Prof. Mohammad Idrees
Chemical Engineering, Modelling & Simulation, Separation Processes, Hazardous Waste Mangement, Nanocomposites
QUBA, Street # 5, Iqra ColonyNew Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh 202002 UP
++91-94127 31421
My teaching and research experience spans over more than three decades
including those at IIT Kanpur five years at UTM Malaysia. I have been teaching core and advanced subjects both at undergraduate and graduate level. Membrane Separations,Chemical Reaction Engineering, Industrial Waste Management and HWM, Simulation and Optimization, and Mass Transfer Operations are the subjects of my interest.I had started my research career in the modeling and optimization of kraft pulping which comprised of experimental work and mathematical modeling. Current activities of my research group focus on hazardous waste management, nano-composite synthesis,mathematical modeling and simulation, and process integration. We synthesized macromolecules and applied that same for the removal of heavy metals from electroplating wastewater. A major research project supported by UGC entitled,â??Environmental friendly management of hazardous electroplating waste: A zero discharge planâ?? is going to take of with immediate effect. Our articles have been published in journals like Pulp & Paper, Journal of Thermal Analysis, Malaysian Oil Science & Technology, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, Acta Crystallographica, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences.