Green University Project
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Green University Project initiative of the Aligarh Muslim University is an attempt towards reducing the carbon footprints of the campus and to create awareness towards sustainable development. The Green University Project Committee has been looking after various initiatives in this regard. Adoption of green sources of electricity like solar energy and simultaneously promoting energy conservation has been the guiding principle for the Green University Project.
6.5 MW, the largest setup of green electricity in any academic institute in the country has led to reduction of about 20000kg CO2 footprint per day. In addition energy efficient lighting in the campus using LEDs, approval of only five star or inverter type air conditioners in the campus, replacement of old heavy energy consumption ACs and fans have been implemented. The role of awareness creation and participation of stakeholders is very important for a successful conservation campaign. Various initiatives like dissemination of information, organisation of awareness programs, involvement of students and staff, appointment of energy monitors in each office etc. are some of important measures taken in this direction.
The experience from successful implementation of these projects has also been shared with institutions and organisations for promotion of energy conservation and sustainable development at a wider level.

Convenor and Professor
Office: MIC, Electricity Ext:
Phone: 3742 Ext: