D.M. (Cardiology)
Interventional Cardiology
Gulmohur, 4/ 1176-H, New Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh, (U.P.), India
My aim is to upgrade Department of Cardiology into an Advanced tertiary referal Centre of West UP zone,for Cardiac patients.I want to integrate the cardiac facilities in a comprehensive way at nominal cost and protocol wise,on the lines of AIIMS,New Delhi or PGIMER,Chandigarh.I will ensure that all cardiac facilities right from ECG to Cath lab innovative procedures ,are available under a single roof,floor wise and adjacent to CTVS OT and wards.
My another thrust area will be on academics,teaching and training of DM students and orgainsing seminars and workshops in Cath lab.I plan to organise UP CSI chapter in my Chairmanship at J N Medical College,AMU,Aligarh.
My aim is to buy more hardwares for cath lab and organise proctorship sessions in cath lab ,so as to keep the process of learning alive for our students.We are already submitting our data at NIC.Now,we plan to add radial lounge and CCU adjacent to cath lab and also work in coordinated way on projects like genetics in Cardiomyopathies and Rheumatic heart disease and vaccine with apex Cardiac Institutes.To organise camps for public awareness and pacemaker camps ,also to integrate ESI /Railway employee sector for treatment,raise a forum to help poor needy patients with help of AMAANA /NGOs or old students of AMU and focus to reach the poorest of poor and most needy ones,for Cardiac interventions and other treatment.
Above all,e plan to enter arena of complex interventions in the field of angioplasties and structural heart diseases .under the guidance of coronary imaging like IVUS and OCT.
Equal emphasis on non invasive Cardiology services like Echocardiography,stress treadmill,holter and HUTT,alongwith patient care in CCU and wards.
We have started opd services in opd14 complex area from 1st febuary;2023,with two main Cardiology OPDs on mondays and thursdays and speciality opds on rest of the days,as notified,covering the spectrum of heart diseases.
This is my Vision and Mission,which I want to further carry during my period in service,especially during my tenure as Chairman,Dept of Cardiology, JNMCH, AMU. ALIGARH/UP