B.Sc, B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Sociology), M.A. (Urdu), Ph.D.(Education)
Teacher Education, Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Sociology/Psychology and Special Need Children
Dr. Zebun Nisa Khan is working in the Department of Education Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh India since 1999 when she was a Research Associate. She joined as a Faculty member (Assistant Professor) in 2006 and was subsequently promoted to the position of Professor since 2017. She completed her Master of Education (M.Ed.) from Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, India. She did her Ph.D. in Education from B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra India. She is M. A. in Sociology and Urdu language. She has published four books: Factorial study of academic success in Science stream at Higher Secondary level; Studies in Education were Published in India while the other two books; A textbook of Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education and A textbook of Psychological Foundations of Education (Jointly with Showkeen Bilal Ahmad Gul) were published by Create Space Publishers, USA 2015. Her fields of interest are Measurement & Evaluation, Teacher Education and Educational Psychology/ Sociology. She has published more than fifty research articles in various Journals of International repute. She has attended various seminars, national and international conferences organised by different agencies in India and abroad. She is the member of Editorial Board of many journals of International repute in India and abroad. She was invited to deliver Lecturers at Victoria University Melbourne Australia and to work in collaboration with Prof. Syed Javed for a period of one month. She was a visiting fellow at the Centre for International Education, University of Massachusetts USA for a period of one year (31stJuly 2019 – 30th July 2020). Before joining AMU, she was the Principal of an Intermediate College for five years. She is also a Social worker who is working for the upliftment of the socially deprived section of the society. At present she is the District President of the Rashtra Jan Vikas Manch – A non-government Organization. Author can be mailed at
- Misconceptions about the Visually Impaired Children, Disabilities and Impairments, 13(1-2), March 1999, 58-64. ISSN: 1557-718X.
The present article reviews the misconceptions about the visually impaired children. Research and the experiences have shown that blindness does affect an individual’s other senses of systems the body as it is thought. It does not make the hearing sense of a child more sensitive and does not give extra senses or some special abilities. Likewise, it does not limit a child sensory reception. It has no negative affect on development of the child.
- Factor Analysis cum Factorial Study of Stress and Burnout Variables Related to Teachers of Deaf and Dumb Schools, Disabilities and Impairments, 14(1), March 2000, 23-34. ISSN: 1557-718X.
In this study an attempt was made to find out the variables of stress and burnout among the teachers of deaf and dumb schools. The intercorrelation matrix of stress and burnout variables was factor analyzed in order to arrive at a smaller number of factors or variables. Only those factors were considered significant which yielded eigen values greater than unity. It is found that there is considerable difference in the psychological and sociological profile of deaf and dumb schoolteachers working under different conditions. Moreover, work role variable influence stress and burnout of people as well as teachers.
- Characteristics of Efficient Student Teachers, University News, 38(52), December 25, 2000, 5-7. ISSN: 0566-2257.
- Problems and Prospects of Secondary Teacher Education, Teacher Education, 34(1), Mrch 2000, 15-20.
In the present paper, a survey was conducted to enquire into the selection procedures adopted by teacher education institutions in India. It was found that the selection is usually done on the basis of previous academic records and teaching experience. Some institutions give weightage to participation in N.C.C./N.S.S. activities while other employ interviews and achievement tests for the purpose. Very few institutions go through objective measures of intelligence, personality etc. for the purpose and even if they do so, the validity and reliability of these measures in most of the cases not been subjected to scrutiny. Author suggested the need of evolving such objective, procedures as may help in a suitable selection of the person who are likely to become efficient teachers.
- Determinants of Academic Achievement of Visually Handicapped Children of Secondary School, Journal of Education & Psychology, 58(2-3), September 2000, 32-39.
The present study has been undertaken to identify the prognostic value of level of aspiration and socio-economic status as determinants of academic achievement in the case of visually handicapped children studying at Senior Secondary school. It was noticed that unrealistic level of aspiration, adversely affected scholastic achievement and secondly, parent’s acceptance promoted scholastic achievement while mother avoidance as well as more concentration demoted academic achievement.
- Environmental Education in Schools, New Frontiers in Education 30(4), December 2000, 470- 483.ISSN: 972-1231.
The present study is aimed to analyze some factors affecting the academic success in Science course at Senior Secondary Level. Also, it studied the relationship between cognitive, non-cognitive and demographic variables with academic achievement among the male students. The study was confined to 200 male students at Senior Secondary school of AMU Aligarh. The data obtained by tests of intelligence, creativity test, personality inventory, socio-economic scale and the marks obtained by the students in class XI examination of SSS of AMU were intercorrelated. The inter-correlation among different measures were factor analyzed in order to arrive a smaller number of factors suitable for predicting academic success of boys of Science stream.
- An Investigation into some Factors Affecting Academic Achievement of Boys in Science Stream at Secondary Level, Journal of Education and Allied Sciences, 4(1), January 2001, 60-80
The present study is aimed to analyze some factors affecting the academic success in Science course at Senior Secondary Level. Also, it studied the relationship between cognitive, non-cognitive and demographic variables with academic achievement among the male students. The study was confined to 200 male students at Senior Secondary school of AMU Aligarh. The data obtained by tests of intelligence, creativity test, personality inventory, socio-economic scale and the marks obtained by the students in class XI examination of SSS of AMU were intercorrelated. The inter-correlation among different measures were factor analyzed in order to arrive a smaller number of factors suitable for predicting academic success of boys of Science stream.
- Open Learning and Socially Deprived Section of the Society, New Frontiers in Education, 31(4), December 2001, 503-506. ISSN: 0972-1231.
The objective of the present paper is to analyze the relevance of open learning for helping the socially deprived section of the society. The question is: Are the content and the method of open learning compatible with the nature, temperament and problems of afore-mentioned class of our country? This compatibility is the crux of the relevance of open learning. We make an attempt here to examine the relevance an given an answer to the question “What has open learning to offer to the socially disadvantaged section of the society, keeping in view their attributes and traits beneficial to them”?
- Environmental Education in Higher Secondary School, The Educational Reviews, 44(9), Sep. 2001, 167-169. ISSN: 0013-0192X.
In the present study four levels of environmental problems were suggested. The first one is the knowledge level, in which ecological concept should be clearly defined. The second is at cultural level in which man’s cultural action (religion, economic, political, social etc.) influence the environment or ecological balance. The third is at skill level, in which skills are needed for investigation, evaluation and values of classification of issues. The fourth is at rained and applied level, which focusses on training and application skill necessary for citizenship action.
- A Factorial Study Among Certain Basic Skills in Arithmetic and Pupil’s Achievement, Journal of Education & Psychology, 59(2-3), July – December 2001, 1-9. ISSN: 0022 – 0590. (Citations: 05)
The present study is to investigate the achievement of pupils (boys and girls) of class VII of in certain basic skills of arithmetic viz concept, processes, problem-solving and computation and also find out the intercorrelation ship among those skills and pupils’ achievement using the factor analysis. The result leads to the conclusion that boys possess significantly higher ability to arithmetical concepts and also problem-solving skill in comparison to the girls. While both perform equally well on problem demanding knowledge of arithmetical process and skill of computation. It is recommended that, schools should pay scanty attention to these important basic skills and more opportunities/activities be provided to the students which involve operation of these higher mental skills quite frequently.
- Characteristics of High Achieving Girls in Science Stream at Higher Secondary Stage - A Factorial Study, Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education, 33(2), 2002, 127-136. ISSN: 0378-1003. (Citations: 01)
The present study is aimed to analyze some factors effecting the academic achievement of girl students in Science courses at Higher Secondary stage using factor analysis. The study was confined to 200 girl students at Senior Secondary School of AMU Aligarh. Melhotra Mixed Type Group Test of Intelligence, Creativity test based on Gillford’s Structure of Intellect Model, Personality Inventory constructed by Rani, Bhargava’s Achievement Motivation Test, Socio-economic Scale constructed by Shrivastava and the marks obtained by the students in class XI examination of Senior Secondary School of AMU Aligarh were used as tools for collection of data.
- New Trends in Correspondence Education for the Teachers in India, Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education, 34(1), 2003, 32-35. ISSN: 0378-1003.
- Scholastic Achievement of Higher Secondary Students in Science Stream, Journal of Social Sciences USA, 1(3), February 2005, 84 - 87. ISSN: 1549-3652. ISSN: 1549-3652. 10.3844/jssp.2005.84-87. (Citations: 95) Download PDF
The present study was conducted on 400 students (200 boys and 200 Girls) selected from Senior Secondary School of A.M.U., Aligarh-India, to establish the prognostic value of different measures of cognition, personality and demographic variables for success at Higher Secondary level in Science stream. The scores obtained on different variables were factor - analysed to get a smaller number of meaningful variables or factors to establish the predictive validity of these predictors. Factors responsible for success in science stream were identified. The prognostic value of the predictors was compared for high achievers and low achievers in order to identify the factors which differentiate them.
- Determinants of Academic Success of Visually Challenged Children at Secondary School - A Factorial Study, Disabilities and Impairments, 20(1), 2006, 15-20. ISSN: 1557- 718X
Suitable measures of educational aspiration, vocational preference and socio-economic status were administered to a sample of 50 students in Ahmadi School for Blind, A.M.U. Aligarh. The data had been collected through interview technique due to the unavailability of tests in Braille Script. Coefficient of intercorrelation among afore mentioned variable and the final achievement was computed. Principal Axis method factored the inter-correlation matrix. A factor loading of 0.50 and above was considered significant for a particular factor. The major findings are: (i) educational aspiration and academic success are positive and significantly related with each other (ii) vocational preference also played an important role in academic success and (iii) visually challenged from high socio-economic status displayed maximum magnitude of aspiration while its minimum magnitude was seen in the low socio-economic status of the category.
- Differences between Learning Styles in Professional Courses at University Level, Journal of Social Sciences, (USA), 5(3), 2009, 236-238. ISSN: 1549-3652. 10.3844/jssp.2009.236.238. (Citations: 15)
As shown by research studies, knowledge of learning styles of students on the part of teachers is helpful in enhancing effectiveness of teaching-learning process. The present study was conducted to study and compare learning styles of students pursuing different professional courses at the university stage. The ultimate purpose was to facilitate learning in professional education in Indian conditions by way of improving learning styles of learners. Approach: The sample consisted of 200 students studying in B. Tech., MBBS, LLB and MBA courses selected from Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, India, by using cluster sampling method. For measuring learning styles, Honey and Mumford’s Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ) was used which was considered appropriate in terms of its validity and reliability. For analyzing data Student’s t- statistic was applied which is useful for comparing mean scores based on two groups at a time. Results: The students pursuing various professional courses were compared on four dimensions of learning styles, namely, activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist. The study led to some useful conclusions. It was found that B. Tech. and MBBS students differed significantly on reflector and theorist dimensions and those of M.B.A. and B. Tech. also differed on the same dimensions. The students of LLB and MBA differed on activist and theorist dimensions while students of MBBS proved better than those of MBA on activist reflector and theorist dimensions. The students of LLB and B. Tech. and those of LLB and MBBS, also differed significantly on the same dimensions. The students of LLB and MBA did not show significant differences on any aspect of learning style. Conclusion: The findings of the study provided, useful guidelines to teachers of all professional courses to improve their teaching styles. They should devise their teaching strategies in such a way that students of varying learning styles may take their full advantage.
- Cognitive and Non- cognitive Characteristics as Determinants of Success in Professional Courses at Undergraduate Stage, Journal of Social Sciences (USA), 5(3), 2009, 212-215. ISSN: 1549-3652. doi: 10.3844/jssp.2009.212.215. (Citations: 13)
Professional education is the principle means of the developing the human resource. Students who do not perform well in professional courses are not in any way better than those who do not have professional knowledge, because their chances of employment and efficient working are bleak. The present study attempted to examine success in different professional courses at undergraduate level in relation to cognitive and non-cognitive characteristics. Approach: The sample of 450 students (girls and boys) was selected from medical, engineering, law, library science and teacher education of AMU Aligarh India. The population was taken to be reasonably homogenous from the socio economic point of view. It also caters students from the whole country. Suitable Psychological tests were administered on the subjects of the present study to obtain scores on cognitive (intelligence and creativity) and non-cognitive (personality characteristics and socio-economic status) variables. The final achievement scores (at the completion of their respective courses) of the students were considered to be criterion variable. Attempts were made to see that scores obtained satisfy the basic assumption of correlational techniques. Results: The engineering students were at the highest intellectual level while the group of medicine students stands second. The other groups, in descending order were library science and teacher education. Significant relationships between creativity with academic achievement irrespective of professional courses were studied. The personality factors such as-reservedness, impulsiveness, dominance, expediency, harshness and perseverance were found to be the best predictors of success in above professional courses. Socio-economic Status was measured in terms of scores and it was found that socio-economic status had a significant and positive correlation with successful achievement in the professional courses viz engineering, medicine, library science and teacher education. Conclusion: The efficiency of a person depended not only on education and training received by him/her but also on his/her cognitive as well as non-cognitive factors. These factors determined the attitude, interests and the degree of motivation of the students for professional studies.
- Relative Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction and Traditional Method of Teaching at Secondary School Level, Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal (USA), 2(1), December 2009, 111-120. ISSN: 1835-9795. doi: 10.18848/1835-9795/CGP/V02i01/40 Download PDF
The greatest contribution of present day technology is the development of computer and its use in every walk of life, whether it is business, industry, education, banking or marketing etc. The present empirical study was focused on finding out the effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in teaching Civics over traditional method in relation to certain learner’s characteristics. It is important now to search the ways and means through which our schools can achieve better results with fewer efforts. The study was conducted on Secondary school children. The sample of 500 students (both girls and boys) was selected from Class IX students of Secondary Schools in Aligarh City (India). The population was homogenous from the Socio – economic and other relevant factors. The standardized tools, namely, R .K. Tandon’s Group Test of Intelligence and Dependence Proneness Test by J. B. P. Sinha, were used to collect the data. Apart from it, one CAI Package in Civics on “Modernization” as well as two achievement tests of equal difficulty level was administered at intervals (Next day and after fifteen days). In the study, cause and effect relationship studied by manipulating and categorizing independent variables like intelligence, teaching methods and dependence proneness. The change, which took place in the dependence variable, was observed by giving achievement test at two intervals. The data were analysed by using ANOVA. It was found that CAI method was more effective than the traditional method in teaching Civics at Class IX level. The study demonstrated that CAI produced significant positive difference in the achievement on the knowledge, comprehension and application aspects.
- Relationship between Educational Aspiration and Academic Achievement of Visually Challenged Students, Disabilities and Impairments, 25 (1-2), May 2011, 51-55. ISSN: 1557- 718X. (Jointly with Mr Afzal Mehdi).
Educational Aspiration in broad terms refer to a person's ambition for himself/herself and academic achievement. In every usage ambition and aspiration are nearly synonymous and are often used interchangeably. The purpose of the present investigation is to compare the academic aspiration and academic achievement among visually challenged students. 54 subjects (27 male and 27 female students) from Ahmadi School for Blind AMU Aligarh, constituted the sample. Educational Aspiration was measured by Educational Aspiration Scale (EAS) Form 5: developed by Sharma and Gupta. It consists of 8 tests, each consisting of 10 items of qualification. Academic Achievement was taken interns of aggregate marks obtained by the subjects in their final examination. Marks were noted down from the records of the aforesaid school. The 't' test was used to examine the difference between the mean score of different groups.
- Reasoning Pattern and Personal Characteristics as Determinants of Success of Teacher Educator, International Journal of Arts and Science, (USA) 4(11), November 2011, 275 – 280. ISSN: 0970-356X. The quality of teacher depend not only on their training but also on their natural inclination, devotions and such other personal qualities as intelligence, attitude towards teaching etc. The teachers, that the training institutions will ultimately produced, would depend largely upon the quality of persons who were accepted for admission. The quality of students being admitted to teachers training institutions was one of the reasons for such criticism. Concept, models, theories and other abstractions were expected to pose learning difficulties for less cognitively matured students and consequently on their capabilities as a class room teacher. Tobin and Garnett (1984) revealed that students with high formal reasoning ability were best equipped to teach Primary Science. Hence a need was felt to investigate, whether reasoning pattern used was random. For studying reasoning patterns of teacher trainees, Bhattacharya and Pandey (1985) TCP Test, the Hindi version of Tobin and Capie’s Test of Logical thinking (1981), was used. To determine the characteristics of teacher educators a questionnaire based on Flanagen’s Critical Incident Technique (1954) was developed. By using empirical research method, the above tests were administered on 100 B. Ed (Bachelor of Education) students enrolled in teacher’s training institution of AMU Aligarh India. The result of the study revealed that the incorrect reasoning mode used by teacher educators were not random and incorrect respondent used additive rather than proportional reasoning. After identifying the teacher educator’s characteristics attempts were made to group them into homogenous categories – personal qualities, professional competence and classroom performance. The identification of characteristics of teacher’s educators was likely to be very objective because they had been abstracted from actual classroom situation. The main objective of the study is to find out the role of reasoning patterns and personal characteristics for predicting the success of Teacher educators.
- Need for Improvement of Teacher Education in the new Millennium, International Journal of Secondary Education (USA), 1(2), July 2013, 4-7. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsedu.20130102.11. (Citations: 09)
Drastic changes are required in the Teacher Education program in view of the ongoing changes in the social, cultural, economical and political environment so that teacher could come in terms with the changing needs of contemporary Indian society. In the absence of the clarity of vision about the contemporary social environment, Teacher Education program fails to secularize the behavior of the society with social enlightment. This article purports to highlight the need to improve the quality of Teacher Education program. A teacher needs to be a learner for the whole life. Besides, the problems faced in the field and suggestions to rectify them had also been discussed.
- Interventions for Promoting General Equity at Elementary Education Level in South Kashmir: An Evaluative Study, Research World: Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce (Researcher World) 4(3), July 2013, 130 – 138. E-ISSN 2229-4686. (Jointly with Showkeen Bil
This study was conducted to evaluate the interventions for promoting gender equity at elementary education level in South Kashmir. Descriptive survey method was used in this study to obtain pertinent and precise information. The sample of this study included 120 head teachers and 90 local community members selected by using purposive sampling method from the three districts of Jammu and Kashmir namely Pulwama, Shopian and Anantanag. The self developed questionnaire and an interview schedule was used by the investigator to evaluate the intervention schemes. The results evaluated the effectiveness of different gender intervention schemes and also identify some new interventions made by the local, state and central agencies for promoting gender equity at elementary education level. The results supported that the schemes like NPEGEL, KGBV and Mid day meal seems to be much more acceptable by people where as DPEP and scholarship schemes where moderately accepted by the people. The new interventions identified were- personal guidance to girls, financial support to girls, meeting with parents and providing motivation to girls who are not in schools. These schemes made an enormous contribution for promoting gender equity at elementary education level.
- Problems and Suggestions Related to Teacher Education,Elixir Edu. Tech., 64, November 2013, 19426 – 19428. ISSN: 2229 – 712X. (Citations: 02)
Drastic change is required in the Teacher Education in view of the ongoing changes in the social, cultural, economical and political environment so that teacher could come in terms with the changing needs of contemporary Indian society. Society and education stands in a relation of reciprocal cause and effect. The character of a given society determines the character of its educational system and this system in turn, determines the character of the society. In the absence of the clarity of vision about the contemporary social environment, Teacher Education fails to secularize the behavior of the society with social enlightment. This article purports to highlight the need to improve the quality of Teacher Education. A teacher needs to be a learner for the whole life. Besides, the problems faced in the field and suggestions to rectify them have been discussed here.
- Assessments and Understanding of Gender Equity in Education in Jammu and Kashmir, Reciew of Literature 1 - 6, January 2014, 1 – 6. (Jointly with Mr. Showkeen Bilal Ahmad Gul). ISSN:2347-2723. (Citations: 13)
The focus of this paper is on the assessment and understanding of the gender equity in education in Jammu and Kashmir. Gender equity is the process of being fair to women and men. To ensure fairness, strategies and measures should be available to compensate for women's historical and social disadvantaged. The central government, state government, NGO’s and local bodies are jointly working for the promotion of women’s education. The paper discussed to what extent the central government, state government, NGO’s and local bodies have achieved the gender equity in education and what are the challenges in promoting gender equity in the state? The objectives of this study included first, to understand and explore the women’s level of participation in education and to explore the barriers to women’s education. The data used are taken from the census of India, report from the education sector of Jammu and Kashmir and National Human Development Report of India. The literacy rate and education of the women of Jammu and Kashmir is far lower than their counterparts and also lower than women at national level. Poverty, ignorance of parents and lack of basic infrastructural facilities seem to be major obstacles in the attainment of gender equity in education. The educational schemes and developmental programmes seem have not helped to improve the condition of girls. There is an essential need to make serious efforts by government, not-for-profit organizations and other local bodies to augment the pace of development in education of the women of Jammu and Kashmir.
- Gender Disparity at Elementary Education Level in Jammu and Kashmir: An Exploratory Study, European Academic Research 2(9), December 2014, 11778 – 11789.(Jointly with Showkeen Bilal Ahmad Gul). ISSN: -2286-4822. (Citations: 02)
This paper is based on a study to explore gender disparity at elementary education level in Jammu and Kashmir. Gender disparity in education refers to differences in outcomes observed between two sexes. Education disparities can be seen in different enrolment rates, dropout rates, and survival rates among the sexes. The central government and state government has developed the flagship programme focusing on the education of the females in the State to achieve gender parity and on the other hand NGO’s and local bodies are also jointly working for the elimination of gender disparity in education. The main objective of the study was to explore the gender disparity at elementary education level in Jammu and Kashmir. The data used were taken from the census reports, DISE reports and National Human Development Report of India. The literacy rate and elementary education of the women in Jammu and Kashmir is far lower than their counterparts and also lower than women at national level. The educational schemes and developmental programmes seem have not helped to improve the condition of women education. There is an essential need to make serious efforts by government, NGO organizations and other local bodies to augment the pace of development in education of the women of Jammu and Kashmir.
- A Perceptual Study of Girls Education, Its Factors and Challenges in South Kashmir, Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, January 3(1), 2015, 106-110. (Jointly with Showkeen Bilal Ahmad Gul). ISSN:2321 - 8819. (Citation: 01)
Education is accepted as an important tool for human development in all dimensions of life, it is at same level of significance for boys and girls. Despite this recognition, girls are one of the most vulnerable groups, deprived of education by various socio-cultural, economical and political reasons. The present study is a perceptual study, which has tried to elicit stockholders perception regarding girls’ education, its factors and challenges in South Kashmir. In the present research study, obtained findings revealed the fact that situation of girls’ education in South Kashmir is inadequate. The result clearly indicated irregular attendance, inappropriate curriculum, boring teaching methods, additional burden of work at home, poorly developed or maintained buildings or inadequate basic facilities at school, shortage of teachers, and lack of motivated teachers were the causes of girl illiteracy. Girl’s education can be improved by raising additional resources and directing them to where the need is greatest. It requires adequate funding, well trained teachers, a school environment that promotes girls’ learning, and a social environment that values educated girls and women, removal of school fees, free textbooks and school uniforms, construction of schools closer to communities to lower transport costs and travel time.
- Spiritual Conditioning of Ethical and Moral Values through Islamic Education, Nuances: A Journal of Humanistic Enquiry, 2(1), Jan – June 2016, 33 – 45. (Jointly with Fouzia Khanam)
God has created man in his own image i.e., ‘fitrah’(an Arabic term) which means natural inclination, in simple words it can be termed as spiritual. Spirituality comes from the word spirit which means soul of oneself, being oneself or the originality of an individual.It is Islam that says that Allah has not created man with animal instinct, He has given man a power to reason well, but Behaviourists believe that man is created with an animal instinct and can only be trained well. With help of both Conditioning theory and Islamic Education we can reach towards the common goal of well-being. Islamic Education teaches and trains human being to lead a spiritual life from ‘cradle to grave’. No religion except Islam gives a vivid explanation how to live a healthy life throughout. It explains each and every way through which we can lead a balanced life. In this paper the researcher has explained the various aspects related to spiritual conditioning of ethical and moral values in the light of Quran and Sunnah. (Jointly
- Factors Effecting on Study Habits, World Journal of Educational Research (USA), 3(1), 2016, 145 – 150. ISSN 2375-9771. (Citations: 21)
The present study was undertaken with the objectives to find out the impact of Socio-economic Status as well as sex differences on study habits of class VII students (100) of Government Colleges of Amroha District. The effects of two independent variables on study habits of the aforementioned students were assessed by using two Psychological tests namely Socio-economic Status Scale (Urban); by Dr. Kulshrestha and Rao’s Study Habits Inventory. The findings indicated a significant effect of gender on study habits of the subjects. The effect of Socio-economic Status on study habits was found to be insignificant. Interaction effect of sex difference and Socio-economic Status was also not significant.
- Women Empowerment: An Islamic Preview, Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education, 47(2), 2016, 161 – 163. ISSN: 0378 – 1003.
Like the Muslim Personal Law and the issues of birth control, the role of Muslim women has been a topic surrounded by thick walls of controversy and sentimentalism. Such ‘Volatile’ topics require very cool thinking to get at objective assessment. Islam’s radical revolutionary call gave women their due status and rights in society in times of the “Days of Ignorance” more than 1,400 years ago. One of the objectives of Islam was and continues to be of modernizing the thinking, living, seeing, hearing and feelings of women and striving for women’s upliftment and emancipation in society. Any discussion on the role of Muslim women or for that matter role of woman vis-a-vis any religion or society requires one to delve deep into historical processes and factors. Moreover, the role in most cases is a relative term.
- Knowledge: A verb or a Noun in Education for Sustainable Development, International Journal of Elementary Education (USA), 5(6), November 2016, 58 – 62. (Jointly with Ms Fouzia Khanam). (Citations: 02)
Knowledge is the fact of knowing about something, general understanding or familiarity with the subject. The goal of quality education for Sustainable development is achievable, if, knowledge of Sustainable development is understood in a right direction. Knowledge according to revised Bloom’s Taxonomy has two dimensions; knowledge as theory in content, and knowledge as action in verbs, making a taxonomical grid. The present efforts in education is more towards ESD knowledge as content than knowledge as action, that makes scope of ESD very limited. In the present study a comparative analysis of the students of Madrasa and Non Madrasa background (the two very different medium of instruction) was given a questionnaire to test their knowledge content about Sustainable development. The conclusion is drawn according to the result done on the premise developed earlier.
- Role of Education in Building Social Cohesion, International Journal of Secondary Education (USA), 4(2), May 2016, 23 – 26. ISSN: 2376-7464. (Citation: 14)
Social Cohesion is the expression of that tradition of tolerance in all religions and cultures that are the basis of peace and progress. It is foreign to know culture and native to all nations. Tolerance and mercy have always and in all cultures being ideals of Government rules and human behavior. Professional educator often comments on the poor quality of education, politician and bureaucrats try to paint it as unproductive and a liability to the society. Social cohesion educational challenges are vital, crucial and powerful. We have to respond to the challenges immediately and continuously, so as to achieve the goals of democratic state.
- A Study of Academic Achievement of Upper Primary School Students in Relation to their Socio- economic Status, sian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 7(6), June 2017, 121- 127. (Jointly with Mohammad Faaz). doi: 10.5958/2249-7315.2017
The present study is aimed to find out the impact of Socio-economic Status on the academic achievement of students belonging to upper primary stage. For this purpose a sample consisting of 121 students from class VII was taken from A.M.U School by using Simple Random Sampling technique. Socio-economic Status scale developed by R.L. Bhardwaj (2014) was used for data collection purpose. Marks obtained by the students in the previous class was used as an indicator of their academic achievement. Data was analyzed by using Karl Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and t-test. The findings of the study revealed the fact that there exists a high and positive relationship between Socio-economic Status and academic achievement of students at Upper Primary stage. Also the study showed that academic achievement varies according to the variation in Socio-economic level of students. Those students who belong to high Socio-economic Status usually achieve higher marks and grades in their schooling while those who come from middle and lower Socio-economic Status background obtained average and lower marks in their schooling.
- Reasoning Pattern and Reasoning Qualities of Successful Mathematics Teachers, International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(6), June 2017, 60 – 62. ISSN: 2254 – 9916.
It is an alarming situation that students are not doing well in mathematics at school as well as at college and university level in India. There is a need to pay attention to this problem. A very small portion of the students passing out of school system prefer to study mathematics as a main subject at college/university level. Those who pass their secondary level examination prefer to go either to the engineering courses or to medical courses. If they are unable to find seats in either of these professional courses, they take up admission in any undergraduate programme just to get themselves enrolled in the university and prepare for another chance for admission to professional courses mentioned above, and do not pay serious attention to the courses at undergraduate level, which they pursue. Many of those who go for study of mathematics as a subsidiary subject with less interest do not take the subject seriously and feel contented with minimum test scores required for a pass. Out of 1100 secondary school pass-outs included in the sample for this study, only 2.09% studied mathematics at postgraduate stage and preferred to join the Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.) course and undergo training as teachers of mathematics. The major objective of this paper is to answers the question why we are not getting good mathematics teachers for schools in India.
- Construction and Validation of Environmental Ethics Attitude Scale, IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies, 7 (3),2017, 240 – 249. (Jointly with Nikhat)
The aim of the study is to assess the attitude of teachers towards environmental ethics and to develop ethics in them in case of lack of concern towards it. After reviewing so many relevant literatures the investigators considered the three dimensions of environmental ethics i.e., anthropocentrism, eco- centrism and bio-centrism and constructed 84 items based on these dimensions. Investigators consulted 15 experts from various educational and environmental fields for the content and face validity of scale. After expert judgment, 19 items were rejected for overall ambiguities while 65 items were selected for preliminary try-out of the scale over 100 teachers selected through Simple Random sampling technique. Final draft of the scale with 54 items was administered over 300 teachers both from eastern and western Uttar Pradesh. After final item analysis of Environmental Ethics Attitude Scale, 46 items were retained on the basis of the t-value, which was found significant (0.05 level of significance). Out of these 46 items, 34 are positive and 12 are negative statements. The reliability of the tool was 0.836 by Alpha Cronbach to check internal consistency of the tool and by Split Half Test was 0.734.
- A Study of Relationship Between Attitude Towards Science and Academic Achievement of Upper Primary School Students, North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science and Humanities (IGSH), 3(8), August 2017, 38 - 45. (Jointly with Mohammad Faa
The present study is aimed to find out the impact of attitude towards Science on the academic achievement of students belonging to upper primary stage. For this purpose a sample consisting of 120 students from class VII were taken from A.M.U Schools by using Simple Random Sampling Technique. Attitude Towards Science Scale developed by Dr. Anuradha Agnihotri (2009) was used for data collection purpose. Marks obtained by the students in the previous class were used as an indicator of their academic achievement. Data was analyzed by using Karl Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and t- test. The findings of the study revealed the fact that there exists a moderate and positive relationship between attitude towards Science and academic achievement of students at Upper Primary stage. Also the study showed that academic achievement varies according to the variation in attitude towards Science students.
- Impact of Socio-economic Status on Academic Achievement Among the Senior Secondary School Students, Educational Quest: An Int. J. of Education and Applied Social Science, 8(3), Aug 2017, 1 – 7. (Jointly with Md. Rofikul Islam). doi: 10.5958/2230-7311.2017
In the present study, the researcher intended to examine and explore the impact of Socio-economic Status on Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students. The investigator used descriptive survey research method for the present study and selected 170 Senior Secondary School students as a sample population from four Secondary schools by using Simple Random Sampling Technique. Socio-economic Status Scale (SESS) developed by Kalia and Sahu (2012) was used for data collection regarding student’s Socio-economic Status and previous annual marks of the students considered as Academic Achievement of the students were collected from office record book. The researcher analysed the data by applying Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and t-test as statistical techniques with the help of IBM SPSS 20.0. The findings of the study showed that there is positive correlation exist between Socio-economic Status and Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School students, it also highlight that significance difference is present among different SES group in their Academic Achievement. It further revealed that there is no significant difference between male and female students in their Academic Achievement.
- Impact of Locality and Type of School Management on Academic Achievement of School Students at National Level: An Analysis, Asian Research Consortium: Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 7(11), November 2017, 99-107. (Jointly wit
In the present study, the researchers wanted to study the impact of residential locality of the students and school management types on academic achievement of the student at national level. Academic achievement indicates the final learning outcomes of pupils. For a student academic achievement is important not only for higher education and finding job but also for personal satisfaction and social recognition. Today good academic achievement is becoming more important for an individual to have. Each individual may vary in their academic success and such variation may be attributed to host of factors i.e. heredity as well as environmental. The major objectives of the study are (i) to know the differential impact of locality of student on their academic achievement, (ii) to examine the impact of types of school on student?s academic achievement. The whole study is based on secondary data derived from sources like- NAS-NCERT, ESG-MHRD etc. The results shows that differences in academic achievement is prevailed at national level on the ground of living locality of the students and management type of school. The difference may be because of funding, lack of infrastructure and many more. The study may help in removing achievement gap by suggesting some remedial measurable action.
- Attitude of Teachers Towards In-Service Training for the Improvement in Quality of Teaching at School Level, International Education and Research Journal (IERJ), 3(8), August 2017, 73 – 75. (Jointly with Nikhat). ISSN: 2254 – 9916.
In the present study the investigator try to find out the attitude of teachers towards in-service training for the improvement in quality of teaching at school level of Aligarh district. The present study was conducted with the objectives to determine the training methodologies and their impact on improvement in quality of teaching. The sample comprising of 112 teachers of Aligarh of both central and state schools were selected through purposive sampling procedure based on the availability of school teachers who have attended in-service training specially refresher course. A self administered survey questionnaire was used to collect the necessary data.The finding of the study showed that in-service training specially refresher courses is responsible for the improvement in quality of teaching in senior secondary school teachers of Aligarh district.
- A Study of School Environment and its Impact on Academic Achievement among the Senior Secondary School Students.North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities 3 (11), November 2017, 139 – 150. (Jointly with Md. Rofikul Islam).
Home and school environment are the two-important factors which exerts maximum influence on student’s life. In the present study we intended to investigate the impact of school environment on academic achievement of Senior Secondary School and examine the relationship between school environment and academic achievement. We adopted descriptive quantitative survey research methodology and collected data of 115 students from Senior Secondary Schools of Aligarh District. School Environment Inventory developed by Mishra (2012) and marks scored by the students in the final examination has been taken as academic achievement of the students were the tools. The data has been analysed by using t - test and Pearson’s coefficient of correlation by statistical techniques. The findings of the study showed that linear but very minute positive correlation (insignificant) exist between school environment and academic achievement of the students. The study further reveals that male and female students differ regarding their school environment.
- Measuring the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Pre-service Teachers in Relation to Their Gender and Stream, American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, 22(1), March – May 2018. 50 – 55. ISSN 23
The present study is aimed to find out the level of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Pre-service teachers. The study also finds out the effect of gender and streams on TPACK of Pre- service teachers. For this purpose a sample consist of 131 pre-service teachers of department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh were selected by using Simple Random Sampling technique. TPACK scale developed by Hosseini, Z., & Anand, K.(2012)was used for data collection purpose. Data were analyzed by Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test and ANOVA. The findings of the study revealed the fact that on TPACK scale Pre-service teachers have high mean score in Technological Knowledge and low mean score in Technological Content Knowledge. The present study indicates that, both male and female differs in Technological Knowledge, but overall TPACK of pre-service teachers have no difference on the basis of gender. Similarly there exists no significant difference in Technological pedagogical Content knowledge of pre-service teachers among different streams (science, art and social-sciences).
- Role of ICT on the Academic Achievement of Madrasa Students, International Research in Education 8 (2), 2020, 23 – 32. (Jointly with Nikhat) (Citations: 01)
In the present study, investigators tried to find out the role of ICT on the academic achievement of Madrasa students in Aligarh district. The study was conducted with the objective to determine whether ICT is helping to improve the academic achievement of the students in relation to demographic variables as gender and Socio-economic status. The sample comprising of 380 students of both experimental group and control group were selected through randomized sampling procedure. The experimental groups taught with ICT while the control group with the traditional method. The statistical techniques used in the study was descriptive analysis and independent t-test. The findings of the study showed that after treatment the experimental group perform better in the academic learning as compared to the control group in both demographic variables as gender and Socio-economic status.