MD, MBBS, DCH, Advance Course in Medical Education
Assistant Professor
Child Health, Health Communication, Nutrition, Epidemiology, Medical Education, Interprofessional Education
B-7 Shibli Road, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Dr. Ali Jafar Abedi is MD and
DCH. Before joining as Assistant Professor in the department of Community
Medicine, he had served as Surveillance Medical officer in WHO. Having a keen
interest in skill development is also a national trainer for many Government
national programmes namely IYCF,IMNCI, RNTCP, NSSK and has trained many health
professionals and auxillary staff in various states of the country. Apart from
his teaching medical students has been teaching Nursing and AYUSH students. He is
also actively involved in teaching MBA(Hospital Administration)
He is
also contributing his proficiency in public health by being a Liaison Officer
for National Programs for JN medical College, as a University Health Officer
and Coordinator of Red Ribbon Club Aligarh Muslim University. Having a penchant
for nation building was also a Programme Officer for National Service Scheme of
Aligarh Muslim University. He is presently President of University ECO Club . He
has published over 35 papers, and attended and presented papers in more than 20
conferences both at the national and international platform. He has also
authored chapters in books and has delivered lectures at various national level
symposiums and workshops. Being a member of Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine-
is actively involved in faculty development and innovation in implementing
He has completed many research
project and has been involved in supportive supervision of Surkasha Clinics in
Uttar Pradesh, Consultant for “Regional Resource Training Centre” implemented
by India Health Action Trust (IHAT) in partnership with the University of
Manitoba assisted the Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP). An extrovert, sports
lover and a voracious reader is also involved in many philanthropic activities
- Publications