Plant Biotechnology
C-25, Zakir Bagh, AMU, Aligarh,
Prof. Anwar Shahzad has 25 years of extensive research experience in plant tissue culture. Successfully conducted studies on in vitro regeneration and conservation of wide variety of endangered medicinal, ornamental and horticultural plant species. Achieved somatic embryogenesis in various recalcitrant plant species and carried out detailed histological investigations. Reported efficient conservation of valuable species through synthetic seed production and done collaborative studies in assessment of antimicrobial activities of various medicinal plant extracts. Published more than 125 research papers and book chapters in reputed and high impact international journals and edited books published from Springer. Successfully completed major research projects awarded from, DST, UGC, UP-CST and guided one dozen Ph.D. students, CSIR-SRFs, MNF-SRFs, CSIR-RA, DST-SERB Young Scientists and more than 70 M.Sc. students for their projects. Taking classes of M.Sc, B.Sc, M.Sc. Agriculture, Councellor IGNOU for Life Science Courses. And has been associated with Post M.Sc Diploma in Tissue Culture and Micropropagation (Now closed), PG Diploma in Gardening and Interior Decoration (Now Closed), Dr. Shahzad has attended more than 40 conferences and symposia, and delivered talk as invited guest and Keynote Speakers. He has been reviewer for more than 40 journals of international repute publisher.
- Recent Key publications
- Upadhyay A, Shahzad A, Ahmad Z (2020) High frequency direct organogenesis, genetic homogeneity, chemical characterization and ultra-structral study of regenerants in Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C. Jeffrey. In Vitro Cellular Develomental Biology –Plant. 56:803-816. lant (IF 1.814)
- Saeed T, Shahzad A, Sharma S (2020) Studies on single and doubled layered biocompatible encapsulation of somatic embryos in Albizia lebbeck and genetic homogeneity appraisal among synseed derived lines through ISSR markers. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Cult. 140:431-445. (IF 2.520
- Akhtar R and Shahzad A (2019). Morphology and ontogeny of directly differentiating shoot buds and somatic embryos in Santalum album L. Journal of Forestry Research. 30:1179-1189. (IF 1.330)
- Yadav V, Shahzad A, Ahmad Z, Sharma S, Parveen S (2019) Synthesis of nonembryonic synseed in Hemidesmus indicus R. Br.: short term conservation, evaluation of phytochemical and genetic fidelity of the regenerants. Plant Cell, Tiss and Organ Cult. 138:363-376. (IF 2.520)
- Ahmad Z, Shahzad A, Sharma S (2019). Chitosan versus yeast extract driven elicitation for enhanced production of fragrant compound 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde (2H4MB) in root tuber derived callus of Decalepis salicifolia (Bedd. ex Hook.f.) Venter. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 136: 29-40. (IF 2.520)
- Saeed T, Shahzad A, Ahmad N, Parveen S (2018). High frequency conversion of non embryogenic synseeds and assessment of genetic stability through ISSR markers in Gymnema sylvestre. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 134: 163-168. (IF 2.520)
- Ahmad Z, Shahzad A and Sharma S (2018). Ex vitro rescue, Phytochemical evaluation, secondary metabolite production and assessment of genetic stability using DNA based molecular markers in regenerated plants of Decalepis salicifolia (Bedd. Venter. ex Hook. F.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 132: 497-510. (IF 2.520)
- Ahmad Z, Shahzad A and Sharma S (2018). Enhanced multiplication and improved ex vitro acclimatization of Decalepis arayalpathra. Biologia Plantarum 62: 1-10. (IF 1.400)
- Ahmad Z, Shahzad A and Sharma S (2017). Evaluation of in vitro antioxiden activity, HPLC And GC MS analysis along with chemoprofiling of Decalepis arayalpathra; a critically endangered plant of western ghats, India. Rendi. Fis. Acc. Lincei 28: 711-720. (IF 1.603)
- Shahzad A, Akhtar R, Bukhari NA and Parveen K (2017). High incidence regeneration system in Ceratonia siliqua L. articulated with SEM and biochemical analysis during developmental stages. Trees 31: 1149-1163. (IF 1.960)
- Parveen S., Shahzad A. (2015). Effect of explant origin on clonal propagation in Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr.-A multipurpose Tree Species. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 14 (3): 566-573. (NISCAR, CSIR).
- Saeed T, Shahzad A (2015). High frequency plant regeneration in Indian Siris via cyclic somatic embryogenesis with biochemical, histological and SEM investigations. Industrial Crop and Products 76: 623-637. (Elsevier) (IF 4.450)
- Shaheen A, Shahzad A (2015). Nutrient encapsulation of nodal segments of an endangered white cedar for studies of regrowth, short term conservation and ethylene inhibitors influenced ex vitro rooting. Industrial Crop and Products 69: 204-211. (Elsevier) (IF 4.450)
- Sharma S, Shahzad A, Mahmood S and Saeed T 2015. High frequency clonal propagation, encapsulation of nodal segments for short-term storage and germplasm exchange of Ficus carica L. Trees: 29: 345-353. (Springer) (IF 1.960)