women's College, 2020-21.Eligible Candidates for Assistant Professor (Contractual) in Philosophy Department and Women's College, 2020-21.
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Key M.A. Philosophy Test , 2021-22Key M.A. Philosophy Test , 2021-22
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Entrance Test Syllabus, Ph.D. | | |
Entrance Test Syllabus, MA | | |
Syllabi, Updated, MA III Semester | | |
Syllabi, Updated, MA II and IV Semesters | | |
Syllabi, Updated, MA I Semester | | |
Syllabi, Updated, BA II,IV and VI Semesters | | |
Syllabi, BA-I, II & III Sem (FYUP) | | |
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Naac Criterion 3.4.5
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Naac Criteria 5.1.1
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Naac Criteria 4.3.1
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Naac Criteria
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Naac Criteria
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Naac Criteria
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Naac Criteria 1.2.2
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Naac Criteria 1.2.1 | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus- BA I Semester (Philosophy) | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus- BA V Semester (Philosophy) | | |
Useful downloads NAAC | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus- MA II Semester (Philosophy) | | |
Useful downloads NAAC | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus- MA III Semester (Philosophy) | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus- MA I Semester (Philosophy) | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus- MA IV Semester (Philosophy) | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus- BA IV Semester (Philosophy) | | |
Useful downloads Two Day National Seminar on Sufism (Revised Dates) | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus- BA II Semester (Philosophy) | | |
Useful downloads Old and New Syllabi | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus- BA VI Semester (Philosophy) | | |
Useful downloads BA I- Syllabii Odd Sem 2020-2021 | | |
Useful downloads BA III- Syllabii Odd Sem 2020-2021 | | |
Useful downloads BA V- Syllabus Odd Sem 2020-2021 | | |
Useful downloads MA III Syllabii Odd Sem 2020-2021 | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus for MA Admission Test, 2020-21 | | |
Useful downloads SYLLABUS FOR ENTRANCE TEST TO PhD (PHILOSOPHY) 2020-2021 | | |
Useful downloads MA Admission Test 2020-21, MCQ Key | | |
Useful downloads List of Candidates found Not Eligible for MA admission entrance test 2020-21 | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus- BA III Semester (Philosophy) | | |
Useful downloads MA I Syllabii Odd Sem 2020-2021 | | |