
AMU Women's Club

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                                                AMU Womens Club

                                           Aligarh Muslim University

                                                              Established:- 19 April 2018


The AMU womens Club aspires to promote the welfare and wellbeing of society, with special focus on women within and outside AMU. It is committed to an inclusive approach that promotes a vision for change through equal access to healthcare, social and legal services, educational and economic opportunities, enhancement of talent and skill, and participation in public and political life. The club envisions a future where all women will be self-sustaining, respected empowered without any discrimination based on gender, caste, class.


The AMU Womens Club comprises a group of women who through mutual respect and helpfulness strive for ethical and humanitarian leadership. The club upholds the strengths of the individual as well as universal values. It fosters personal and social growth and encourages its members to be active and responsible citizens and offer gender equality and diversity. 

Background and Philosophy

Spearheaded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in the 19th Century, the social awakening of modern education for the community became the Aligarh Movement and played a significant role in the making of the new India. The Muslim Education Conference founded by Sir Syed and its sister bodies like those conceived and patronized by Sultan Jahan Begum were such integrationist initiatives that envisage Aligarh as the nerve centre for such broadening of horizons. The proposed AMU Womens Club is an extension to of the same mandate towards unfurling an accessible platform for channeling and encouraging the creative and positive energies of the women fold of the Aligarh Muslim University contributing the larger social and cultural advancement of the community. 


  1. To Motivate Female Students and Promote Women Education.
  2. To bring together the women of AMU under an umbrella to consolidate their strengths. 
  3. To promote and project the ideals, traditions and tehzeeb of the AMU and make women its keepers and inheritors.
  4. To create a culture of understanding and mutual respect. The members will reach out to each other in all their moments of pain, sickness or loss of a loved one as well as occasions of joy and celebrations. 


  • Organize monthly meetings and literary/cultural programs giving members a chance to perform/play and present their ideas. 
  • Hold skill enhancement workshops to enrich the personalities of the members.
  • Take up the various causes of social educational, health  and environmental welfare as and when the need arises.
  • Publish an annual magazine/newsletter with contributions in English/Hindi/Urdu from the members.
  • Sharing of home making and lifestyle tips will be encouraged.
  • Hold an annual lunch on the occasion of Sir Syed Day, celebrate international womens day, felicitate distinguished visiting Alumni/ae etc.