Dr. Naushaba Anjum
Assistant Professor
Western Philosophy, Logic and Indian Philosophy
Jalalpur, District Ambedkar Nagar, U.P.
Dr. Naushaba Anjum is an assistant professor in the department of philosophy, A.MU. Aligarh. After graduating from Abdullah Women's College, AMU, Aligarh, she pursued Post Graduation in Philosophy from department of Philosophy, AMU, Aligarh. She ranked first in M.A. and obtained University Gold Medal. After her M.A., she qualified for UGC-NET in 1998 and was also awarded scholarship for her Ph.D. by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi. During her research period, Dr. Naushaba Anjum has been teaching classes at UG and PG levels. She submitted her Ph.D. thesis in 2004 and was appointed as Lecturer in the department of Philosophy in the same year. Two of her research papers on Humanitarism of M.N. Roy and of Erich Fromm have been published in department journal, The Aligarh Journal of Islamic Philosophy. Her teaching interest includes Logic and Scientific Method, Western Philosophy and Existentialism.
- Socio-Psycho Concept of Man : An Analysis by Erich Fromm
- Social Justice through Humanism: M.N.Roy and Erich Fromm Download PDF
- The Essence and Existence of Man: With Special Reference to Erich Fromm Download PDF
- Notion of Alienation, An Existential Approach Download PDF
- Erich Fromm's Approach of Mental Health in Modern Society
- Erich Fromm's Critique of Industrial Society
- Erich Fromm's Concept of Religious Humanism
- Marx and Fromm on Alienation: An Overview
- The Concept of Justice in Islamic Philosophy
- Erich Fromm's Humanistic Ethics: A Philosophical Study
- Humanism in Contemporary Society: An analysis by Erich From
- Responsibility of Indian Muslims Towards The Media Download PDF