Musa Dakri Museum
Musa Dakri Museum, A.M.U.
Even from the time of Mohammaden Anglo Oriental College (1871-1921), there was an aspiration for this institution to possess a museum of antiquities; and so a large building called ‘Nizam Museum’ was erected (now in S.S. Hall, North) for the purpose; but only a 13th century inscription was installed there. Dr. Zakir Husain in early 1950s collected a number of ancient sculptures which Sir Syed Ahmad Khan had collected; and there with additional finds from within the campus by Prof. R.C. Gaur were placed in the “Picture Gallery” near the Department of Geology.
It was Prof. R.C. Gaur, who then organized archaeological excavations at Atranjikhera (Etah dist.) a major site, c. B.C. 2000 - A.D.1600, and other sites, finds from which were then added to the collection. Finally, an Archaeological Museum was established to house the Sir Syed collection of sculptures and the archaeological finds. Finally, the collection was shifted to the Kennedy Hall Complex, where it merged with exhibits collected by the Museology Department and was given the nomenclature ‘Musa Dakri Museum, A.M.U.’ after the name of a magnificent donor.
Musa Dakri Museum has a fine sculptural collection, along with important material obtained from archaeological excavation and exploration. The Museum aspires to stand out with the scientific and visual quality of its exhibits, and proper presentation thereof.
The purpose of the Museum now is three fold: 1) to
enable further study and analysis of archaeological finds therein contained;
(2) to familiarise students with ancient and medieval sculpture by displaying
important products thereof, and (3) to spread among them interest in various
physically visible aspects of Indian
Culture and
antiquities generally.
It is necessary that there should be constant additions to the Museum’s holdings, in order to expand the coverage of Indian art, as well as the stock of archaeological antiquities.
The Museum accomplishes this mission by
Obtaining, conserving and presenting its collection especially archaeological ones.
Presenting exhibitions of artefacts of (inter) national importance.
Seeking an open dialogue with the visitors of the Museum: it offers information and stimulates visitors to contribute their interpretations and stories.
By passing on knowledge and interest in history and science by means of direct interaction. In achieving the objective staff adheres to the norms and quality of requirements as stipulated in the guidelines of code for Museums by the National Museum, Delhi.
Presently Musa Dakri Museum houses more than 1366 archaeological artefacts and 30 sculptures of the prestigious Sir Syed Collection besides rich botanical, zoological and geological collection.
Future Plan:
The plans are tailored to our capabilities and purposes. One feeder of the Museum has been the archaeological excavations, that have ceased for a decade or more, with the Professorship in Archaeology and Ancient India remaining unoccupied. Once the post is filled, and archaeological excavation is undertaken, there will be a corresponding enrichment of the Museum’s holdings.
A critical descriptive catalogue of the Museum’s holdings is proposed to be published, making use, partly of papers, monographs, etc., already available in print.
We encourage more people (not only from the University community, but general public as well) to visit the Museum and it must be accompanied by vigilance towards security of the exhibits.