Medical Attendance Scheme
Purchase Committee of Medical Attendance Scheme comprise of : (1) Principal & CMS, J.N. Medical College Hospital, (2) Medical Superintendent, J.N. Medical College Hospital, (3) Director, Medical Attendance Scheme (Convener), (4) OSD (Development), (5) Deputy Registrar (Development), (6) Registrar's Nominee, (7)Assistant Finance Officer (Budget). Medicines are purchased on the recommendation of the Purchase Committee.
Sub-Committee comprise of (1) Finance Officer. AMU (Convener),(2) Dean, F/O Medicine, (3) Principal & CMS J.N. Medical College& Hospital,(4) Chairman Department of Gynecology, (5)Chairman Department of Medicine, (6) Chairman ,Department of Periodontics, (7) Director Medical Attendance Scheme, (8) Director, Institute of Ophthalmology (9) Chairman Department of Radiotherapy to scrutinize the claims exceeding Rs. 30,000/- in respect of MAS Beneficiaries and their Dependents.
Grievance Redressal:
Medical Attendance Scheme works as per MA Rules, 1986 (amended in the year 2001). In case of disputes arising out of the interpretation of these rules, the matter is referred to grievance redressal committee.
Committee consist of:-
1-Prof. Hammad Usmani, Director, MAS.
2- Dr. Mohammad Salman Shah (Deputy Director, MAS).
3- Dr. Nakhat Haider Rizvi (Sr. Medical Officer).
Committee for Computer Networking and Software Purchase:
(1) Prof. Hammad Usmani, Director, MAS (2) Dr. M. Salman Shah, Deputy Director, MAS (3) Prof. Sarosh Umar, Chairman D/o Computer Engg. (4) Director, Computer Centre/Representative. (5) Dr. Nakhat Haider Rizvi, Medical Officer, MAS. (6) Mr. Khusro Nizam, Consultant Finance & Accounts.