Dr. Mohd Junaid Khalil
Bsc Engineering ( Chemical Engineering), Doctor of Philosophy ( Chemical Engineering ), Master of Engineering ( Process Modelling and Plant Design)
Process Modelling and Simulation, Solid Waste Management, Pollution Abatement, Mathematical Methods
Bait un Noor ,Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh 202002
Dr. Mohd Junaid Khalil did his B.Tech from ZHCOE&Tin 1987, MTech from IIT Roorkee in 1989 then subsequently joined the Deptt. Of Chemical Engineering at AMU on 18th September,1989 as lecturer. In 2004 acquired PhD from IIT, Delhi. He was promoted to Reader in 2005 and then was made Associate Prof from 01.01.2006. He has to his credit of around 20 papers which he has presented and published in various national and international conferences of repute and proceedings. He has taught quite many courses of chemical engineering at graduate and post graduate level ranging from basic to advance one. He has also guided quite many MTech theses. He has been delivering expert lectures in the area of environment at various government and public
forums. His area of research is Environmental Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. He has also been contributing to campus life through various administrative, cultural and sports responsibilities.