
Academic Programmes Committee

Academic Programmes Committee



The Vice Chancellor constituted the Academic Program committee for strengthening the Academic activity of the university. The committee will act as a nerve centre for all academic matters and shall be responsible for creating and sustaining an environment of academic and professional excellence for students and faculty and a collaborative working environment with educational team members. The APC will take initiative of updating the university curriculum, support faculty research and teaching, facilitates establishing new centers/departments/courses etc.

The work of APC will be made possible by active involvement of Deans/Chairpersons and the various subcommittees and working groups. The collaborative engagement of so many around a shared agenda of achieving excellence, so that the university achieves its goal of becoming the topmost university in the country.

Functions of Academic Program Committee:


Administer all academic programs to provide quality education with overall consistency to meet the market requirement.

  1. Revisit the undergraduate and postgraduate syllabi in the light of the new Choice Based Credit System and suggest ways and means of improvement in light of the model UGC syllabi as well as NET requirements.
  2. Suggest starting new job oriented courses/centers/departments etc.
  3. Redundant Courses: Examine the courses where the intake is minuscule and the job opportunity is meager. Such course may be abolished.

Every educational institution is mainly recognized by its teaching as well as research. The APC will be responsible for

  1. Ph. D admission procedure and all the policies related to research students including the fellowships.
  2. To encourage the faculty members to try for sponsored research (projects).
  3. To encourage the faculty members to establish research collaboration with Indian as well as foreign                      universities/Institutes. MOU’s may be signed.
  4. To encourage faculty members to develop contact with industry for collaborative research and consultancy.
  5. To constitute an Institutional Ethical Committee.

A subcommittee under APC will be constituted to explore the names of well known Scientists/Educationists to be invited as Adjunct faculty/visiting professor.


Some definite benchmark is to be formulated for offering Emeritus Professorship to the superannuated Professors of the University.