Attendance of MA III Semester (Commencement of class to 31.08.2024) (2024-25) | | |
Attendance of MA I Semester (Commencement of class to 31.08.2024) (2024-25) | | |
Attendance MA IV Semester from commencement of classes to last teaching day (2023-24) | | |
Attendance MA II Semester from commencement of classes to last teaching day (2023-24) | | |
Attendance BA VI Semester from commencement of classes to last teaching day (2023-24) | | |
Attendance BA II Semester from commencement of classes to last teaching day (2023-24) | | |
Attendance MA IV Semester upto 15.03.2024 (2023-24) | | |
Attendance MA II Semester upto 15.03.2024 (2023-24) | | |
Attendance BA VI Semester upto 15.03.2024 (2023-24) | | |
Attendance of MA I Semester Psychology (2023-24) | | |
Attendance of BA I Semester Psychology (2023-24) | | |
Attendance of BA V Semester (Open Elective) Psychology 2023-2024 | | |
Attendance of BA V Semester Psychology 2023-2024 | | |
Attendance MA III Semester from commencement of classes upto 31.08.2023 (2023-2024) | | |
Attendance MA I Semester from commencement of classes upto 31.08.2023 (2023-2024) | | |
Attendance BA V Semester from commencement of classes upto 31.08.2023 (2023-2024) | | |
M.A.III semester, Dpt.Of Psychology, from the commencement of classes to 20.11. 19M.A.III semester, Dpt.Of Psychology, from the commencement of classes to 20.11. 19
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M.A. Ist semester, Dpt. of Psychology- from the Commencement of classes to 30.9.2019M.A. Ist semester, Dpt. of Psychology- from the Commencement of classes to 30.9.2019
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BA Vth sem, Dpt of Psychology, From 01.10.2018 to End of SemesterBA Vth sem, Dpt of Psychology, From 01.10.2018 to End of Semester
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BA Ist Sem Subsidiary, Dpt of psychology) From the commencement of classes to 30.09.2019BA Ist Sem Subsidiary, Dpt of psychology) From the commencement of classes to 30.09.2019
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B.A. Ist sem, Dept. of Psychology From the commencement of classes to 30.09.2019B.A. Ist sem, Dept. of Psychology From the commencement of classes to 30.09.2019
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P.G. Diploma in Human Resource Management Date of Commencement to 26-11-2018P.G. Diploma in Human Resource Management Date of Commencement to 26-11-2018
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PG Diploma in C& HM 1st Sem, Dpt. of Psychology, from commencement of classes to 26.11.2018PG Diploma in C& HM 1st Sem, Dpt. of Psychology, from commencement of classes to 26.11.2018
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P.G. Diploma in HRD & M, Dpt. of Psychology, from the commencement of classes to 16.4.2019P.G. Diploma in HRD & M, Dpt. of Psychology, from the commencement of classes to 16.4.2019
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P.G. Diploma in Counseling and H.M. , Dpt. of Psychology, from the Commencement of classes to 16. 4. 2019.pdf_2P.G. Diploma in Counseling and H.M. , Dpt. of Psychology, from the Commencement of classes to 16. 4. 2019.pdf_2
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M.A. IVSem, Dpt. of Psychology, from the Commencement of classes to 16. 4.2019M.A. IVSem, Dpt. of Psychology, from the Commencement of classes to 16. 4.2019
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MA IIIrd sem, Open Elective, Dpt of Psychology from the Commencement of classes to 26.9.2018MA IIIrd sem, Open Elective, Dpt of Psychology from the Commencement of classes to 26.9.2018
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MA IIIrd Sem, Dpt of Psychology, From the Commencement of classes to 26.11.2018MA IIIrd Sem, Dpt of Psychology, From the Commencement of classes to 26.11.2018
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M.A. Ist Sem, Dpt. of Psychology, 01.10.18- 15.10.18M.A. Ist Sem, Dpt. of Psychology, 01.10.18- 15.10.18
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M.A. Ist Sem, Dpt. of Psychology, from the Commencement to 26.11.2018M.A. Ist Sem, Dpt. of Psychology, from the Commencement to 26.11.2018
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BA 4th Sem, Dpt of Psychology (01-03-2019-16-04-2019)BA 4th Sem, Dpt of Psychology (01-03-2019-16-04-2019)
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B.A. IV semester (Subs), Dpt. of Psychology, 7.1.2019-28.2.2019B.A. IV semester (Subs), Dpt. of Psychology, 7.1.2019-28.2.2019
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B.A. IV Semester, Dept. of Psychology, Commencement of Classes to 28-02-2019B.A. IV Semester, Dept. of Psychology, Commencement of Classes to 28-02-2019
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BA IInd Sem (Dpt of Psychology) 01-03-2019-16-04-2019BA IInd Sem (Dpt of Psychology) 01-03-2019-16-04-2019
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BA Hons IInd Sem, Dpt of Psychology, 07-01-2019 to 28-02-2019BA Hons IInd Sem, Dpt of Psychology, 07-01-2019 to 28-02-2019
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B.A. II semester, Dpt. of Psychology- From the commencement of classes to 28.2.2019.B.A. II semester, Dpt. of Psychology- From the commencement of classes to 28.2.2019.
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B.A. Vth sem, Life Skills & W.B., Dpt. of Psychology, 1.10.18 to 15.10.2018B.A. Vth sem, Life Skills & W.B., Dpt. of Psychology, 1.10.18 to 15.10.2018
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BA Vth Sem, Dpt of Psychology, 01-10-2018 to 15-10-2018BA Vth Sem, Dpt of Psychology, 01-10-2018 to 15-10-2018
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B.A. Vth Sem, sem, Life Skills & W.B., Dpt of Psychology, 1.10.2018 to End of the semB.A. Vth Sem, sem, Life Skills & W.B., Dpt of Psychology, 1.10.2018 to End of the sem
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BA Vth Sem, Dpt of Psychology, From 01.10.2018 to End of SemesterBA Vth Sem, Dpt of Psychology, From 01.10.2018 to End of Semester
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BA IIIrd Sem, Dpt of Psychology, 01-10-2018 to 15-10-2018BA IIIrd Sem, Dpt of Psychology, 01-10-2018 to 15-10-2018
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B.A. Ist Sem, Dpt. of Psychology, 16.10.18 to 26.11.18B.A. Ist Sem, Dpt. of Psychology, 16.10.18 to 26.11.18
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BA Ist Sem (Subs), Dpt of Psychology, 01-10-2018 to 15-10-2018BA Ist Sem (Subs), Dpt of Psychology, 01-10-2018 to 15-10-2018
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B.A. Ist sem, Dpt. of Psychology, 1.10.2018-15.10.2018B.A. Ist sem, Dpt. of Psychology, 1.10.2018-15.10.2018
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B.A. I semester attendance from the date of admission to 30.09.2014.pdf B.A. I semester attendance from the date of admission to 30.09.2014.pdf | | |
B.A. III Semester attendance 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014.pdf B.A. III Semester attendance 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014.pdf | | |
M.A. III Semester attendance from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014.pdf M.A. III Semester attendance from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014.pdf | | |