
Internal Quality Assurance Cell

NAAC Appeal Re-DVV

In order to further strengthen its claims, HEI is providing more evidences on: 
(i) Soft skills are available at: https://api.amu.ac.in/storage//file/10182/file_management/1642496813.pdf    and some more evidences are provided on page no. 3 below.
and some additional evidences are available on page 4 below.
(iii) Life Skills ( Yoga, Physical fitness, health, and hygiene), already provided at https://assessmentonline.naac.gov.in/storage/app/hei/clarificationfiles/103274_18652id_5.1.3%20(2018-19)_compressed.pdf
Metric 5.3.3: However, to strengthen the data, more evidence is attached at below link:

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ICT in Teacher Education

Moocs on Environment in Teachers Training Institutes

NAAC 2021