Post doc
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Plant Physiology
Botany Department, AMU, ALIGARH
Dr. Mehar Fatma obtained M.Sc (Botany) and Ph. D (Botany) from Botany Department, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh and received University Gold Medal in her batch. Dr. Fatma received prestigious DST-INSPIRE Fellowship (DST, New Delhi), MANF award (UGC, New Delhi) during her research work. Besides this, Dr. Fatma was also awarded Merit Scholarship, Mohd. Farooq Scholarship while persuing M. Sc (Botany) and a number of other awards and medals, by the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Dr. Fatma awarded National Post-doctoral Fellowship (NPDF) by DST-SERB, New Delhi and Dr. D.S. Kothari Fellowship, UGC, New Delhi, and completed her post-doctoral research from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Dr. Fatma has presented research papers in a number of national and international conferences and seminars. Dr. Fatma visited Edinburgh, Scotland, UK and presented research paper in ‘EUROTOX, 2014 conference’. Dr. Fatma has a number of abstracts to her credit and number of publications in reputed journal. Dr. Fatma is the life member of Indian Botanical Society and Indian Society of Plant Physiology.PUBLICATIONS:
Research papers in journals with Impact Factor
1. Fatma, M., Iqbal, N., Sehar, Z., Alyemeni, M.N., Kaushik, P., Khan, N.A. and Ahmad, P., 2021. Methyl Jasmonate Protects the PS II System by Maintaining the Stability of Chloroplast D1 Protein and Accelerating Enzymatic Antioxidants in Heat-Stressed Wheat Plants. Antioxidants, 10(8), p.1216. IF: 6.312
2. Fatma M, Iqbal N, Gautam H, Sehar Z, Sofo A, D’Ippilito and Khan NA (2021). Ethylene and Sulfur Coordinately Modulate the Antioxidant System and ABA Accumulation in Mustard Plants under Salt Stress. Plants(,doi: IF: 3.90
3. Fatma M, Masood A, Khan NA (2016). Nitric oxide alleviates salt stress inhibited photosynthetic performance by interacting with sulfur assimilation in mustard, Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00521. IF: 5.753
4. Fatma M, Masood A, Per Tasir, Khan NA (2016). Interplay between nitric oxide and sulfur assimilation in salt tolerance in plants, Crop Journal,4: 153-161.IF: 4.407
5. Fatma M, Asgher M, Masood A, Khan NA (2014). Excess sulfur supplementation improves photosynthesis and growth in mustard under salt stress through increased production of glutathione, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 107, 55-63. IF: 5.545
6. Jahan, B., Iqbal, N., Fatma, M., Sehar, Z., Masood, A., Sofo, A., D'Ippolito, I. and Khan, N.A., 2021. Ethylene supplementation combined with split application of nitrogen and sulfur protects salt-inhibited photosynthesis through optimization of proline metabolism and antioxidant system in mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Plants, 10(7), p.1303. IF: 3.90
7. Iqbal, N., Fatma, M., Gautam, H., Umar, S., Sofo, A., D'Ippolito, I. and Khan, N.A., 2021. The Crosstalk of Melatonin and Hydrogen Sulfide Determines Photosynthetic Performance by Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism in Wheat under Heat Stress. Plants IF: 3.90
8. Per TS, Khan NA, Masood A, Fatma M (2016). Methyl jasmonate alleviates cadmiuminduced photosynthetic damages through increased S-assimilation and glutathione production in mustard, Frontiers in Plant Science, doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01933. IF: 5.753
9. Khan NA, Asgher M, Per TS, Masood A, Fatma M, Khan MIR. (2016). Ethylene potentiates sulfur-mediated reversal of cadmium inhibited photosynthetic responses in mustard, Frontiers in Plant Science, doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01628. IF: 5.753
10. Masood A, Khan MIR, Fatma M, Asgher M, Per TS (2016). Involvement of ethylene in gibberellic acid-induced sulfur assimilation, photosynthetic responses, and alleviation of cadmium stress in mustard, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 104: 1- 10. IF: 4.270
11. Asgher M, Per TS, Masood A, FatmaM, Freschi L, Corpas FJ, Khan NA (2016). Nitric oxide signaling and its crosstalk with other plant growth regulators in plant responses to abiotic stress, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24: 2273-2285. IF: 4.223
12. Khan MIR, Trivellini A, Fatma M, Masood A, Francini A, Iqbal N, Ferrante A, Khan NA (2015). Role of ethylene responses to nitrogen availability, Frontiers in Plant Science, 6; 927. IF: 5.753
13. Khan MIR, Fatma M, Per TS, Khan NA (2015). Salicylic acid-induced abiotic stress tolerance and underlying mechanisms in plants, Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/pls.2015.00462. IF: 5.753
14. Asgher
M,Khan NA, Khan MIR, Fatma M, Masood A (2014). Ethylene production is associated with
alleviation of cadmium-induced oxidative stress by sulfur in mustard types
differing in ethylene sensitivity, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,
106, 54-61. IF:
15. Shahzad A, Parveen S,Fatma M (2010). Development of a regeneration system via nodal segment culture in Veronica anagallis- aquatica L. -anamphibious medicinal plant, Journal of Plant Interaction, 6, 61-68. IF: 4.208
16. Iqbal N, Masood A, Khan MIR, Asgher M,FatmaM, Khan NA (2013). Cross-talk between sulfur assimilation and ethylene signaling in plants, Plant Signaling&Behavior,8, 1. IF: 2.247
Research Papers Published in Journals as Open Access
Fatma M, Khan
NA (2014). Nitric Oxide Protects Photosynthetic Capacity Inhibition by Salinity in Indian Mustard, Journal
of Functional and Environmental Botany, 4, 106-116.
2. Fatma M,Khan MIR, Masood A, Khan
NA(2013). Coordinate changes in assimilatory sulfate reduction are correlated
to salt tolerance: Involvement of phytohormones,Annual Review & Research in
Biology, 3, 267-295.
3. Khan
MIR, Asgher M,Fatma
M, Per TS, Khan NA (2015). Drought stress vis a vis plant functions in the era of climate change,Climate
Changeand Environmental Sustainability,3, 13-25.
4. Khan
NA, Khan MIR, Asgher M,Fatma M, Masood A, SyeedS (2014). Salinity
tolerance in plants: Revisiting the role of sulfur metabolites,Journal
of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology, 2, 120.
5. Masood
A, Iqbal N, Asgher M, Khan MIR, Fatma M,
Khan NA (2012). Variation in carbohdrate accumulation in two cultivars of
mustard and its association with salt tolerance,Journal of Functional and
Environmental Botany,3, 94-102.
6. SyeedS,
FatmaM(2011). Salt tolerance in
MungbeanVigna radiata [L.] Genotypes:
Role of Proline and Glycinebetaine,Journal of Functional and Environmental
Botany,1, 139-147.
7. Afreen
B, Gulfishan M, Baghel G, Fatma M,
Khan AA, Naqvi QA (2011). Molecular detection of a virus infecting carrot and
its effect on some cytological and physiological parameters,African
Journal of Plant Science, 5, 407-411.
8. Afreen
B,Baghel G, Fatma M, Khan AA,Naqvi QA (2010).Characteristics of a potyvirus
associated with thin leaf disease of coriander (Coriandrumsativum L.) in Aligarh,International Journal of
Agriculture and Food Science Technology, 2, 55-61.
9. Afreen B, Baghel G, Khan AA, FatmaM,
Naqvi QA(2010). To develop an efficient protocol of mechanical transmission of
TSWV to Arachis hypogea genotype, Asian
Journal of Experimental Biological Sciences, 1, 798-802.
Fatma M, Khan NA (2014). Nitric Oxide Protects Photosynthetic Capacity Inhibition by Salinity in Indian Mustard, Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany, 4, 106-116.
2. Fatma M,Khan MIR, Masood A, Khan NA(2013). Coordinate changes in assimilatory sulfate reduction are correlated to salt tolerance: Involvement of phytohormones,Annual Review & Research in Biology, 3, 267-295.
3. Khan MIR, Asgher M,Fatma M, Per TS, Khan NA (2015). Drought stress vis a vis plant functions in the era of climate change,Climate Changeand Environmental Sustainability,3, 13-25.
4. Khan NA, Khan MIR, Asgher M,Fatma M, Masood A, SyeedS (2014). Salinity tolerance in plants: Revisiting the role of sulfur metabolites,Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology, 2, 120.
5. Masood A, Iqbal N, Asgher M, Khan MIR, Fatma M, Khan NA (2012). Variation in carbohdrate accumulation in two cultivars of mustard and its association with salt tolerance,Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany,3, 94-102.
6. SyeedS, FatmaM(2011). Salt tolerance in MungbeanVigna radiata [L.] Genotypes: Role of Proline and Glycinebetaine,Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany,1, 139-147.
7. Afreen B, Gulfishan M, Baghel G, Fatma M, Khan AA, Naqvi QA (2011). Molecular detection of a virus infecting carrot and its effect on some cytological and physiological parameters,African Journal of Plant Science, 5, 407-411.
8. Afreen B,Baghel G, Fatma M, Khan AA,Naqvi QA (2010).Characteristics of a potyvirus associated with thin leaf disease of coriander (Coriandrumsativum L.) in Aligarh,International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology, 2, 55-61.
9. Afreen B, Baghel G, Khan AA, FatmaM, Naqvi QA(2010). To develop an efficient protocol of mechanical transmission of TSWV to Arachis hypogea genotype, Asian Journal of Experimental Biological Sciences, 1, 798-802.
1. Tasir Per, Fatma M, Asgher M, Javied S, Khan NA (2017). Salicylic acid and nutrients interplay in abiotic stress tolerance, In: Nazar R et al. (eds.), Salicylic acid: A Multifaceted Hormone, CABI publisher; pp 221-237
2. Masood A, Per TS, Asgher M, FatmaM, Khan MIR, Rasheed F, Hussain SJ, Khan NA. (2016). Glycine Betaine: Role of shifting plants toward adaptation under extreme environments. In: Iqbal N, Nazar R, Khan NA, editors. Osmolytes and Plants Acclimation to changing environment: Emerging omics technologies, Springer India. 69-82.
3. Asgher M,Khan MIR, FatmaM, Khan NA (2015).Potentiality of ethylene in sulfur-mediated counteracting adverse effects of cadmium in plants. In: Chakraborty U, Chakraborty B, editors.Abiotic Stresses in Crop Plants, CABI International, UK,136-163.
4. Khan MIR, Khan NA, Asgher M,Fatma M, Masood A, Syeed S, Per TS, Kaiser W (2015). Photosynthesis in changing environment: analyzing the role of phytohormones in modulation. In: Khan NA, editors. Photosynthesis Functional Genomics, Physiological Processes and Environmental Issues,Nova Science Publishers, Inc,129-167.